Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年08月20日 15時01分37秒 | Weblog

Listen: Secret Audio Reveals City Councilwoman’s Extreme Homophobia And Anti-Gay Strategies
by DAVID BADASH on AUGUST 16, 2013

A Texas city councilwoman was secretly recorded by an aide as she and her staff discussed homosexuality before coming up with strategies to oppose a local anti-discrimination ordinance.

Homosexuality is “so disgusting!” San Antonio District 9 Councilwoman Elisa Chan told her staff. Chan also said she believes homosexuality is a choice, that gay people “take hormone shots,” and that gay people should be “banned” from adopting or raising children.




‘I will **** anybody up in the worst way, rape a b***h on her birthday.’

2013年08月20日 14時59分27秒 | Weblog
Coronation Street star Chris Fountain is sacked from the show over his vile online rap videos
Soap star seen masked in YouTube videos rapping lyrics 'trivialising' sex attacks
Fountain was originally suspended by ITV pending further enquiries
Campaigners vented their fury at 'complete lack of respect for women'
He issued a repentant statement expressing his 'deep shame'
ITV have now terminated his contract due to his 'unacceptable comments'
PUBLISHED: 17:51 GMT, 19 August 2013 | UPDATED: 22:20 GMT, 19 August 2013

In one distasteful clip, Fountain raps about dragging a girl upstairs, and adds: ‘I will **** anybody up in the worst way, rape a b***h on her birthday.

In another clip the actor performs a stabbing action while he raps: ‘I’m a nasty ****, I will punch you in the face and you look like you’ve been having some acupuncture ’cos my fist is lethal.
I’m a ******* hero, you’ve got ******* zero. I’m a mother******* demon, I’ll stab you in the face with a needle.’
Fountain, who finished runner-up in the third series of celebrity skating show Dancing On Ice in 2008, also raps about being fed up with fame as he lounges on a sofa with local rap group the West Yorkshire Cypher.
**** with me and you don’t want to risk it, I’ll play you like a board game. I’m bored of fame so I’m taking the rap game, remember the name, it’s ******* Phantom,’ he raps.



2013年08月20日 09時11分21秒 | Weblog
Summer Tangent: Korea Times on racial discrimination in South Korea: Striking parallels with Japan

Posted by debito on August 18th, 2013




Every time you come into the United States, you are stopped, searched and interrogated

2013年08月20日 08時55分20秒 | Weblog
Detained in the U.S.: Filmmaker Laura Poitras Held, Questioned Some 40 Times at U.S. Airports


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: Our guests are William Binney, who was technical director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group. He worked with the NSA for almost 40 years, National Security Agency. We’re also joined by Laura Poitras, the Oscar-nominated filmmaker, and Jacob Appelbaum, a computer security researcher.

You two have something in common with each other. You―every time you come into the United States by plane, you are stopped, you are searched, you are interrogated. Laura Poitras, tell us about your experience. Your latest one?

LAURA POITRAS: Right. Well, I mean, I’ve been stopped at the border since 2006, since I started working on a series of films looking at U.S. post-9/11. And so, I’ve been―I’ve actually lost count of how many times I’ve been detained at the border, but it’s, I think, around 40 times. And―


LAURA POITRAS: Yeah. So I was met by two agents at Newark. One of them is Agent Wassum. And I―when they met me, I took out my pen and paper to note their names and the time and―because I’ve always taken notes, so I have a record of the questions that I’m asked and how long I’m detained for, what’s the focus of the interrogation, what they are doing to me. And on this occasion, I took out my pen, and I was ordered to put away my pen. And I didn’t, and I continued to take notes. And I was ordered again to put away the pen, and I didn’t. And then he threatened to handcuff me for not putting away my pen. And at that point, I put away my pen and then walked to Immigration and took out my pen again to take notes, was ordered again to put away my pen, and then was taken into secondary screening. And I asked to speak to a supervisor, explained I was a journalist, explained that legal counsel has told me that I should be taking notes of my detention and interrogation. And then I was told that I couldn’t take notes, that I was free to take notes after I was finished being questioned. And then―

JUAN GONZALEZ: Under the theory that what? The pen was a weapon?

LAURA POITRAS: Oh, yeah, that’s right. They said that my pen was a dangerous weapon. So that’s what―that’s Agent Wassum who said that, that my pen was a threat to them. And, you know, I mean, in terms of the context, you have to understand that I’m surrounded by border agents who are all carrying guns, and I’m taking out, you know, a pen that they find threatening. And so, this was, you know, profoundly upsetting. And then I was taken into―I was taken directly into an interrogation room and questioned. I took out my pen again. I was ordered by another agent to put it away. And this went on for quite some time. And I was told during this interrogation―I mean, I’m always asserting my rights as a journalist to not reveal my work, my sources.

AMY GOODMAN: You did a film on Yemen. You did a film on Iraq.

LAURA POITRAS: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, this detention started after I finished the first film in 2006, and which was about the occupation of Iraq. And I was told that I was refusing to cooperate with an investigation. And then he said, "Well, it wasn’t an investigation; it was questioning," but that I was refusing to cooperate. And then I asserted my rights, that actually asserting one’s rights is not refusing to cooperate. And so, this went on for quite some time. And, I mean, it’s something that’s been happening for a while, and I’ve talked about it publicly, but also have been hesitant to, because I don’t want to jeopardize the work that I do.

 先日、英空港で米情報活動暴露のコラムニストのパートナーが身柄拘束されたニュースがあったが、 こちらは、9.11以降のアメリカの映画を作製し始めてから、アメリカに行くたびに、空港で拘留され、尋問、捜索される、という話。


“There’s confusion as to who the good guys are and who the bad guys are,”

2013年08月20日 08時38分38秒 | Weblog

Egypt: police officers killed by militants in Sinai, say officials
Twenty-five police officers are killed and three are injured during an attack by suspected militants in northern Sinai
Share 90

Associated Press in Cairo
theguardian.com, Monday 19 August 2013 11.52 BST


 In Egyptian village, Christian shops marked ahead of church attack (+video)
The Saint Virgin Mary Church in Al Nazla is one of 47 churches and monasteries that have been burned, robbed, or attacked in a new wave of violence against Christians in Egypt.

By Kristen Chick / August 18, 2013


Egypt in turmoil: What the chaos means for the US

. Individual families are divided about whom to support and blame.

NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin joins NewsNation from Egypt with the latest on the deadly clashes between government supporters and the Muslim Brotherhood.
“There’s confusion as to who the good guys are and who the bad guys are,” said Khaled Elgindy, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, part of the Brookings Institution policy research center.
“The more dead there are on all sides, the more fear in the public, a political resolution may not even be possible,” he said. “Egypt could be in for some serious instability for a while.”



2013年08月20日 08時05分59秒 | Weblog



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