from today's Nikkei

2009年04月18日 11時01分39秒 | 新聞記事から
Many manufacturing companies at home are hastening to revamp their conditions of excessive capacity of their production facilities amidst the ongoing global recession. The number of factory closures major firms decided in the period of the latter half of the 2008 business term(from October last year to Mrach this year) are more than 100,a sharp increase of about 4 times that in the first half of the year.Companies from a variety of sectors such as the electricity machinery,machinery and food industries have been making smaller their unprofitable businesses.Instead,they are going to shift their business resources to so-called "growth businesses."
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2009年04月18日 10時40分36秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
居酒屋 おふくろの味 えびすや :izakaya restaurant Ebisuya featuring home cooking ,どうしてもおふくろにこだわる場合は、izakaya restaurant Ebisuya featuring home cooking like your mather-made food
炭焼きやきとり○○ 全60席 掘りごたつ式あり:charcoal broiled yakitori,60 seats in total,the room in a sitting-on-the-chair style available,掘りごたつ式についてはしばらく悩んだ。山の蔵、海の蔵(店のサブタイトル):rich in mountain products and marine products 現地即売会:on-the -spot sale 広告募集中:advertisements wanted,advertisements are being wanted テナント募集中:tenant wanted 通路につき駐輪禁止:no parking of bicycles for a pedestrian passage ここはゴミ捨て場ではありません:Don't dump garbages here.指定避難場所:designated asylum when disasters ○○脳神経外科:○○neurological surgery clinic 片側一方通行:one-way traffic lane
松山南環状線:Matsuyama South Loop Line 子規堂:Shiki-do Museum 松山歴史・文化道:Matsuyama History and Culture Street ブランド商品お売りください:We'll buy brand goods. ○○皮膚・泌尿器科:○○dermatology and urology clinic
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