from today's Nikkei

2009年04月06日 09時36分33秒 | 新聞記事から
北朝鮮「テポドン2号」発射 日本上空通過 太平洋に落下 安保理、緊急協議へ 追撃はせず 破片など落下確認されず

North Korea launched on Sunday a long range ballistic missile "Taepodong-2" which it has claimed to be a communications satellite. The missile passed through over the Tohoku region and went into the Pacific Ocean. But any fragments from the flying body could not yet be found to have fallen to the ground.So,the SDF's missile defense force did not try to intercept the missile.The Japanese government immediately lodged a protest with North Korea.The U.N. Security Council holds its emergency meeting on the evening of April 5 (JST: at dawn of April 6).
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