

サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 2

2009-05-27 12:16:00 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We are your formidable friends, who carry the plan for Man and will ensure it is completed according to God’s Will. We are like your Guardian Angels, so close to you at all times and watching over you. You have an advantage over the dark ones because we play by the rules, and attract the higher energies and forces. The dark so often cannot agree amongst them, and this is their Achilles heel. Left to their own devices they will implode and take many dark souls with them. That will not affect those of the Light as the Creator has decreed exactly how this cycle will end, and it is not to be in destruction.
A great step forward will come with our open arrival on Earth, and allow a release of your frustrations and disappointments from the last few years. It will bring a time of wonderful happiness, and great expectations for the immediate future. Most importantly world peace will be assured, and Man will be able to put away his awful weapons of mass destruction. Your energies will be devoted to all that is positive and fulfilling, and the period of Earth cleansing will quickly get under way.
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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