頼子百万里走単騎 "Riding Alone for Millions of Miles"

環境学者・地理学者 Jimmy Laai Jeun Ming(本名:一ノ瀬俊明)のエッセイ

Popular Ecology by Peking Univ. (English Ver.)

2020-06-26 17:58:07 | 日記

English version is here.
Character||meet Ichinose Toshiaki, the National Institute for Environmental Studies

Ichinose Toshiaki, Ph.D., University of Tokyo, Japan, is currently the National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research Executive Senior Research Scientist (Professor equivalent); the Distinguished Professor (doctoral supervisor) of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Department of environmental science, Nagoya University; the Consultant Professor of East China Normal University, and the Member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Urban Climate (2007-2011). He has an academic background in Geography and Civil Engineering, and he is interested in various aspects of Urban Environment Systems, ranging from urban climatology, energy systems and GIS to their application in urban planning. In particular, he has performed many relevant field surveys in China and other Asian countries. He has served as a board member of the WMO Expert Team on Training on Urban Climatology.

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北京大学Popular Eco-Peopleに登場(6月20日公開)

2020-06-26 11:28:44 | 日記



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