

last Friday

2008-02-26 | English diary
Joe gave us gifts last Friday!
He went skiing in ...oh,I forgot to ask where he went....(+。+)
Anyway,thank you very much!!
I hardly ever eat cookies, so I'm very glad to eat it.

After the lesson,I called some students who were absent to tell the homework,but I mistook the number and I called Joe...even though he WAS in the class...(ToT)
I hung up the phone as soon as I noticed I called Joe not to record the number of the school as recieved calls.
Joe called back...thank you very much and I'm very sorry...m(__)m

I appreciate him!!


2 コメント

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Dear Joe, (Jasmine)
2008-02-28 13:34:47
I'm sorry...
I should have said "I wanted to hear your voice.."
But if I had said such a thing, your wife would have felt jealous of me...


wrong call (Joe)
2008-02-26 22:09:55
I am wrong called JOE from jasmine.
I am disappointed that you say 「sorry miss call」
I wanted you to say that "a voice wanted to hear" it.
but unfortunately was with a wrong call.

By the way, I went to skiing in Nagano 斑尾高原
In addition, my small gift was "白樺の恋人"
It resembles "白い恋人" closely very much.

see you friday lesson!
