Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

エジプト 撃たれた場合に備えて前腕に名前を書いておくデモ参加者達

2013年08月16日 23時37分54秒 | Weblog

Clashes, shots and tear gas at 'March of Anger' in Cairo
Published time: August 16, 2013 11:57
Edited time: August 16, 2013 14:36 Get short URL




2013年08月16日 23時08分56秒 | Weblog

Is this the world's worst zoo? Visitors' fury after staff in China try to pass off Tibetan mastiff as a lion and a mongrel as a leopard
People's Park in Luohe, Henan province, has apologised and offered refund
Chinese media accuse zoo of replacing exotic animals with common species


A China zoo has been forced to apologise after it tried to pass off a dog as a lion.
Angry visitors to the People's Park in Luohe, Henan province, complained when the 'African lion' started barking.
Zoo staff said they had pretended the Tibetan mastiff was a lion because they could not afford the real thing, local media reported.

The state-run Beijing Youth Daily claims the zoo commonly replaced exotic animals with common species.
Elsewhere in the zoo, visitors found a mongrel dog in the Timber wolf's cage and another pooch posing as a leopard in the big cat enclosure.

Then in the reptile house, keepers had placed two giant sea cucumbers which they were trying to pass off as snakes.
One customer called Liu said: ''They're cheats. I paid good money to see the lion and all I got to see was a dog.
'The zoo is absolutely cheating us. I took my son there so he could hear the different sounds animals made but when we reached the cage where the African lion was supposed to be, the big animal in there started barking.



朝日の焚き付け 成功!

2013年08月16日 15時14分21秒 | Weblog

中韓、連日の対日批判 安倍首相式辞「加害責任避けた」








2013年08月16日 15時04分13秒 | Weblog
August 15, 2013, 2:46 PM
Study: All 107 U.S. nuclear reactors vulnerable to terrorists

Every commercial nuclear reactor in the United States is insufficiently protected against "credible" terrorist threats, according to a new report (PDF) from the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project at the University of Texas at Austin.

The report found that facilities were vulnerable to the theft of bomb-grade nuclear materials and sabotage attacks designed to cause a meltdown.



One in five Americans now dies from obesity アメリカ人、5人に1人は肥満で死ぬ。

2013年08月16日 14時59分07秒 | Weblog

Heavy burden: Obesity may be even deadlier than thought
Maggie Fox NBC News
7 hours ago

Obesity kills far more Americans than we think it does, according to a controversial new study that suggests obesity accounts of about 18 percent of all deaths in the United States - three times previous estimates.




2013年08月16日 14時43分15秒 | Weblog





 これが、米軍が搾取したアジア人性奴隷をアメリカ国民に隠蔽しつづける、APのヤマグチマリ WSJのハヤシユカ、NYTのファクラーやタブヒロコの属するアメリカのメディアの偏向であることを、われわれは肝に銘じておこう。



2013年08月16日 14時22分35秒 | Weblog
広島・長崎の式典「独善的でうんざり」 イスラエル高官










2013年08月16日 09時08分34秒 | Weblog
Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?
By Zachary Keck

August 16, 2013


音節dith・er 発音記号/díðɚ|‐ðə/
【動詞】 【自動詞】
1(心配・興奮などで)おろおろする,ためらう,うろたえる 〈about〉.
2〔…のことで〕うろたえる,おろおろする 〔about〕



(make a fuss)

(act nervously)

(an excited state of agitation)

China has little interest in criticizing Egypt given its long-standing policy of not intervening in the internal affairs of other states. Additionally, China does not want to come out too harshly against a military crackdown given the ever-looming possibility that it may one day have to (again) deploy the People’s Armed Police and/or Liberation Army to put down similar, large-scale unrest in China.

The Communist Party can therefore portray the unrest, chaos, and violence that have engulfed Arab Spring countries like Libya, Syria and Egypt as vindicating its argument that an authoritative state is needed to maintain law and order in China.

Still, China has other reasons to only offer only tepid support to the Egyptian military’s actions. First, as China has accumulated a greater share of world power, it has gradually sought a more active role on the world stage, and the Middle East proper. In this sense, it does not wish to be seen as an irresponsible world power by supporting a military crackdown, and it especially doesn’t wish to further alienate the Arab street given its immense, long-term interests in securing oil from Arab nations.

Chinese leaders also have more abstract concerns about the events in Egypt since 2011. Specifically, the fact that the Egyptian military quickly broke with Hosni Mubarak and his inner circle back in 2011, and have now easily overthrown and prosecuted the civilian leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood, plays to the CCP’s fears that the PLA could someday refuse to back the Party in a time of crisis.

Indeed, as Rosie Collington noted on World Outline recently, China greatly benefited from Morsi’s presidency, and had a lot invested in that relationship.

Morsi courted China aggressively in his attempt to solve the country’s fiscal woes and reduce U.S. influence in Egypt. To that end, he made China the destination of his first trip overseas after becoming president.

It’s unclear how Morsi’s overthrow and the Egyptian military’s crackdown will impact China’s investments and geopolitical interests in Cairo. One concern, of course, is the Egypt will continue its downward spiral and possibly slip into a civil war. This would be the worst outcome from China’s perspective, hence why the Foreign Ministry statement emphasized the need to “restore order and social stability.”

Another possibility is that Morsi or at least the Muslim Brotherhood would return to power in short order without a civil conflict. This would be the best outcome for China, despite its failure to condemn the crackdown, but appears increasingly unlikely.

Finally, the Egyptian military could quickly restore order and maintain power, perhaps exercising it through civilian, non-Islamists leaders. China would hardly be enthusiastic about this prospect, given the possibility that the military would hold a grudge against Beijing for its eager embrace of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Moreover, the Egyptian military is the institution in the country with the strongest ties to the United States. Thus, U.S. influence in Egypt is likely to be greatest under military rule (or indirect military rule).


August 15, 2013 7:24 PM
What's at stake for the U.S. in the Egypt crisis?
By Scott Pelley

President Obama retaliated against the Egyptian military by cancelling joint military exercises that the u.s. holds with Egypt every two years. But Mr. Obama did not suspend the more than $1 billion in military aid the U.S. gives Egypt each year.

Pelley: Juan, when the coup happened last month, the Obama administration did not condemn it. Did that serve to encourage the military?

Deadly force authorized for Egypt's police
Obama: Violence in Egypt "needs to stop"
White House "strongly condemns" Egypt violence

Zarate: It could have, Scott.


Abe's Japan isn't a threat  芸者、変態、右傾化、ナショナリズム

2013年08月16日 01時54分11秒 | Weblog




August 14th, 2013
10:42 AM ET
No, Abe's Japan isn't a threat

By Jeffrey W. Hornung, Special to CNN

via mozu


In fact, while Abe is pursuing several significant changes in Japan, the truth of his agenda is often distorted or completely lost by the nationalist narrative.

 オバマでも誰でもアメリカは戦争が大好きで、大統領も戦争好きなわけだから、アメリカという国、アメリカ大統領、アメリカ大使の名前が出てくる度に、戦争好きのアメリカ、アメリカ帝国主義、戦争好きのアメリカ大統領、暴力大好き大統領、嘘つき大統領、右翼の大統領 云々と、NHKから、テレビ東京、朝日新聞から、産経新聞まで、みんなで形容していれば、ああ、アメリカという国は戦争好きで、この前、町であったアメリカ人が大声だしてたのも、あれは戦争好きだからだ、とか・・・とにかく、すべてを戦争好きというキーワード、枠組みで説明したくなるのも無理はないだろう。







2013年08月16日 01時38分27秒 | Weblog


Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Sixty-Eighth Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead
Thursday, August 15, 2013
[Provisional Translation]

In the gracious presence of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and with the attendance of bereaved family members of the war dead and many distinguished representatives of all sectors of society, I hereby commence the annual Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead.

I deliver this address on behalf of the Government of Japan before the souls of those who fell on the battlefields thinking of their homeland and concerned about their families as well as the souls of those who perished amidst the destruction of the war and those who lost their lives in remote foreign countries during the aftermath of the war.

The peace and prosperity that we now enjoy have been built upon the sacrifices of you who gave up your precious lives while thinking of your beloved children and wives, praying for the happiness of the mothers and fathers you left behind, and wishing that the mountains and riversides of your hometowns would be lush with greenery. We will never forget this, even for a moment.

Words are entirely inadequate as we pray for peace and offer our thanks as we mourn the passing of these souls. I would now like to close my eyes for a moment and quietly bow my head, reflecting on this past.

Since the end of World War II, Japan has single-mindedly done its very best to follow a path of peace, placing value on freedom and democracy.

In order to transform the world into a better place, tomorrow even more so than today, Japan has been extending a hand of support to various countries and regions from not long after the war ended.

Domestically, we have arrived at the present day by helping each other out and overcoming socioeconomic changes and crises wrought by natural catastrophes any number of times.

We will carve out the future of this country as one full of hope, as we face history with humility and engrave deeply into our hearts the lessons that we should learn. We will make contributions to lasting world peace to the greatest possible extent and spare no effort in working to bring about a world in which all people are able to live enriched lives.

I will conclude my address by once again offering my heartfelt prayers for the repose of the souls of the war dead and for the good health of the members of their bereaved families.

Shinzo Abe
Prime Minister of Japan
August 15, 2013






“My daddy says people should marry their own kind.”

2013年08月16日 01時19分30秒 | Weblog

TUESDAY, AUG 13, 2013 08:45 PM +0900
The politics of being friends with white people
My best friend at 9 was white -- but interracial friendships later became a struggle. Here's why everything changed

These days most of my close friends are black. No. Let me be honest. All my close friends are black.

In fifth grade, I asked her what she thought about interracial marriage, probably after meeting a kid who had both black and white parents. She told me,“My daddy says people should marry their own kind.”

My peer groups in high school did remain mostly white, but with increasing difficulty. I found myself ostracized on the one hand by black classmates who still thought I wanted to be white, and increasingly the target of disdain from my white counterparts, who liked me all right – mostly because as more than one told me, “you aren’t like other black people” ― as long as I did not outperform them academically.

I increasingly cultivated a certain degree of resolve to deal with classmates whose racial views evolved to reflect those of their parents with a disturbing degree of similarity. I remained friends (some to this day) with classmates who asked to touch my hair and then remarked with shock and surprise that it was “soft and didn’t feel like a brillo pad”; classmates who inquired about whether black people could see better in the dark, and even one who told me that “black people do drive down our property values,” when they move into the neighborhood.

Back then, folks who made these asinine remarks got a withering side eye from me, but their casual, everyday racism was not a deal-breaker for our friendships.

When you are 9, or 12, or 17, it is easy to overlook racist comments. That your friends’ dad does not like black people has little to do with what your friend thinks, right? When you cannot yet vote, the fact that your friends’ parents are Republicans means little. With age, these things start to matter. At 25 or 32, it is harder to overlook the inevitable racially ignorant comment that will come, especially when you have had access to friendships where this is never an issue. At 30 or 35, the fact that your white friends now vote Republican alongside their parents strikes you as a choice that detrimentally impacts your material existence.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to attend the wedding reception of two of my old debate teammates, who were getting married. I went with another teammate, also black. When we arrived, we were shocked to discover that among a gathering of probably 75 people, we were the couple’s only black friends. And it had been years since we had spoken to them.

This is why the Reuters poll is unsurprising. I have always been skeptical of white people who claim that “one of my best friends is black.” Internally my response has always been, “They may be your friend, but are you their friend?







無人爆撃機に関する嘘 5 myths used to justify drone assassinations

2013年08月16日 01時07分37秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, AUG 14, 2013 09:46 PM +0900
5 myths used to justify drone assassinations
What we misunderstand about these high-tech killings
