


2009-07-15 20:42:29 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Nasa Topsecret Ufo Congres Santiago 2009


2009-07-15 08:35:41 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Greetings, I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council.
Today we look at intergalactic relations and communications. This is a topic of extreme interest. The Earth is leading the way as a point of concern. You have certain individuals on the Earth who through their own lack of reason are tempted to pull some serious triggers. They care not about others. Their hearts and souls are closed off. We are tempted to do some direct intervention but this will be unnecessary for other measures are taking place to prevent harm. Please trust in what I say and know it will all work out for the good.
The selfish interests of some on the Earth could be harmful to places other than Earth. This will not be permitted. It is a time of choice points on the planet. The dark ones are losing ground even though they are trying to hang on to what they have. The Earth is a planet of Light that very soon will only be that. Those who have other motives will find themselves elsewhere.
The strong hold the dark ones have had on the Earth is loosening. The quality of Light and love that are pouring into your planet is far more powerful than any dark energies of the past. We have you, the many Lightworkers, to thank for your loving assistance. Much more will be needed from you in the chaotic future that is ahead for you. If you stay in the higher state of mind and higher dimensions you will find yourselves moving forward with ease and grace. If you hold onto the old ways of fear and the lower vibrations it could get challenging.
We want you to know that peace is our goal. We want this for the entire planet Earth and for the entire universe in which you live. The reign of terror is about to end. It will make way for the New Earth where war will not occur. We are pleased that you are assisting to anchor in these new energies. You will have a beautiful new planet when the chaos is over. The chaos is necessary to shift the energies into something better than you can fathom.
We watch over you constantly along with many other members of the space family. You are a part of the Family of Light. We serve the Creator in whatever manner is needed. We have strong ties with the Earth and with humanity. We have a long history of being together. We will be coming back together as the veils lift and as the opportunities for our reunion present themselves. It could be sooner than later considering the rapid force of change. The accelerated growth of humanity is a necessary ingredient for our increased participation in the change process. Awakening is occurring.
We suggest that you remain calm and as peaceful as possible during these changes. Stay away from the angry people who are challenged now with the changing frequencies and energies on the planet. Rise above the strange behaviors that some display. Hold steadfast to your Light. Find other intergalactic friends on the Earth. You will know who they are and they will know you. This will become increasingly apparent.
You will be safe and protected. We are with you and love you as our own.
I am Mira.
Pleidian High Council July 13/09
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2009-07-15 07:25:11 | 代替ニュース
7/13/09 Ron Paul: Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?
Claims are made that auditing the Fed would compromise its independence. However, by independence, they really mean secrecy. The Fed clearly cherishes its vast power to create and spend trillions of dollars, diluting the value of every other dollar in circulation, making deals with other central banks, and bailing out cronies, all to the detriment of the taxpayer, and to the enrichment of themselves. I am happy to challenge this type of independence.
Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?


2009-07-15 06:22:29 | 代替ニュース

(CNN) 2001年にアフガニスタンのイスラム強硬派タリバーン戦闘員1000人近くが、米国が支援していた反タリバーン武装勢力「北部同盟」に投降した後で死亡した事件について、オバマ米大統領はブッシュ前政権が武装勢力指導者の取り調べに抵抗していた可能性を調査するよう指示した。大統領が先日、アフリカ西部ガーナで応じたCNNの単独インタビューで語った。

にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 代替ニュースへ