

This is Mars 2017 : Ancient City Ruins Discovered On The Surface Of Mars

2017-08-27 11:38:57 | GFLJ速報

Mars has given us so much to think about
in the last couple of years that it's
hard to put it all together from a
barren and desolate planet Mars has
proven us that it's more interesting
than we'd ever thought before Mars is
approximately half the diameter of Earth
with a surface area only slightly less
than the total area of Earth's dry land
Mars is less dense than Earth having
about  percent of Earth's volume and
 percent of Earth's mass resulting in
about  percent of Earth's surface
gravity but Mars is extremely similar to
earth in many ways experts have proven
that the red planet was one strikingly
similar to earth having an atmosphere
lakes rivers and oceans covering his
surface not long ago NASA revealed that
Mars could have supported life as we
know it but everything changed when the
Red Planet lost its atmosphere according
to scientists the slow destruction of
our neighbours planet's atmosphere was
taught by huge rope like tendrils of
magnetic locations the Red Planet's once
hospitable atmosphere was blown away in
the distant past this means that when
Mars was much younger
it was much warmer and wetter meaning
that it was a very good candidate for
life to develop
scientists believe that Mars oceans
evaporated due to the planet spinning
atmosphere which caused it to leak into
space although Mars has no evidence of a
structured global magnetic field
observations show that parts of the
planet's crust have been magnetized
suggesting that alternating polarity
reversals of its dipole fields have
occurred in the past however there are
more things on Mars that have caused
confusion among experts NASA's Rovers
exploring Mars have noticed spikes in
methane readings on the surface of the
red planet on earth
% of all methane in the atmosphere is
produced by living organisms curiosity
captured traces of methane on the Red
Planet and scientists believe this could
point to the presence of life on the Red
Planet at this precise moment
although there are other possible
explanations but while Mars may not have
life now on its surface
many scientists argue that in the
distant past the red planet may have
supported life and not only primitive
life but advanced complex life forms
that may even have built structures on
its surface one such scientist is dr.
John a plasma physicist who got his
degree from UC Davis and who has
seemingly had a distinguished career as
a scientist argues that Martian life was
purposefully destroyed with news and a
scientific paper dr. Brandon Burke
argues that Mars shows based on new data
evidence that during this period of
earth-like climate biological evolution
produced at length a humanoid
civilization leaving ruins at several
sites Cydonia Mensa and galaxy is chaos
being to sites most intensively
investigated data from these sites
formed the basis for the cydonia
hypothesis Brandenburg DiPietro and
Molinar  of an ancient indigenous
approximately Bronze Age civilization on
Mars and curiously each day new images
from Mars prove that there's something
odd on its surface in the last couple of
years countless images from Mars have
been analyzed by alien hunters across
the globe some of them awkwardly so what
appeared to be artificially made
structures on the surface of the Red
all jokes aside some of the stuff found
on Mars makes you think what if somehow
life on Mars developed millions of years
ago and was eventually wiped out would
we not find traces of such life that
thing images being backed by NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter show an area on
the surface of Mars covered with odd
structures NASA's MRO captured numerous
images of strange shaped craters on the
surface of the Red Planet the images
show a surface covered in secondary
craters - but astronomers are mystified
by how they developed their raised
appearance in a statement NASA
scientists said
secondary craters formed from rocks
ejected at high speed from the primary
crater which then impact the ground at
sufficiently high speeds and make huge
numbers as much smaller craters over a
large region and they've seen however
the secondary crater ejecta has an
unusual race relief appearance like BA
relief sculpture nASA has admitted it
does not have a conclusive answer to
this enigma one idea is that the region
was covered with the layer of fine grain
materials like dust or pyro plastics
about one to two meters thick when bazoo
knoll impact occurred about a million
years ago and the ejecta served to
harden or otherwise protect the fine
grain layer from later erosion by the
wind wrote NASA in addition to the above
image from Mars other areas on the
surface of the red planet show equally
puzzling structures UFO and anomaly
hunters TVs structures as conclusive
evidence that an ancient civilization
may have existed on the surface of Mars
in the distant past located munition
Planitia near the red planet's equator
are a series of structures that have
sparked an online debate about ancient
life on Mars the controversial images
were also taken by NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter m dot r dot o if
we search for further information about
Mars and the possibility that I was
inhabited at some point in the distant
past we come across one of the most
fascinating statements to both the Red
Planet made when general Stubblebine
said there are structures of the surface
of Mars I will tell you for the record
that there are structures underneath the
surface of Mars dot cannot be seen by
the Voyager cameras that went by in
I will also tell you that there are
machines on the surface of Mars and
there are machines under the surface of
Mars dot you can look at you can find
out in detailed you can see what they
are where they are who they are and a
lot of detail about them
