Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

"Was the U.S. use of nuclear weapons...a violation of the same international law?"

2013年08月29日 23時22分05秒 | Weblog
Daily Press Briefing - August 28, 2013
August 28, 2013

Marie Harf
Deputy Spokesperson
Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
August 28, 2013

MS. HARF: I do. And I make a few points here. I think that it’s clear that Syria violated international law here. They used chemical weapons in an indiscriminate manner with respect to civilians. That’s – they have violated the general laws of war. We talked a little bit yesterday – and we can talk a little bit more – about the international norms surrounding this issue.


QUESTION: Was the U.S. use of nuclear weapons resulting in the mass and indiscriminate killing of civilians in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki a violation of the same international law that you are referring to?

MS. HARF: I’m not even going to entertain that question, Arshad.

2013.8.29 12:24 [国連]





If they cared about the Syrian people, they would have done something constructive much sooner

2013年08月29日 20時58分48秒 | Weblog

Attacking Syria is about saving face, not saving lives
There is no such thing as a "surgical strike", and we must assume that civilians may be killed in any airstrikes.
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2013 15:00
Rachel Shabi
Rachel Shabi

It should be clear that these planned western alliance airstrikes aren't about Syrian lives - not the unimaginable death tolls in excess of 100,000, nor the agonising lines of refugees pouring into neighbouring countries.

If these heads of state cared about Bashar al-Assad butchering and dropping bombs on the Syrian people, they would have "done something" constructive much sooner - not, as the so-called liberals suggest, stormed in with counterproductive airstrikes. Rather, they would have exerted the necessary pressure on rebel allies and conducted the necessary diplomacy with Assad backers, to quickly get the regime and its opponents to a negotiating table. And it is not too late to do any of that now.

If these proposed strikes were about Syrian lives, and not a proxy war to destabilise the "Shia axis" of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the West wouldn't snub Assad's allies - Russia, China and Iran - by proposing to bypass the UN. Nor would it blatantly discredit the currently working weapons inspectors whom Russia used its pressure to persuade Assad to allow into Syria in the first place.

If the US were remotely serious about a morally correct international response to the alleged use of chemical weapons it would, as the former British government security advisor, Admiral Lord West, suggested on Wednesday, share any evidence it claims to possess with Russia and China. Antagonising Russia also makes it much harder to coordinate the humanitarian effort desperately needed not just in the refugee camps in neighbouring countries, but within Syria itself.

If the goal were to help the Syrian people, how could this diplomatically rude unilateralism count as a sensible move?

Most of all, it should be clear that the strikes are about saving face, not saving lives, because of the warnings of disastrous consequences. First, there is no such thing as a "surgical strike" - we must assume that civilians may be killed in any airstrikes against Syria. But more broadly, a military intervention will make the situation much worse because the terrible war within Syria is also a cynical, neo-Cold War. In this context, and given Assad's loyal allies, it is likely that a western military move will spark retaliation, not just against the Syrian population but across the region, too.

Yet because of the current, accelerated impetus to strike, there is little thought given to consequences, no planning for the day after - no political plan at all. And even as the region buckles under the strain of this brutal, spreading battle, crucial warnings are seemingly brushed aside in the overwhelming need to prove that the West is the good side.

Perhaps if we stopped believing that the Middle East needs the West's moral posturing, we might start to think differently about its role and responsibilities in that region. Leaders will always seek to justify military interventions using democratic values and lovely human rights slogans when it suits particular agendas of the time. But we don't have to lap it up so willingly - or give them a green light to go ahead.






シリア戦 イギリス国民にも不評

2013年08月29日 20時28分08秒 | Weblog
British Public Oppose War With Syria, As MPs Prepare To Debate Intervention
The Huffington Post UK | Posted: 28/08/2013 07:20 BST | Updated: 28/08/2013 10:57 BST

But despite the pictures of bodies wrapped in white sheets, children with limp limbs and mourning mothers after Wednesday's apparent chemical attack outside Damascus, a YouGov survey for The Sun revealed that 74% oppose deploying British troops to the conflict-torn country, perhaps demonstrating that scars from intervention in Iraq are too raw.

24% say the atrocity has turned them in favour of action, while it has had the opposite effect on 5%. Meanwhile two-fifths said they remained against any involvement.

And 50% of Britons oppose attacking even with long range missiles from ships, while just a quarter are in favour of it.

It showed that British military involvement is unpopular no matter what political party people support, with Ukip voters the most strongly against it at 68%

The poll also showed that nearly half oppose enforcing a no-fly-zone, while nearly two-thirds were against sending full-scale weapons including tanks.

And it found that a majority of almost 3-1 also think the Government should be bound by Parliament's vote .


2013年08月29日 18時04分14秒 | Weblog

Saving Syria: International law is not the answer
Those who want forceful action against Assad cannot rely on international treaties as justification.
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2013 13:33

The Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993 is the main inter-state treaty on the subject. This treaty is a model of clarity: Its opening lines state that "each state party to this convention undertakes never under any circumstances … to use chemical weapons". This is as clear as it gets in international law. Unfortunately, Syria has never signed the treaty and is not bound by it.

UN inspectors visit Syria attack site
Syria also has not signed the treaty on the International Criminal Court - the "Rome Statute" - that makes it a war crime to use "asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices" in war. Neither has it signed the Convention Against Torture; the "Ottawa Convention", which bans landmines; the Convention on Cluster Munitions; or many others that attempt to regulate the instruments of warfare. Syria signed but never ratified the Convention on Biological Weapons. These treaties therefore do not apply.

Yet in 1953 Syria did sign the Geneva Conventions and, in 1968, the Geneva Gas Protocol of 1925. These are important commitments. The first establishes general rules for the treatment of civilians in wars, specifying that non-combatants not be subject to murder, torture, rape, or other cruel treatment. The Geneva Gas Protocol prohibits "the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids".

The Syrian government has repeatedly broken the first of these commitments, and if it was responsible for the chemical attacks last week, then it has clearly broken the second as well. But the problem is that, legally, the Gas Protocol regulates only wars between states, not civil wars. It does not govern how a government behaves inside its own territory.

シリアは化学兵器禁止条約 にも、国際刑事裁判所ローマ規程にも署名しておらず、ジュネーヴ条約  ジュネーヴ議定書 (1925年)には署名しているものの、内戦には適用されないから、国際法違反を問えない。


But there is little history to back the claim that chemical weapons are universally prohibited. Many states continue to hold enormous stockpiles of chemical weapons, including the US and Russia, which suggests they do not believe they are inherently illegal.



Military intervention in Syria would need U.N. approval: Brahimi
GENEVA | Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:52am EDT

Russia warns against military intervention in Syria

By Alexei Anishchuk
MOSCOW | Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:20am EDT
(Reuters) - Russia warned Western powers on Monday against any military intervention in Syria, saying the use of force without a U.N. mandate would violate international law.




2013年08月29日 17時53分53秒 | Weblog
Letter From Berlin: Merkel's Empty Rhetoric on Syria

By David Crossland

"Merkel won't distance herself from the US and Britain and France when they take action. But I'm totally sure she will rule out any military involvement by Germany," Jürgen Falter, a political analyst at Mainz University, told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Were the allies to call on Germany for military help -- and there's no sign that they will -- the government is likely to point to legal hurdles such as the lack of a UN Security Council mandate, and the need for a parliamentary vote, said Falter.

Manfred Güllner, the director of the Forsa polling institute, said the Syrian crisis was unlikely to have much impact on the election.

Germany a 'B Country'

"The West is divided into A-countries that are fundamentally prepared and in a position to use military force -- those are basically the US, Britain and France," center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote in an editorial on Wednesday. "The B countries don't completely rule out military intervention but usually practice big restraint for domestic political reasons. Where possible, they stay out of it. The biggest and most important B country is Germany."



2013年08月29日 16時50分23秒 | Weblog
UK and US ready to strike Syria without UN say-so
TODAY @ 09:29
RELATED Germany not keen to join France and UK on Syria strike UN ignores EU calls for Syria inspections EU arms to Syria: what, how and if


「事態改善に努力」 日本政府は慎重に対応検討






戦争好きアメリカ雑誌NYTのコラムニスト シリア攻撃を支持

2013年08月29日 16時13分07秒 | Weblog
Reinforce a Norm in Syria
Published: August 28, 2013

戦争好きアメリカの雑誌NYTのコラムニスト シリア攻撃を支持

But when I was last in Syria, in November, I met a grandma who had already lost her husband, her son and her daughter-in-law to the Assad regime. She was living in her fifth home that year, a leaky tent, wondering who would die next, and like everyone was desperate for international support. “We ask for God’s help in ending this, and Obama’s,” she said.


President Bashar al-Assad may escalate. Hezbollah may retaliate against Western targets. Our missiles may kill civilians. We’ll own a civil war in a broken country. We’ll be distracted from nation building at home. A couple of days of missile strikes will offer merely a slap on the wrist that advertises our impotence.


Are we making too much of chemical weapons? Probably less than 1 percent of those killed in Syria have died of nerve gas attacks. In Syria, a principal weapon of mass destruction has been the AK―47.

これだけわかっていて、それでも戦争したいのかね? 軍備力というのは、若きアメリカにとって危ないおもちゃですね。





2013年08月29日 12時22分36秒 | Weblog
社説:シリア緊迫 米は軍事介入を急ぐな
毎日新聞 2013年08月29日 02時33分




2013年 08月 28日 19:52 JST

 via mozu



Why Western intervention in Syria will leave chaos
By Ed Husain, Special for CNN
August 28, 2013 -- Updated 1504 GMT (2304 HKT)

U.S.-led military strikes in Syria will not change the tide of the war. That is not the mission, nor is it achievable by aerial blitzing. The Syrian opposition is not a government in waiting. It is too fragmented ideologically, overwrought by al Qaeda affiliates, deeply anti-American, and dominated by suburban fighters with little control of major cities, mercenaries who are not committed to peaceful coexistence with Syria's religious Christians, nor its Jewish neighbor.
The case against Syria Arab League weighs in on Syria
Syria after al Assad will be worse. A new civil war will break out between opposition factions. By bombing Syria today, we bear the burden of the instability we leave in our wake.

By intervening, Syria may well prove to be Obama's war, bequeathed to a new president in 2016. Civilian casualties are inevitable: The images on our screens will not be Syrians using chemical weapons to kill each other, but American bombs creating carnage and killings in yet another Muslim country.



Democracy Now

As Strikes on Syria Loom, Is U.S. Ignoring a Diplomatic Track That Could Prevent More Violence?

At the end of the day, there is no military solution. There have got to be negotiations. Striking Syria now will only make the situation worse for Syrians on the ground. It’s a very dangerous move



シリア情勢 外交手段は尽きたのか












シリア:安倍首相 アサド大統領退陣を求める
毎日新聞 2013年08月28日 21時06分



2 February 2012 Last updated at 16:55 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
UN Syria text drops call for Assad power handover

Russia: Syria opposition thwarting peace with Assad exit demand
2013年 05月 30日 16:59 JST

Russia..... has repeatedly said it is not trying to prop him up but that his exit cannot be a precondition for a political solution.

Russia says U.S. not putting enough pressure on Syria opposition
Reuters June 3, 2013

May 7 that they would try to bring Assad's government and its opponents together as soon as possible at an international conference to seek an end to the civil war, but no date has been set.

"In our view, the United States is definitely not working hard enough in terms of putting influence on Syrian opposition groups so that (they) will come to the international conference," state-run RIA quoted Ryabkov as saying.

He said the United States "should not allow the opposition to try to issue ultimatums and impose preconditions. The main such condition ... is the demand for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's exit."

The Atlantic
Brzezinski on the Syria Crisis

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Zbigniew Brzezinski | June 24, 2013

. . .there should be some sort of internationally sponsored elections in Syria, in which anyone who wishes to run can run, which in a way saves face for Assad but which might result in an arrangement, de facto, in which he serves out his term next year but doesn't run again.



Russia's key policy goal is blocking American efforts to shape the region.






2013年08月29日 12時17分59秒 | Weblog


Australian spies in global deal to tap undersea cables http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/australian-spies-in-global-deal-to-tap-undersea-cables-20130828-2sr58.html … @theageさんから



