Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Japan Times ライター Ben Stubbingsさん

2013年08月10日 23時18分51秒 | Weblog

Ken Y-N August 10, 2013 at 10:12 pm

@VK: Yes, Ben Stubbings is (as far as I am aware) the sole person in charge of the Community page of the JT. He is also the main (only?) supporter of Mr Arudou in the JT, based on some of Mr Arudou’s comments. Therefore, retaliating against Japologism, as the most obvious source of Just Be Cause/Arudou criticism, is the stake he has.


Japan Times

Ben Stubbings

Ben Stubbings


Ben Stubbings

 Ben Stubbings

Ben Stubbings 


2013年08月10日 12時37分21秒 | Weblog
【国連難民募金のお願い】 - japanforunhcr.org‎

US ready to accept thousands of Syrian refugees
Published time: August 09, 2013 20:27 Get short URL

Two thousand Syrians will be granted the opportunity to live in the US, marking a significant increase from the approximately 90 Syrian refugees the US admitted over the last two years, according to Foreign Policy’s The Cable.




” ほんとに日本の社会知ったら、反日の気持ちはなくなりました・・・”

2013年08月10日 12時08分22秒 | Weblog
「冷え込む日中関係 留学生の“役割”」 2013/08/08 放送



 「歴史の教科書見たら、そこの事件とか文章とか読んだら、反日の気持ちが少し生じますよね・・・ でも実際に日本に来て、日本人を見たら、いろいろいい面が見ました・・・ ほんとに日本の社会知ったら、反日の気持ちはなくなりました・・・」


 因みに、ニフコJapan Times のコラムニストによるヘイトブログでの数々のコメントとの違いにも注目。やはり、日本語ができるかできないか、は大きい。


2013年08月10日 11時59分06秒 | Weblog
「負の歴史」教育必要 ストーン監督、日米学生に指摘

琉球新報 8月9日(金)9時50分配信
「負の歴史」教育必要 ストーン監督、日米学生に指摘








2013年08月10日 11時53分43秒 | Weblog
FRIDAY, AUG 9, 2013 09:34 PM +0900
Teen Tasered to death by Florida police
The family of an 18-year-old graffiti artist is demanding an investigation

It has been an indicting week for the Florida police. First, a local sheriff defended his officers for carrying out “standard protocols” when they shot an unarmed 65-year-old black man 15 times in his own driveway. Now, police in Miami Beach face investigation after Tasering to death 18-year-old graffiti artist Israel Hernandez.




"we do have a domestic spying program", said Obama’s former adviser.

2013年08月10日 09時58分03秒 | Weblog
Obama’s former adviser ridicules statement that NSA doesn’t spy on Americans
Published time: August 09, 2013 15:18
Edited time: August 09, 2013 15:53

"Everybody knows I love this president, but this is ridiculous," former-Special Adviser for Green Jobs Van Jones said Wednesday on CNN. "First of all, we do have a domestic spying program, and what we need to be able to do is figure out how to balance these things, not pretend like there’s no balancing to be done.”

The remark made by Jones, who currently serves as a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, directly contrasts with comments Obama made earlier in the week to late night talk show host Jay Leno.

“We don’t have a domestic spying program,” Obama told Leno during a Tuesday night interview. "What we do have are some mechanisms where we can track a phone number or an email address that we know is connected to some sort of terrorist threat."



Obama to Putin: Do as I say, not as I do… アメリカ様に逆らっちゃいけませんぜ。

2013年08月10日 08時04分04秒 | Weblog
Obama to Putin: Do as I say, not as I do…

Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in Argentina.

Get short URL Published time: August 09, 2013 12:42

Obama doesn’t seem to understand that to think correctly about the future, requires learning from the experience of the past. Addressing the Snowden Affair in isolation is but another example of US double-standards and double talk.

As journalist Glenn Greenwald of London’s The Guardian newspaper reminded his readers on that same day, whilst Obama and the mainstream media today express so much distress over Snowden’s Russian asylum, they seem to forget past cases where the tables were turned, and which did not involve a young, mild-mannered whistleblower, but rather where the US protected the worst criminals and murderers.

For instance, the US refused to heed an extradition request from Italy for two CIA agents indicted in the alleged 2003 abduction of an Egyptian cleric in Milan (New York Times, February 28, 2007); later, when CIA agent Robert Seldon Lady was released in Panama, he was flown back to the US to avert the possibility he might be extradited to Italy (Washington Post, July 19, 2013).

Then we have America’s refusal to extradite former CIA-supported Bolivian President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada - who for all practical purposes was given US asylum - so he could stand trial for genocide and war crimes in Bolivia (The Guardian, September 9, 2012). Or the case of Luis Posada Carriles, whose extradition to Venezuela was also refused by the US, over his alleged role in the 1976 terror bombing of a Cuban jetliner that killed 73 people (El Paso Times, December 30, 2010).

The list does not stop there. In recent years, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil filed repeated requests and legal summons asking the US to give up one Sir Henry A. Kissinger, wanted for questioning over his decades-long involvement with CIA-backed military regime murders in those countries during the 1970s, under a mass genocide strategy which later became known as ‘Plan Condor’.


2013年08月10日 07時04分15秒 | Weblog






 が、しかし、 いまのところ、究極的には、威嚇によってのみ、国の安全をまもれるのである。






2013年08月10日 06時40分13秒 | Weblog
8月8日 17時45分











Dying on your own terms

2013年08月10日 06時02分50秒 | Weblog

Against Cynicism
A philosopher's brilliant reasons for living

via mozu

his goal is, as he writes in You Must Change Your Life, “a provocative re-description of the objects of analysis.” Like a literary writer―and he once told an interviewer that he thought of writing the Spheres trilogy as a novel―Sloterdijk’s goal is to restate our basic quandaries in revelatory new language, to bring them home to us as living experiences instead of stale formulas. The prison of reason, the need for transcendence, the yearning for an absent meaning: these have been the stuff of literature and philosophy and theology for centuries

Human beings need to breathe an atmosphere not just of oxygen, but also of meanings and symbols and practices. The decline of religion meant the fouling of humanity’s old mental atmosphere, so that it is no longer breathable

By using technological reason, we have found ways to air-condition our bodies; but we must also find a way to use our reason to build air-conditioning systems for our souls. Only our minds can save us.

The symbolic air conditioning of the shared space is the primal production of every society.” Law, custom, ritual, and art are ways we create such nurturing spheres, which for Sloterdijk are not so much topological figures as emotional and spiritual micro-climates: “The sphere is the interior, disclosed, shared realm inhabited by humans―in so far as they succeed in becoming humans.”

There is something hopeful about this supplement: if we cannot re-gain God, Sloterdijk contends, we can still re-gain the sense of having an ally. Indeed, the “sphere” concept is powerful because of the way it rewrites the history of religion in respectful but fundamentally secular terms.

When Jesus on the cross declares “consummatum est,” Sloterdijk says that we ought to see this as a victor’s cry, equivalent to that of a Greek athlete winning a race or a wrestling match. The phrase should be translated, he argues, not as a passive “it is finished” but as “Made it!” or “Mission accomplished!” For the conquest of death is the ultimate goal of all spiritual training, and the great founders―Jesus, Buddha, Socrates―are those who won the championship by dying on their own terms.T
his phenomenon is what Sloterdijk refers to as “the outdoing of the gladiators by the martyrs.”

この記事を読んでも、さらに、 読んでみたいな、と思うような哲学者ではないが、

the conquest of death is the ultimate goal of all spiritual training, and the great founders―Jesus, Buddha, Socrates―are those who won the championship by dying on their own terms.T
his phenomenon is what Sloterdijk refers to as “the outdoing of the gladiators by the martyrs

この部分は なるほど! と思えたところ。
