


2009-05-28 16:02:55 | 代替ニュース

EXPRESSION(English Translation)

サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 5

2009-05-28 10:12:22 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and my companions share my anticipation of a glorious reunion with the people of Earth. It will be a time of great celebration, and it will be one to be remembered. You will see all kinds of craft moving around Earth, and some of you will be privileged to come aboard and meet us. It will not take long for you to recognize the different Galactic Beings, and particularly those who have come from dimensions within your Solar System. Their visitations in the past have been recorded, and you will see that we have been with you for thousands of years.
I will leave you with your thoughts, and hope you have been enthralled by the prospect of our arrival. Our time to join you is not far away, and we do not expect opposition from your governments. It is truly an exciting time to experience the events taking place on Earth. Enfold them in your love and see the beauty in the way the Creator moves you onto the path of Light and Love.
Thank you SaLuSa.(Mike Quinsey.)
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 4

2009-05-28 09:37:49 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
There will be times when the powerful incoming energies will make you feel tired, so listen to your body and rest accordingly. Conversely, as you integrate them into your body, so you will gradually need less sleep. You will partly gain your renewal of energy from outside of you, from the never-ending flow from the Central Sun. What you experience will be quite natural, and have no ill effects of a lasting nature. With these upliftments you will begin to feel a lot lighter, and at times as though floating on air.
Getting down to Earth, we must say that we are delighted with the response to sightings of our craft. Gradually there is acceptance of our presence in the skyways of Earth, and the fear that was felt before has greatly resided. The old images of monstrous alien Beings has long past and with the coming of the Space Age, people are far more open minded as to life elsewhere in you Universe. Even your orthodox religions are more receptive to the idea, and it will make a transition in your beliefs much more easier. We of the Galactic Federation are a membership of peaceful civilizations, that have proven their loyalty and service to others. We have approached our tasks with absolute care and love for all forms of life, and stories that tell otherwise are either false, or relate to other civilizations that are separate from us.
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 3

2009-05-28 06:43:35 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
What is happening in the Universe is affecting your beautiful world, and the increasingly high vibrations that are bringing about Ascension will carry you along. It cannot be otherwise, and it cannot be stopped as the mighty Beings of the higher realms wield their powers of creation. This should please you, and re-assure you that your grand future is nearer than ever. Once you ascend, you will find that higher Beings will more readily come into your new dimension. Your true reality will return, and since you have all been this way before it will be like going home once again. You know the higher dimensions well, but your memories have been dimmed and lost by living in the lower vibrations for so long. However, beauty, peace and happiness are your natural states of being, and that is what you will find with Ascension.
Heaven as you understand it comes from distant memories of beautiful dimensions above you, they are not in total perfection but neither do they share the dark energies. After Ascension you will create your “Heaven” and it will be beyond any of your present expectations. Words would fail to do justice to it where all is absolute beauty, moving in the energies of perfect love. What could be a better incentive to hold onto your Light, and focus on your future?
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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