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文豪ストレイドッグスで覚える英語 264 第五期 より その17「乱歩さんの『超推理』が!ついに『神威...

2023-09-25 23:05:39 | 英語
文豪ストレイドッグスで覚える英語 264 第五期 より その17「乱歩さんの『超推理』が!ついに『神威』の 正体がわかる!」

❤️ (私の訳) But your have"that" , Ranpo-san.
💙(ネットで見つけた英語訳←必ずしも正しいとは言えない😅) You have"that" after all. ←『いずれにせよ』 after all

乱歩「もしかして これが見たいのか?」
❤️ You mean you wanna see this ?
💙 Oh , did you want to see these ?←ここでは glasses メガネ のことを指して these と言っている

❤️ I know. Here you are.
💙 Right, you mean this !

乱歩「仕方ないな 社長には内緒だぞ」
❤️ I can't help... don't tell to the president.
💙 Don't tell the president , all right ?

敦「乱歩さんの『超推理』が!ついに『神威』の 正体がわかる!」
❤️ Ranpo-san is going to use his super-deduction ! We will know the real life identity of Kamui.
💙 Finally , Ranpo-san's super deduction. Now we'll know the identity of Kamui. ←こっちのほうが簡単でいいと思う

❤️ I wonder who is Kamui .
💙 Who is Kamui ? ←これだけでいいのか

❤️ Kamui is the one who got a big profit from this terror case.
💙 Kamui stands to profit a great deal from this terror.

「ゴーゴリやドストエフスキーといった 超級の異能者を手駒として使役している」
❤️ He's using super abilities users like Gogol and Dostoevsky as a pawns .
💙 And Kamui is taking super powered skill users like Gogol and Dostoyevsky ...and using them like game pieces.

「証拠はない だが辻褄は合う」
❤️ I don't have any proof, but it explains everything. ←『辻褄が合う』that explains everything. (全ての説明が付く)
💙 I have no evidence.. but everything fits perfectly. ←『全てがピッタリくる』

「だが 動機は?…そうかこれが貴方の『生きる路』か」
❤️ However , what's the motive ? Oh... this is the way you've chosen.
💙 Bit what is his motive? Oh ... so this is your "way" in life ?

「何が出来る 僕が気付いたことに奴も気付いた」
❤️ What can I do ? He's noticed that I've realized...
💙 What can I do ? He knows that I've onto him.

「敦 すまない! 僕のミスだ」
❤️ I'm sorry , Atsushi , it's my bad.
💙 Atsushi, I'm sorry. messed up.

♥ Run away ! There's no hope of you beating him. ←『勝ち目はない』have no hope of beating
💙 You have to run. There's no way you can win.

敦「あれは−−−ポオさんの ミステリ『万一の避難場所』として乱歩さんが所持していた」
♥ It's the mystery that Poe wrote and Ranpo-san had it as the last evacuation.
💙 That's... Poe-san's mystery novel . He carries it as a last-ditch escape.

「それともう一つ 神威の異能は」
♥ And one more thing! His ability is ...
💙 One more thing. Kamui's skill when he has ----



