Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

最悪 地獄の黙示録

2013年08月28日 23時41分48秒 | Weblog
The Independent認証済みアカウント

'Does President Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side?' writes Robert Fisk http://ind.pn/1cfADPL



Imminent U.S. strike on Syria could draw nation into civil war

By Ernesto Londoño and Ed O’Keefe, Wednesday, August 28, 9:11 AM

The best historical parallels ― the 1998 cruise missile strikes on targets in Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan ― are rife with unintended consequences and feature little success.


“The problem with Syria is that it’s bombing in the absence of a political plan,” said Hill, who worries that the government of President Bashar al-Assad could respond with even more chemical attacks. “I think we’re opening a big door. Every time you drop bombs on something, you can’t entirely predict the results.”


Christopher Harmer, a former Navy planner who is an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, said a quick military campaign that is not accompanied by a clear end goal is a terrible idea.

“Conducting a punitive attack that does not fundamentally alter the balance of power is in my opinion worse than doing nothing,” said Harmer, who last month drafted a report outlining how cruise missile strikes could degrade Syria’s air force and air defenses. U.S. bombs raining down on Damascus could boost Assad’s standing, giving credence that the war he is waging is one against external threats.


― Aug. 27 6:57 PM EDT
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And he warned that if the government collapses without a viable opposition to take its place, "we could inadvertently empower extremists or unleash the very chemical weapons we seek to control."


The immediate worry, then, would be retaliation by Assad and the possibility that attacks could send thousands more Syrians flooding across the borders into Turkey and Jordan seeking refuge.

"If Bashar Assad didn't hesitate to use chemical weapons against his own sleeping civilians, what's to stop him from using them against sleeping Turks, Jordanians or Israelis?" asked Michael Rubin, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.


"President Obama issued those words - red line - a little more than a year ago," said Rubin. "If you draw a line in the sand and you allow your opponent to cross, then that's not an issue of confidence only in Syria, but that's something the North Koreans will be watching, the Iranians will be watching and potentially other rogues around the globes will be watching. So the whole idea of a symbolic strike is to say 'you can't cross the line.'"


 無辜の市民を虐待し、殺す方法はいろいろあるし、中国、北朝鮮をはじめ、実際世界では、そうしたこと起きているわけですが、 現状の通常兵器、核兵器によるアメリカ優位の世界の軍事秩序を動揺させる威力を持つ核武装、及び化学兵器の使用は絶対に許すことはできない、と世界にメッセージを送っているわけですね。 


シリア 様々な見解

2013年08月28日 07時21分17秒 | Weblog

シリア 各国の反応 BBC

27 August 2013 Last updated at 13:18 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Syria crisis: Where key countries stand

米英仏 軍事行動に積極的的

ロシア、中国 は 反対



Syria Intervention May Endanger Merkel's Re-Election

This time around, though, Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to be betting that the horrific images that emerged from last week's apparent use of chemical weapons in Syria will be enough to trump the German electorate's traditional pacifism.

On Monday, she came out strongly in favor of an international response to the massacre last Wednesday. "The alleged widespread use of gas has broken a taboo," Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said. "It requires consequences and a very clear response is needed."

Foreign Minster Guido Westerwelle joined her. Saying the use of chemical weapons would be a "crime against civilization," Westerwelle said: "Should the use of such weapons be confirmed, the world community must act. At that time, Germany will belong to those who support consequences."


The US and the UK are routinely referred to as "hawks" in the German media
, the insinuation being that Washington and London are just waiting for an excuse to attack Syria.


As such, the line of argumentation taken by Merkel's challenger, the SPD chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück, is hardly surprising. "Given the confusion surrounding the situation in Syria, I would advise caution when it comes to the discussion over military intervention," Steinbrück said in an interview published on Monday with the southwestern German daily Südwest Presse.

He was joined in his circumspection by Green Party co-head Claudia Roth, who told SPIEGEL ONLINE that "all parties must reach a political solution as quickly as they can." She also said elsewhere that "we have extreme doubts that a military intervention will stop the conflict or de-escalate it."



America, Syria and chemical weapons
Guttering, choking, drowning
Aug 27th 2013, 12:25 by M.S.

The simplest explanation is just that America is willing to overlook or even abet the use of poison gas by its allies or associates, which Iraq was in 1988 when the Reagan administration was trying to contain Iran. When America's enemies use poison gas, on the other hand, it serves as a legitimate excuse to use military force against them, as in Syria today, or indeed in Iraq 15 years after its use of chemical weapons. This, however, is an unsatisfying explanation, because it implies that Barack Obama is looking for an excuse to attack Syria today, when he is plainly not. Mr Obama is visibly being dragged into war on Syria against all his inclinations and his better judgment. And you would think one lesson of 1988 is that if the American government doesn't want to punish a regime for using chemical weapons, it doesn't have to. So what is forcing Barack Obama to bomb Syria now?


One factor, obviously, is the fact that Mr Obama committed himself to treating the use of chemicals weapons as a red line. He did so at a moment when America was more disposed to intercede on behalf of the Syrian rebels (at least rhetorically, as with Hillary Clinton's "Assad must go" proclamation) than it is now; at the time, the chemical-weapons ultimatum might have seemed like a handy line in the sand, rather than the albatross neckwear it has since become. Another factor is the mounting international exasperation and sense of helplessness in the face of the carnage of the Syrian civil war. The fact that America views the Syrian regime and army as strategic enemies, whose patrons are Russia and Iran, rather than quasi-allies is certainly a necessary condition.

But the decisive factor is simply the rapid availability of mesmerisingly horrifying video imagery of the gas victims. In Iraq, video imagery of Saddam's Kurdish gas victims ultimately came out, but it took years; there was no sense of urgency or an ongoing threat. Even so, the imagery of the massacres ultimately seeded a longstanding American sympathy for the Kurdish cause and remained the clearest indictment of Saddam as a mass murderer. The impact of such video images rests partly on the unique horror of poison gas in the Western imagination.

一つには、オバマが設定した一線を越えたこと、さらに、地獄の様相を呈しているシリア状況を打開すべしという国際的な 気運の高まり、また、ロシアやイランが支持するシリア政権は戦略的にアメリカの敵であることなどあげられるが、決定的だったのは、毒ガスでやられた人々の残酷な映像であろう、と。


Reuters/Ipsos poll

As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Reuters Lesley Wroughton August 24, 2013

By Lesley Wroughton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed, a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.

About 60 percent of Americans surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria's civil war, while just 9 percent thought President Barack Obama should act.


Obama has been reluctant to intervene in the Syria war, where rebel forces opposed to Assad are made up of dozens of militant factions, some not friendly to the United States.


Obama is considering a range of options. The most popular option among Americans: not intervening in Syria at all. That option is backed by 37 percent of Americans, according to the poll.

Less popular options include air strikes to help the rebels (supported by 12 percent of Americans); imposing a "no-fly" zone over Syria that would ground Assad's air force (11 percent); funding a multi-national invasion of Syria (9 percent), and invading Syria with U.S. troops (4 percent).


Least Popular War Ever?


TUESDAY, AUG 27, 2013 05:55 AM +0900
Less popular than Nixon during Watergate: Our potential Syria intervention!
If Obama moves ahead in Syria, he'll have less of the public behind him than in any other military intervention

That makes the intervention less popular than communism, BP during the Gulf oil spill, less popular than Richard Nixon during Watergate, less popular than Paris ― and even less popular than Congress, that most hated of American institutions



Syria, Iraq and moral obscenities big and small
Other governments should be held to the same standard as Syria when it comes to use of chemical weapons.
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2013 14:16

Chemical weapons, and particularly the kind of nerve agents used by Saddam Hussein and now likely Bashar al-Assad's regime, are effective precisely because they can kill large numbers of people, can be used easily and indiscriminately against civilian targets, last long enough to cause damage well after the immediate fighting has ceased, and can help turn the tide of a conventional battle.

Because of these factors, the side subjected to ongoing chemical weapons attacks will usually seek to acquire and use them as well. This inevitably creates an arms race that will exacerbate an already deadly conflict.

Moral calculi

Beyond confirming their effectiveness as a weapon of war and terror, the US intelligence reports analysed by the Foreign Policy article are important for another reason. They reveal that the United States government not only knew about the use of chemical weapons by Iraq - in fact, the same neurotoxin, sarin, was most likely also used in the recent attack in Syria - but aided their use by providing satellite and other intelligence to the Iraqi government.

This reality leads to the question with which I began this column: Can a government that supported the use of chemical weapons in one conflict claim any moral, political or legal authority militarily to attack another country for using the same weapons, particularly when the attack is not authorised by the UN Security Council?

Not only did the US aid the use of chemical weapons by the former Iraqi government, it also used chemical weapons on a large scale during its 1991 and 2003 invasions of Iraq, in the form of depleted-uranium (DU) ammunition.

As Dahr Jamail's reporting for Al Jazeerahas shown, the use of DU by the US and UK has very likely been the cause not only of many cases of Gulf War Syndrome suffered by Iraq war veterans, but also of thousands of instances of birth defects, cancer and other diseases - causing a "large-scale public health disaster" and the "highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied" - suffered by Iraqis in areas subjected to frequent and intense attacks by US and allied occupation forces.

Thus what we have now is a situation in which a government (the United States) that has both supported and committed large-scale and systematic war crimes in one country (Iraq) is leading the international effort to stop Iraq's neighbour Syria from continuing to use chemical weapons against its own people.

The US is being opposed by other major powers, particularly Russia, which have their own history of committing large-scale war crimes, including the use of chemical weapons, such as in the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

アメリカが黙認したイラクの化学兵器使用のときがそうだったのように、化学兵器の使用は対通常兵器戦で、形成逆転するほどの威力をもっているが、無差別に被害が及び、また、その影響も残存、双方が使用し始めれば収拾がつかなくなる。アメリカはシリアによる化学兵器使用を moral obscenities 道義上極めて不快というが、アメリカもイラクが使用するときには、間接的に支援しており、また、自身も劣化ウラン弾を使用しているのだから、同様に道義上極めて不快なはずである。そのアメリカがこれまた、アフガンで化学絵兵器をつかったロシアに反対されている、というのが今の状況である。

A little common sense

The fact that the United States has supported and committed war crimes, including the use of chemical weapons (in Vietnam even more than in Iraq), does not mean that it should play no role in trying to stop Syria from continuing to commit its own war crimes.

Nor does it mean that we should ignore the crimes of the Assad regime and its allies in Russia, Iran, Lebanon or other places.

Imperfect though it may be, the international community must come together when possible to stop the kind of mass murder that has been witnessed in Syria during the last two years. But if we are to heed Kerry's call to respond to the alleged actions of the Syrian government in a manner that is "grounded in facts, informed by conscience and guided by common sense", then supporters and opponents of a forceful response should hold other governments accountable to the same standard.

This would mean getting rid of the UN Security Council veto enjoyed by the major powers, which has so often been used to shield themselves and their most important clients from punishment for war crimes and other violations of international law. It would also mean turning off the weapons tap across the region: in Israel as well as Saudi Arabia (with whom the US just signed an agreement to sell cluster bombs, another weapon banned under most interpretations of international law), in Egypt as well as in Syria.






Obama Succeeded in Libya; He's Failing in Syria
Why did the administration's response to the chemical weapons use not involve either punishing the commanders in charge or a strategy to secure the weapons?

The Russians, who have interests in not seeing the sectarian hostilities inside Syria drive other regional and transnational ethnic instabilities, have suggested numerous times that the White House walk back its rhetoric on Assad having to leave -- and then get all parties to commit to an election process or governance structure that would be inclusive of those protesting against the government. This is surely short of revolution that many human rights and global justice advocates desired -- but it might have been the best strategy to get the killing to stop.


Now, America is back in the game of the Syrian civil war and has used low-level use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime to justify stepping up military support provided directly to the rebels by the US. America has taken a side in the war -- and the Russians and Iranians are on the other. Thus, underway today in Syria is now clearly a proxy battle between regional and great global powers set on top of a sectarian civil war.

、アメリカが反政府軍に武器供与していた時点で、 対 ロシア・イランの代理戦争の様相を呈していたわけであり、ロシア、そして、中国にせよ、化学兵器の使用は反対するにせよ、ここでアメリカのやりたい放題にはさせない、ということであろう。


Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

by Shoebat Foundation on August 27, 2013 in Blog, General

An Atlantic column by Dominic Tierney from the same time argues that if we "strip away the moralistic opposition to chemical weapons" what we'll find lying underneath is "strategic self-interest... Powerful countries like the United States cultivate a taboo against using WMD partly because they have a vast advantage in conventional arms. We want to draw stark lines around acceptable and unacceptable kinds of warfare because the terrain that we carve out is strategically favourable." Even those who argue that chemical weapons are worse than conventional weapons assume they are only good at killing civilians indiscriminately, and not very practical for winning conventional battles.

Western logic on Syria: ‘We need to bomb it to save it’

Nile Bowie is a political analyst and photographer currently residing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Get short URL Published time: August 27, 2013 07:42

There are numerous revelations that would suggest that anti-government militias have access to these weapons and are in fact guilty of using them. Carla Del Ponte, head of a UN commission of inquiry that looked into the use of chemical weapons in northern Syria in late March suggested that the evidence was stronger to implicate anti-government militants in using chemical weapons, not the Syrian government.

In May, Turkish police found cylinders of sarin nerve gas in the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front who were detained in the south near Syria’s northern border. In July, Russian experts submitted reports to the UN detailing how the missiles used in previous chemical weapon attacks were crude and not factory made, and that the chemical components found were not consistent with what the Syrian military has.

The Syrian military has just recently discovered chemical weapons in a rebel tunnel in the Jobar suburb of Damascus, including shells, gasmasks manufactured in the United States, chemical substances of Saudi Arabian origin. Arabic language reports also indicate that a former high-ranking Saudi Arabian member of Al-Nusra Front claimed that the group possessed chemical weapons in a tweet.



2013年08月28日 04時20分49秒 | Weblog
大量の難民、内戦による大量の犠牲者、化学兵器の使用、アメリカによる軍事介入 このどでかい問題がいま、国際社会でまさに進行中ーーーそれについて平和主義の日本はどう対応すべきか?






社説:学力テスト 少人数指導で向上図れ
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社説:閲覧制限撤回 この作品を読み継ごう
毎日新聞 2013年08月28日 02時32分


潘氏の日本批判 事務総長発言とは耳疑う

はだしのゲン 教育的配慮も無視できぬ
2013.8.28 03:47





潘国連事務総長 資質問われる偏向「介入」発言(8月28日付・読売社説)

シリア内戦 化学兵器疑惑の徹底解明を(8月28日付・読売社説







2013年08月28日 01時05分35秒 | Weblog

イスラム教徒向け料理が学食に 岡山大、一般学生にも好評
2013/8/27 8:07)




