for today 科学に目を向けよう


(旅の相棒募っています 乙女)


2013年01月10日 23時05分34秒 | 日常の発見


「こっちに帰ってくると、年齢なりの生き方みたいなものを強いられるような切迫感があってねえ」 そうですね。そうでしょう。

何がこうさせるのでしょうか。どのように感じるか、聞いてみたいです。 地域差や、職場・住んでいる環境でも違うでしょうか


VIP is safe in all one's life to fullfill its end?

2013年01月10日 22時09分48秒 | メディア記録徒然

Last autumn when in one  hotel in Chintao, I found one man walking around in the hall , where we sat on a chair  eating breakfast.

I noticed that he put the same badge on his chest as our travellers.

Maybe he plays the roll instead of our tour conductor since he lives in this town, I thought.

The man came walking toward our table carrying a video camera.  What's up?   Not only the outside but also the people in the hall including me,

he was moving  video.  

Later he was nothing about our tour, I noticed.   Then, what his behavior ?

Most of our tour members know my privacy of the publishment, and I have been perplexed of this same attitude all the times I went travelling.

Repeatedly I uttered my worry to the media.  I won't be a slave of their each tongues. They are occasional  travellers. But I payed for my pleasure.

Who knows my worry, such that I or my family may be involved in some danger for the fact of the urban legend being spread by media ?

Who on earth consciously observes the tv sending  image and alert  for one life ?  Some broadcasting truth may cause the danger, it's my worry ,

sometimes occurs  like a mist in my daily life.

Do they think that all the moving images help me and my family make happier?  Who will see the effect of image  arose for not the good ?

Benefitial Posibility Organization for the people by  sending images

for the better job fot the beloved one  , think that your  job will move hearts but not  sly kidding


物ごとの2面性、言わなくてもよいことと 言ってはいけないこと を 深く止めて、良心にそって深く考えてみよう 浅はかだと再び言われないために