頼子百万里走単騎 "Riding Alone for Millions of Miles"

環境学者・地理学者 Jimmy Laai Jeun Ming(本名:一ノ瀬俊明)のエッセイ

Exceptional Reviewers

2024-05-08 00:29:54 | 日記
Dear Prof. Ichinose,
We hope this email finds you well. We are excited to announce the launch of our new program, Remote Sensing Exceptional Reviewers List 2024. As one of our valued reviewers, your dedication and expertise play a crucial role in upholding the quality and integrity of the articles we publish. The Exceptional Reviewers List aims to recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions of reviewers who consistently demonstrate excellence in their reviews. The insightful feedback and attention to detail will significantly contributed to the success of our publication.
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