Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Chinese immigrants blend in so quickly

2013年08月13日 21時40分21秒 | Weblog

13 August 2013 Last updated at 00:18 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
The Chinese residents who call Japan home
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
BBC News, Tokyo

via mozu


Japanese farm owner Yoshinori Kitajima has high praise for Chinese farmworkers

There are also many more Chinese who are coming and staying. In 1990, there were around 150,000 Chinese living in Japan. Today, there are more than 700,000.

Ask Japanese people about that number and they will often express surprise. One reason is that Chinese immigrants blend in so quickly

"I recently started going on TV shows here to talk about China… and people were surprised. They said, 'Really, Leena is Chinese?' But most people I know just don't care."

Lin Qian Yi is another student who never went home. She married a Japanese man and they are soon hoping to start a family. Lin Qian Yi reveals another thing that you do not often hear in the media - a lot of Chinese people really like Japan.

"Here it is very safe, the air quality and water quality are good," Ms Lin said

"The food is great and Japanese people insist on very high standards. Also the Japanese government supports people who want to have children."

I ask Ms Lin what it is like in her house when tensions between China and Japan get bad, like they did last year.

"We don't really talk about that," she said, with a laugh.


生活保護費 減 消費税 増 議員歳費・定数 行政改革は? これが美しい国の美徳か?

2013年08月13日 19時14分52秒 | Weblog
1日1食に切り詰め」 生活保護の減額 受給者切実


 生活保護費の減額が今月から始まり、受給者の生活に影響が出始めている。県内の弁護士らが開設したホットラインには「1日2食を1食に切り詰めている」「携帯代が払えない」など多くの相談が寄せられた。全国の支援団体と連携し、集団訴訟も視野に、自治体へ不服を申し立てる「審査請求」を準備する動きが、県内でも出ている。 (白名正和)
 これに対し、「生活保護基準引き下げにNO! 全国争訟ネット」は、千葉など各地の弁護士らと連携して、全国一斉のホットラインを実施し、受給者一万人規模の審査請求を目標に掲げている。千葉県のホットラインへの相談者も、多くが審査請求の提出に賛同したという。




”God is punishing America for abortion”

2013年08月13日 13時28分18秒 | Weblog
Abortion Is Different in Europe Because Religion Is Different in Europe
By Amanda Marcotte | Posted Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013, at 1:36 PM

Americans technically have a stronger wall between church and state, but in practice, we have a huge contingent of religious fundamentalists who control much of the government and use it to impose their strict religious dogma as often as they can get away with it. Many European countries, including England, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden, either have a formal state church or church that is nationally recognized as the dominant church, and yet in daily practice, far fewer people in these nations are really religious, much less fundamentalist. Religion is often seen simply as a cultural/historical expression of national or ethnic character, but not necessarily a guiding force in everyday life.

Subsequently, while a lot of these nations have abortion laws that formally reflect Christian paternalism about reproduction and women's roles, in practice, abortion is much easier to get than it is in the United States. You may have to provide a reason for your abortion in many nations, but it's simply a formality, a box checked and not an obstacle



 私が一番嫌なのは、一般人でも、missionary 伝道師、説教師 はたまた、 占領軍の兵士か入植地の移民ーーーこれら人たちはセットのようなものなのでしょうけどーーーーのうに振舞っている場合があり、それは、むかつきますね。


2013年08月13日 13時22分01秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, AUG 12, 2013 08:56 PM +0900
Five ways that “staying safe” costs women
How trying to avoid sexual assault costs women money, time, and energy



2013年08月13日 13時02分39秒 | Weblog

TUESDAY, AUG 13, 2013 04:20 AM +0900
8 signs the rich have way too much money
They control our world but barely even live in it

6. Billionaires frequently aren’t ‘the best and the brightest.’
Billionaires love to believe our society is a meritocracy, where the most talented become the most wealthy and successful. Of course, they would say that.
There’s no doubt that Mark Zuckerberg or the guys who created YouTube are smart and energetic. But do their accomplishments really deserve billions in compensation? Consider:
Zuckerberg didn’t foresee what Facebook would become. If he had, it wouldn’t be called “Facebook,” which is what they called the printed books Ivy League colleges used to print up with students’ pictures so they could get to know one another. Facebook.com was going to do that digitally―a cute idea, but not an especially profound one.
The users were the ones who turned it into a more flexible type of “social media.” It’s true that Zuckerberg & Co. were aggressive in capitalizing on that, but they weren’t visionaries.
The same is true of YouTube. While its three founders don’t entirely agree about its origin, the most plausible story is that it’s called “YouTube” because they thought people would make videos of themselves and upload them – a lame idea which pretty much nobody wanted to do. Instead they figured out how to grab other media and put them up. (Another founder says it was supposed to be a video dating service.) The billions followed shortly thereafter.
You can list on one hand the Internet billionaires who have truly combined both vision and execution: Google. Amazon. eBay … we’re not even out of fingers yet.
There’s “You didn’t build that,” and now we can add “You didn’t think of that.” And even the brightest billionaire’s success includes a lot of lucky accidents. (And we haven’t even begun to talk about the heirs and heiresses yet.) So why do they have all that money?





2013年08月13日 12時01分59秒 | Weblog
Bradley Manning’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination backed by 100k petition-signing supporters
Published time: August 12, 2013 20:07 Get short URL

Manning deserves Nobel Peace Prize: Opposing view




2013年08月13日 11時54分08秒 | Weblog
NY ‘stop & frisk’ policy violates minorities’ rights, US Constitution - judge
Published time: August 12, 2013 16:38
Edited time: August 12, 2013 18:01

― Aug. 12 2:14 PM EDT



The judge rejected their arguments. "The city and its highest officials believe that blacks and Hispanics should be stopped at the same rate as their proportion of the local criminal suspect population," she wrote. "But this reasoning is flawed because the stopped population is overwhelmingly innocent ― not criminal."




NY市警の身体検査は「人種差別的」 連邦裁が違憲判決
Click Here!





2013年08月13日 05時23分04秒 | Weblog



“Kenyan Go Home.” 47 percent Negro;“Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”

2013年08月13日 05時04分01秒 | Weblog

It’s been quite a week for anti-Obama racism. At the Missouri State Fair Sunday, rodeo fans cheered to see a “clown” in an Obama mask get run down by a bull. On Friday in Florida the president faced a gaggle of protesters on the way to address a disabled veterans’ group; one carried a sign reading “Kenyan Go Home.” Three days earlier, Arizonans protested Obama’s visit by singing “Bye Bye Black Sheep.” One man mocked him by calling him “47 percent Negro;” another held a sign that read, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”


”Abrogate its defense treaty with the United States”

2013年08月13日 04時32分39秒 | Weblog
Oliver Stone Denounces US Military Presence in Asia
By Zachary Keck

August 13, 2013


“[Japan] can be a great country again and a real broker for peace in Asia,” Stone said. “Start by apologizing to China for what you did there and all the people you killed … and then China would suddenly look at Japan differently.”


Peter Kuznick, a historian and collaborator with Stone on the documentary, “Untold History of the United States,” praised Stone’s proposal.

“The U.S. has fought war after war since World War II. Where has China done that?” Kuznick asked. Stars and Stripes notes that Kuznick neglected to mention China’s participation in the Korean War, Sino-Vietnamese War, as well as border wars with the Soviet Union and India.

