from today's Nikkei

2009年04月04日 17時40分10秒 | 新聞記事から
研究開発減税 繰り越し3年に延長 国直轄事業地方分担 国、9割肩代わり 追加経済対策の原案

The draft of the additional economic pump-priming measures which the government and ruling parties are now deliberating on has recently been made piblic.One of the pillars of the measures is carryforward of the tax reduction over the period of up to three years in terms of a corporate's investment in research and development.Another pillar is the central government's taking over the local governments' responsibilities for paying the cost of public works projects.Even in the public works projects initiated and proceeded by the central government, there are corresponding burdens for the local governments in paying some kinds of costs.Under the draft, the central government would take over about ninety percent of the costs that local governments properly should shoulder.

参考:繰越 carry forward, bring forward。研究開発費の30%を限度に、法人税額からその分を引いてもいいということで、1年間で引ききれない場合いは3年目まで可能。国が管轄する工事でも地方自治体に生じる経費があり、その90%を国が負担する。などの内容は複雑で、わかりにくい。わかるように説明するにはもっと長い文章とならざるをえない。
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