テーマはフリー! JAM+BLOG


2009年01月28日 | travel
Aloha!! Everyone! Long time no see, to meet at the blog!
Now I'm in Iceland. The jet-lag is 9 hours between Japan and here.
The day before yesterday I was in Greenland. And its jet-lag is 12 hours between Japan and there. And yesterday I was in Copenhagen, Denmark. Its jet-lag is 8 hours between Japan and Denmark.
In this time, almost everday change the local time. It's a little bit hard to be used to the local time.
Today it's snowy in Iceland. But I hard that Japan had also snow recently.
In this time, I had experienced the world of the temperature almost -30 degrees. It's really cold. I don't remember, how to say in English ...."matsuge"
It's iced in such a temperature.
But I could say that I can survive in such a world! (warai)
"Ningen nantoka narumonda. Sonna samui ondo demo!" ttene.

This tuor's main goal is seeing Aurora(Northern lights).
Then I did it!! I did it!!
But, the northern lights which I saw, last year were much better.
In this time, I have more 3 chances to see it. Then I really believe it to see specutaclar northern lights shows again in this tour!!

Northern lights makes me really exciting!! Really nice! Fantastic!!
Therefore, the coldness, we don't care during seeing them.

Last year I tried to take some pictures for Northern lights. But in this time, I've never tried again. Just see!!
Because the nice picture of it can't be taken by the small degital camera.
Seeing them is really nice!!

Last year, I thought if one have times and money, it had better to see the Northern lights once in your life. But!!! in this time, I saw it again.
I think!!the Northern lights are really good. it's realy good many times to see them in one life!!(warai)

If I can not go to Mexico, Guatemara and other middle and south Africa while I've been working this job, I don't care. Because I have already seen the northern lights 7 times in my life. Then, middle and south africa, I will go there by myself in farther future!!(warai)

I really pray that I will be able to see northern lights again in this tour.(^^)

See you!!
here, it's gonna be almost 21 o'clock.