Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年08月22日 19時47分42秒 | Weblog







2013年08月22日 02時45分02秒 | Weblog
田村 耕太郎



 今より老いて、小さく貧しくなる日本は、巨大化する中国に対して、アメリカの後ろ盾なしにどう向き合うのか? 今まで「最後はアメリカが何とかしてくれる」との思いが、我々を思考停止に陥らせてきたのではないか? 我々は日本の外交国防について、深く自省することがあっただろうか?

 社会保障費の負担に苦しみ破たんしそうな国が、急速に高齢化し人口が減る国が、新たな自主防衛力をどう構築するのか? 相手(中国)も高齢化が進み人口が減少する。それでも若者の人口の規模は日本に比べて圧倒的に大きい。


 日本の国会議員や識者の一部に勇ましいことを言う人がいる。「中国と戦争しても勝てる」。「中国との紛争に備えるべきだ」。だが、そういう発言を担保する財力や、それを支持し続ける世論を形成できる保証があるのだろうか? アジア各国は、そこのところを現実的に見ている。


 この課題にどう対応するのか? 近くから日本や中国を見ているアジア各国に対して説得力のある説明をして納得させない限り、彼らが本気で長期の日本買いをすることはないだろう。我々日本人は、長期にわたって経済に集中して繁栄を謳歌してきた。だが今、人口問題や、アメリカに依存しない国防を軽視してきたことへの対価を支払わなければならない時が訪れたのかもしれない




金持がコネ使っていいところ就職して何が悪い! と NYT記者

2013年08月22日 00時28分06秒 | Weblog

WEDNESDAY, AUG 21, 2013 11:30 PM +0900
The rich, summed up: Nepotism, cronyism, narcissism
The New York Times' Andrew Ross Sorkin defends corrupt hiring practices

Here’s what we know about the rich: They have a lot more money than everyone else, and they have more money than everyone else by a larger margin than they used to. Why is that? They like to tell themselves it’s because they are morally and intellectually superior, but there is not a whole lot of evidence to back that up. People usually end up rich because that they were born or raised with certain environmental advantages. One of the biggest advantages you can be born with, these days, is rich parents. And one of the biggest advantages rich parents pass on to their offspring ― let’s say the second-biggest, after “money” ― is the sense of entitlement necessary for an entirely unaccomplished rich person to coast through life without constantly feeling crippling guilt.
It shouldn’t be a surprise, in other words, that rich people ― specifically rich young college-aged Americans ― exhibit narcissistic tendencies, as a new study says.

The rich get jobs through family connections. What else are these kids supposed to do? After you’ve gone to whatever elite university your father attended, thanks to admissions offices that are still very much comfortable taking that into consideration, getting a job at whatever firm he worked at is only natural.
And here comes Andrew Ross Sorkin, the superstar New York Times finance reporter behind “Too Big To Fail,” with a “DealBook” column about how it is no big deal that this happens. Sorkin’s column isn’t strictly about direct nepotism in the hiring process, but about the hiring of the children of all varieties of rich people by giant financial firms. The “news hook” is the SEC investigation of JPMorgan Chase for hiring the children of powerful Chinese officials, including the son of a former bank regulator and the daughter of a railway official already suspected of accepting bribes. The SEC calls these hires bribery. Sorkin calls them just how things work on Wall Street.

But hiring the sons and daughters of powerful executives and politicians is hardly just the province of banks doing business in China: it has been a time-tested practice here in the United States.

Sorkin doesn’t seem to understand ― or he doesn’t care, I guess ― that the issue isn’t whether or not these hires meet the legal definition of “bribery,” but that they are plain-as-day examples of how rigged the entire game of finance capitalism is. Sorkin, who has thoroughly internalized the Titan of Wall Street mindset, only judges the actions of massive financial firms based on whether or not those actions are profitable or likely to end up profitable. So, yes, by that standard, hiring the children of both Communist Party officials and successful capitalist elites makes sense. That’s why firms do it! Does doing so also strengthen or perpetuate a deeply unjust social order or repressive political regime? Who knows!







Welfare queen

2013年08月22日 00時13分50秒 | Weblog

Welfare queen
From Wikipedia

A welfare queen is a pejorative phrase used in the United States to refer to people who are accused of collecting excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation.

アメリカではウエルフェア クイーンとかいうわけですね。

'People think everyone who is poor gets welfare, and it's just not true'; How the myth of the welfare queen died
Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:33 AM EDT

“People think everyone who is poor gets welfare, and it’s just not true,” said Heather Hahn, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute.

Still, experts are deeply divided on how successful tax and welfare reform efforts of the 1990s have been in improving the lives of less educated single mothers, especially in the wake of the Great Recession and weak recovery.

About 1.72 million families received direct assistance during an average month in 2012 through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, according to the latest data from the federal government’s Office of Family Assistance. That’s about half the 3.94 million families who received TANF in 1997, according to an Urban Institute report funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Welfare has not been the same since the mid-1990s, when the old program, called Aid to Families with Dependent Children, was replaced by TANF. The new program requires that recipients do 20 to 30 hours a week of work-related activities, such as job hunting or community service, among other stipulations.

Most states also only allow adults to collect TANF for a maximum of five years over the course of their lifetime, or less.

These days, Kathryn Edin, a professor of public policy at Harvard University, said the good news is that many single mothers who used to be longer-term welfare recipients are now workers who only need assistance once in a while.

But the bad news for single moms with low education and skills is that in the past decade or so, it’s become increasingly difficult to find a stable, full-time job that pays well. That means some moms may now be working very hard, and still find that their families are at poverty or near-poverty levels.

Many also fret about a group of women who were not able to make it into employment at all and who may now be in deep poverty.

“What ended up happening … is a lot of families fell through the cracks,” Edin said. Her recent research has documented a sharp increase in extreme poverty among the families with children that have been most affected by welfare reform.

Most experts say that even in a low-wage job, a single mother is better off financially than on welfare because welfare payments are so low.
