ゴルフタイムスの世界   Eagle Eye


正しい歴史認識    日本と韓国が、互恵関係の友誼に戻るために 4

2014-11-01 | 日本の未来


「史実を世界に発信する会」事務局長 茂木弘道


古賀 剛大 様







平成26年10月31日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝


Lies Inscribed on the Glendale Monument and the Comfort Women Controversy

Moteki Hiromichi, Secretary

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


   A “comfort Woman” statute was elected in the city venue of Glendale, California last year in spite of strong protest of Japanese, residents in the city as well as in Japan.

   As introduced in this paper, statements inscribed in the monument are all fabricated stories or lies. Moreover these not only denigrate Japanese people but also inflame Korean people’s hatred against Japanese. As its natural consequence, it is reported that many Japanese children living in California are bullied by Korean children.

   One of those children’s parent requested me to refute this unjust inscriptions. I sent her a brief paper with various source information, which prove the comfort women accusation is not based on the facts.

   Now that The Asahi Newspaper admitted its failure to assess Yoshida Seiji’s comfort women abduction story and announced that 16 articles concerning Yoshida related story were to be cancelled on August 5th issue, I have written this paper enlarging the brief paper I sent to a parent in Los Angels.

   When Yoshida’s story proves to be a total lie, the whole story of the sex slave accusation of the comfort women completely collapses. I’m convinced that you will agree with my opinion if you read this paper.



Questions are welcome.




MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: 03-3519-4366

Fax: 03-3519-4367

Email moteki@sdh-fact.com

URL http://www.sdh-fact.com

Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom. 

Thanks to Mr.Moteki , for your contribution between Japan and Korea, with true history of the continued problems。



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