


2009-07-15 08:35:41 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Greetings, I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council.
Today we look at intergalactic relations and communications. This is a topic of extreme interest. The Earth is leading the way as a point of concern. You have certain individuals on the Earth who through their own lack of reason are tempted to pull some serious triggers. They care not about others. Their hearts and souls are closed off. We are tempted to do some direct intervention but this will be unnecessary for other measures are taking place to prevent harm. Please trust in what I say and know it will all work out for the good.
The selfish interests of some on the Earth could be harmful to places other than Earth. This will not be permitted. It is a time of choice points on the planet. The dark ones are losing ground even though they are trying to hang on to what they have. The Earth is a planet of Light that very soon will only be that. Those who have other motives will find themselves elsewhere.
The strong hold the dark ones have had on the Earth is loosening. The quality of Light and love that are pouring into your planet is far more powerful than any dark energies of the past. We have you, the many Lightworkers, to thank for your loving assistance. Much more will be needed from you in the chaotic future that is ahead for you. If you stay in the higher state of mind and higher dimensions you will find yourselves moving forward with ease and grace. If you hold onto the old ways of fear and the lower vibrations it could get challenging.
We want you to know that peace is our goal. We want this for the entire planet Earth and for the entire universe in which you live. The reign of terror is about to end. It will make way for the New Earth where war will not occur. We are pleased that you are assisting to anchor in these new energies. You will have a beautiful new planet when the chaos is over. The chaos is necessary to shift the energies into something better than you can fathom.
We watch over you constantly along with many other members of the space family. You are a part of the Family of Light. We serve the Creator in whatever manner is needed. We have strong ties with the Earth and with humanity. We have a long history of being together. We will be coming back together as the veils lift and as the opportunities for our reunion present themselves. It could be sooner than later considering the rapid force of change. The accelerated growth of humanity is a necessary ingredient for our increased participation in the change process. Awakening is occurring.
We suggest that you remain calm and as peaceful as possible during these changes. Stay away from the angry people who are challenged now with the changing frequencies and energies on the planet. Rise above the strange behaviors that some display. Hold steadfast to your Light. Find other intergalactic friends on the Earth. You will know who they are and they will know you. This will become increasingly apparent.
You will be safe and protected. We are with you and love you as our own.
I am Mira.
Pleidian High Council July 13/09
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2009-07-15 07:25:11 | 代替ニュース
7/13/09 Ron Paul: Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?
Claims are made that auditing the Fed would compromise its independence. However, by independence, they really mean secrecy. The Fed clearly cherishes its vast power to create and spend trillions of dollars, diluting the value of every other dollar in circulation, making deals with other central banks, and bailing out cronies, all to the detriment of the taxpayer, and to the enrichment of themselves. I am happy to challenge this type of independence.
Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?


2009-07-15 06:22:29 | 代替ニュース

(CNN) 2001年にアフガニスタンのイスラム強硬派タリバーン戦闘員1000人近くが、米国が支援していた反タリバーン武装勢力「北部同盟」に投降した後で死亡した事件について、オバマ米大統領はブッシュ前政権が武装勢力指導者の取り調べに抵抗していた可能性を調査するよう指示した。大統領が先日、アフリカ西部ガーナで応じたCNNの単独インタビューで語った。

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サ・ルー・サ7/13:内側の真実に心を開いてください 3

2009-07-14 15:04:45 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Our allies move forward with greater assurance, and have established themselves where they can best help you. It may seem at times that you fight the dark alone, but be sure that we are alongside you and have everything under our control. That does not mean that we can do as we like, as karma must be allowed to work its way through. However, we do monitor all earthly events and control them as much as possible for any after effects. On another level great Cosmic Beings control the affect of the energies coming from various sources, so as not to overload your Solar System. Everything is energy, but it follows the Laws of Attraction that ensures there is balance throughout. In the event of imbalances caused by wrong use of the energies, there is always a counter balancing effect. Mother Earth is a beautiful conscious Being, and like you will throw off that which is out of harmony, and such occurrences often manifest as earthquakes or similar activity. Where you are concerned, your body often passes through a period of illness to achieve the same result.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we watch your progress very intently, cheering you on as you come together and grow in your strength. We see that our efforts along with your intent to find the true purpose of your existence have been rewarded. All around you there is evidence of change, no more so than in individual souls who have found their Light. With such strength of purpose and knowing how you can bring this cycle of reincarnation to an end, and you are creating your pathway out of it. No longer are you beholden to others who are being used by the dark forces, and you have broken the link that has held you back. You have found that you no longer necessarily need others to guide you, and that you have the innate wisdom and love already to find your own way forward. The Creator welcomes his Children of Light back into the realms of purity and everlasting life, and surrounds you all in a great outpouring of Love.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
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サ・ルー・サ7/13:内側の真実に心を開いてください 2

2009-07-14 13:58:31 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Messages from the Galactic Federation have opened your minds and hearts to the greater truth, but in essence have hardly scratched the surface. Allow for the spectacular and most astonishing revelations that are soon to break upon Mankind. The Truth is within you, but struggles to surface because you have been indoctrinated for so long with false information. It is as though you have been locked away in a cave without light, and have had only your own thoughts to reckon with. However, as the darkness is replaced with Light so you rise up and gather even more Light, and suddenly you awaken. The truth cannot then come quick enough for you, as without any difficulty you begin to understand what you are being given. It requires an open mind, so that you can allow for your truth to be uplifted to your highest concept of it.
Remember also that your Earth is the reality you have created and whilst it may reflect the Light as you understand it, it is nevertheless a poor reflection of what it truly is. Think God and imagine the reality that would originate from God’s mind, in all its beauty and perfection. That would give you an idea of what your potential is, and before long you will have returned to those higher levels where it exists. The Earth is not your natural home, but one placed before you to play out your life games. To experience duality and find out whether you can bring out your Light, and transform the dark energies. At last you are waking up and see the shortcomings of what you have created, and how you have allowed others to lead you onto their pathway to destruction. You have awoken just in time to avert a catastrophic end to the Human Race and Earth. Suddenly the tables have been turned against the dark forces, which miscalculated your ability to rise up against them. With victory in their grasp they been stopped in their tracks, and instead those of the Light have stolen a march on them.
Dear friends it is your turn to lead the way, having broken with the hold that the dark ones have had on you. You are creating the opportunities for the Light to manifest your dreams, and sure enough you shall see some interesting indications of the degree to which you are successful. There is turmoil, yet arising from it there is the phoenix that bears the name of “Peace”. It is what you have yearned for and prayed for, and you shall see your victory transform your civilization. It will also allow us to openly come at last, and speed up the changes that will lead to Ascension. The higher vibrations are being lowered and meeting yours that are rising up, and when they do shall come the sudden change leading to a dramatic upliftment.
SaLuSa Sirian Update July 13/09
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サ・ルー・サ7/13:内側の真実に心を開いてください 1

2009-07-14 10:10:00 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa July 13 2009
Most of you seeking the truth read a number of channeling each week, and you cannot fail to have noticed that there is a considerable amount of information that is confirmed, one to the other. They may be influenced by the vocabulary of the one channeling, but the underlining message will be very much the same. It would therefore follow that if there were messages seemingly at odds with the majority of the others, that they should be carefully noted for later evaluation. Clearly, if various channels chosen to do their work have a clear link with the source of them, you should expect to get acceptable and reliable information. As we have previously advised you, your intuition is going to be your best method of deciding what to accept. You will find that spiritual messages that are of the Light would not normally be judgmental or condemn people. It is certainly not the practice to denigrate the individual who does the channeling. However, it is sometimes necessary to expose what is happening where the dark forces are concerned. It means speaking about matters that can be proven, or where evidence already exists.
No source of information would exist unless it had been brought into being through the Law of Attraction. It means that there are souls for whatever reason that need to link with like vibrations. They come into life with a mindset formed from previous experiences, and have to follow it through until they come to anther conclusion. Bear in mind you have freedom of choice, and it is not given for another one to prevent souls from following their beliefs. As has been said many times, in the end only the truth will prevail and anything less will fall away. So be ready for change, particularly at this time when so much Light is being sent to Earth. Certainly weigh up your beliefs with others, but in the end make up your mind as to what it is you personally believe.
SaLuSa Sirian Update July 13/09
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2009-07-14 07:12:01 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Part1 Galactic Federation Of Light Message For Lightworkers July 2009
Beloved Lightworkers, the month of July will be one filled with the energies of Change and Transformation. The Diamond Light continues to bring illumination and awakening to the Planet, and at the same time, there are new Light Codes for the evolution of the Planet that will be activated in the Collective Consciousness at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of July, and the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 22nd of July as well as the Lion's Gate which opens on the 23rd of July.
It will indeed be a powerful time, and one in which you will need to hold the Diamond Light in your Heart and hold your energy in Peace and Calm as the changes occur and the New Earth energy facilitates the disintegration of the old energy and the birthing of the New Earth. In this process, you will find that your own inner energies are in the process of rebirthing in order to be able to take form in the higher frequencies of the New Earth. This Rebirthing process will affect the energies of the lower chakras, as the Diamond Light frequecies are activated within the three lower chakras to allow for the radiance and clarity of Cosmic Consciousness to become part of Material Reality in the New Earth.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2009-07-14 05:48:18 | 代替ニュース
Ron Paul Demands Audit of Fed
[ワシントン 8日 ロイター] 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)にとって長年の天敵とされるロン・ポール下院議員(共和、テキサス州選出)が提出している「FRB透明化法案」が下院での支持を拡大しており、FRB関係者は警戒している。下院での同法案に対する賛同者は現在250人に達している。FRBの独立性に関して9日に議会公聴会が開催され、FRBのコーン副議長が証言する見通し。今回の金融危機対策のほか、投資銀行ベアー・スターンズや米保険大手アメリカン・インターナショナル・グループ(AIG)<AIG.N>の救済などで、FRBが数兆ドルの資金を投じたことに対して、国民の間では批判的な見方が出ており、FRBに対して一段の説明責任を求める声も強まっている。
7月9日17時31分配信 ロイター

FRBの調査を大統領に要請 米下院の超党派議員団(NIKKEI7/13)
The Case Against An Unaccountable Federal Reserve(RonPaul.com)
H.R. 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
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2009-07-13 12:34:49 | 縄文宇宙文明
私はアセンションした惑星からきた―金星人オムネク・オネクのメッセージ (超知ライブラリー)
オムネク オネク


にほんブログ村 トラコミュ アセンンションへ


2009-07-13 12:23:36 | アセンション
オムネク・オネク(Omnec Onec) 本名:シーラ・シュルツ(Shiela Schultz)

オムネク・オネク - Wikipedia

サ・ルー・サ7/10:ファーストコンタクトに備える世界の変化 3

2009-07-13 09:51:19 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
The rest of this year will rapidly indicate that you are progressing towards a new direction, and that will encourage you to hold fast to your vision of changes for the better. When you understand them, you will also realize the significance of events that are being engineered by our allies. They are extremely busy under our direction and authority, and although we would rather have quicker results the final gambit must deliver the victory that we seek. We cannot use devious methods, and will simply achieve what we desire for you with meticulous planning and patience. You in general have accepted that situation, and we are very pleased with your response.
Over the last few years many more people have understood how their freedom has been eroded. Their response has resulted in an outpouring of Light to bring about changes that restore your rights. By transmuting the lower energies, you have weakened the power of the dark ones to continue with their plan. Be assured that your Love and Light are the weapons of peaceful people, who are changing the world in this way. Your collective action forms massive areas of Light, which become grounded within the Earth’s grids. The more you apply yourself in this way; even more Light is attracted to Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as a member of the Galactic Federation are about to play a major role in your future activities. We are not the only ones to have a long established link with you, but we have had far more interaction with you over thousands of years. Our love has always been with you, and so it shall remain for all eternity.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey
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