


2017-08-22 01:41:48 | GFLJ速報

my name is Jan horizont I'm the
executive director for MUFON we are a
scientific research organization that
basically collects sighting reports from
the public and then goes investigates
them our mission statement as an
organization is the scientific study of
UFOs for the benefit of humanity and we
have three primary goals the investigate
UFO reports we promote research into the
UFO subject and we educate the public on
our findings everybody hear me all right
of the big shout out to Jan Hardman and
many of you know that we have been doing
a lot of research on of person.this and
there's a lot of controversy around it
what I want to cover is on all the
scientific research but I also want to
put it in a larger framework and that is
the area has had a very long history of
contact with extraterrestrial
civilizations sightings of luminous
objects going into the foothills in this
area and most intriguingly and this is
thanks to a fantastic researcher who has
gone down there to the site where this
body was excavated and found if there
have been reports of humanoids that have
been seen coming out during the full
moon or visible during moonlight but not
seen during the day and apparently they
live under the ground now what's
interesting about that is that the
question becomes will we find in our
genetic analysis that there's some kind
of sensitivity to the UV ultraviolet
spectrum that we have here on earth I
think we might I just have notified the
genetics team it's doing all the
research on this with us of this salient
fact to begin to look through the
genetic material and this entire
adventure I went on started a man came
up to me and he had a smartphone and he
hit the button and started playing a
video of this
creature and I thought to myself what
the hell is this and my first take on it
this has got to be a hoax can't be no
way and then he began to share with me
some other information about it asked me
to come and look at it I put on surgical
gloves and was holding examining no
question it's an organic intact non
hoaxed specimen of some type so at that
point we thought well what are we going
to do they were not comfortable with us
taking it there's all kinds of things
swirling to my head we got to figure
this thing out
now I looked at some initial x-rays and
I said yep this is the actual organism
this is not someone put together chicken
bone and faked some kind of creature so
at this point I'm thinking we've really
got to drill down on this but they
weren't comfortable with us doing
anything invasive of to the specimen and
the main reason they invited me over so
is I'm a medical doctor and also the
head of the global disclosure movement
so they wanted me to know about this but
they wouldn't let us do anything with it
so and we approached them against it
look we really want to come over there
and do the following because we have a
team that we've assembled at Stanford
University who wants to do the genome
the genetic research and also study the
morphology with the top experts in the
world who study skeletal dysplasias now
I'm going to you're going to get a big
biology lesson today you may not like
that but you bear with me
dysplasias or abnormality of the
skeletal form and usually those have a
genetic phenotype you know there's sort
of route so you're you have a gene that
will give you dwarfism a gene that will
give you Marfan syndrome very long bones
you know I'm  but I don't have more
offense in them don't worry I have other
things but I don't have mark incentive
here's the thing is that if we can look
at this and do a thorough review we
thought maybe we're going to find
something extraordinary here so given
this as a gift from Stanford now
remember that the man doing the genetic
work is dr. Gary Nolan he's the Harris
chairs an endowed chair so he can pretty
much do what he wants
the man doing the work on studying and
comparing the genetic defects from a
skeletal point of view dr. Ralph Lachman
is the number-one person in the world on
skeletal dysplasias and in particular
neonatal and in childhood
so he's the number one person in the
world not at Stanford but on earth they
all volunteer to do this without charge
in the interest of science and also in
the interest of disclosure so we have a
real debt of gratitude to Stanford and
these scientists now at that point we
then were able to convince them to go
over there so we fly over and of course
here we come with our gowns and our
masks and our surgical stuff and we take
two of the anterior posterior anterior
of inferior ribs clippings you know it's
a few millimeters but inside of each of
these clippings was bone marrow and when
we looked at it under the dissecting
microscope we said Eureka it was done
under sterile conditions put in a
sterile container provided by Stanford
and then it was forensic ly handed off I
just want to give you this background it
was a forensic completely controlled
scientific hand off actually I have a
home in Washington near the White House
and dr. Nolan flew in from California
was having a meeting I think with the
National Institutes of Health we met at
my place I personally handed it off to
him there he then took it and began to
process it it was done into the most
rigorous conditions and he ended up
consulting with the top experts in the
world on what it's called ancient DNA
now there's some confusion on this
ancient we're not talking mummies from
the Egyptians thousands of years ago
ancient DNA is that if you find a body
that's been dead for a year or two
that's considered ancient or old DNA why
because that DNA has been around long
enough to degrade from living DNA and
there's a whole different set of
protocols that you do scientifically to
find out and analysis and do it proper
so it has to be handled from the very
beginning I will not bore you with all
those details as you will all just your
eyes or roll back the fact is that the
point I'm trying to make is that dr.
Nolan and his team did this in the most
rigorous scientific way possible now
this is at the point where he thought it
would become fairly easy getting the
specimen wasn't easy figuring out the
protocols and then it was run that's
when the trouble started so let's I want
to go first to this first slide as you
can see from the morphology I'm going to
get into the genetic material in a
minute you have a very unusual shape
here this is ten ribs there are no
genetic syndromes in humans known in the
entire literature with ten ribs you have
a head that has four skull bones instead
of six you have long bones that are
developed that have and we're going to
get into this in a moment growth plates
a pissah theol plate it's good new word
for you guys to fit the seal but you
know you have growth plates and kids you
can see them there are so many
abnormalities what we call a global
level of abnormalities that there is no
known genetic syndrome in the world that
has ever been described that this
life-form fits whatever it was we
believe it lived between  and
years ago probably late s this is
still being looked at there's something
called a genetic clock where you can
actually look at the genetic material
and see how long it's degraded carbon
dating is going to be more difficult
because we only took a very tiny amount
of material from these ribs right here
so the eye sockets are totally different
the size of the cranium is amazingly
different from here
look at your neighbor sitting next to
you from their eyebrows to the top of
their head
in here this is about three times the
cranial vault of a homo sapien a human
which is very consistent with a lot of
other humanoid sightings just making
this point it also has a very different
shape scapula and we'll go through some
more of these pictures if you look at
the back I don't know how well they're
coming out here the scapula is very
differently shaped and here's a view of
the eye socket and the sort of bossing
over the what looked like an eyelid that
is actually bony material but we did
take some meningeal material and some
matter out of the skull and that is in
part of the collection that we have the
radiology place going WTF is this I mean
it's not every day you walk in with one
of these what is this and the first
thing that the chief of the series
Medical Center dr. mantong said is a
woman physician radiologist chief of
radiology said oh my god it's an alien I
said I'm not going to say that but you
can so anyway so I'm not going to go
through all the abnormalities they are
TNT C which is a term in medicine too
numerous to count there are so many
abnormalities versus a human and have
all the abnormalities found in one
creature one specimen is very unique
there is a lot of bad information on the
internet about this has been written by
quack doctors quack scientists debunkers
fools and Liars so I know I'm blunt
everyone loves it or they hate it deal
with it this report is the most
important thing that's come about is dr.
lachman's assessment and his imprimatur
and these are all the things that he
found abnormalities he does of course
mention the obvious relative facial
hypoplasia now one thing that he also
has said since then that he didn't put
in his report is that the epiphysis eel
findings as a led
were found throughout the entire
skeletal system dr. mantong when she
looked at it immediately made the same
comment well the cat scan that they may
be able to figure that out
the cat scan shows internal organs so it
shows the lungs that have collapsed what
looks like a small but left of a heart
was less of a heart in the ribcage so
that was totally intact that's also an
amazing finding because if you were
going to just put together something
with a bunch of bones and what-have-you
you're not going to also be able to put
together under cat scan imagery proof of
internal organs that are still there the
whole process of analyzing this both
from the point of view of the genetics
and of what dr. Lachman found now the
genetics you understand these scientists
are not going to say this is an EXO
biological specimen it's not possible so
they're going to say and they have to
say and until proven otherwise it's some
kind of bizarre human now the genetics
however have become very difficult now I
want to just explain a little bit about
how you do a genetic run on something
like this
you take the genetic material in this
case the bone marrow that we got from
the ribs you then isolate that genetic
material it's not it was very rich
meaning that it did not have to go
through a lot of PCR polymerase chain
reaction replication where you can get a
lot of errors so it was a very pure very
rich being example normally when you run
they might sample your sample against
the , ethnic groups that are in the
genetic database of the human genome
project you get a very very very high
match this one they took it purified it
ran it at the three top loss lab
laboratories in the world three separate
ones with now  X  times
checking checking it  times and there
are two million base pairs or % of the
genetic material unmatched let me repeat
that with x magnification or
replication it's still a % unmatching
now sometimes you'll get  or % and a
bad take  that it's very corrupted but
this wasn't corrupted DNA and therefore
the issue really becomes how you get a
% unmatched on a sample that was done
at the top labs in the world where you
normally would not expect that so this
is the unexplained heart is a
computerized run against the known human
genetic now the National Security Agency
and majestic may have this but I do not
have a database of et civilizations
genetic therefore we don't have et
genetic material to compare it to all we
can do is run it against humans now keep
in mind that a mouse is % a tentacle
to you and me a chimpanzee is  percent
identical Neanderthals which of course
are extinct extinct well there's some
people you wonder but perfect but
they're .% identical to humans
there's a Neanderthal all right so
Neanderthals and Homo sapiens modern
humans are .% identical if you have
that much concordance between
Neanderthals and us what's the
difference between a creature like this
and I now normally if you have a genetic
defect that leads to say Down syndrome
which is a trisomy everybody knows that
then I won't go into all the genetic
syndromes but you know you can map that
and it can cause all kinds of problems
it's from one mutation something like
this appears not to be one mutation and
even more amazing and dr. Nolan goes on
to explain this is that so where he was
expecting to find abnormalities or
not abnormal and there's % of the
genetic material which is  million base
pairs that if were kicked out by the
computers that we can't match this weird
so now the hard part starts why because
you have two million base pairs that
could theoretically represent a thousand
genes that has to be looked at one by
one by one to see what they do that's
going to take years and probably
millions of dollars unless we can
recruit a lot of people to do it what's
really important for you to understand
is that people have taken his comment
saying well this deformed human well
what else is he going to say it's from
Stanford he privately he knows that
nobody knows what this is and he will
admit of he will say we don't know what
it is so when you ask me what is this I
will tell you I don't know and neither
do you and if there's a quack out there
telling you they do know what it is
there's not only a liar put a damn liar
and they don't know anything about
