Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 23:56:10 | Daily IWJ News

Ref.>"韓国「韓国は G7の資格十分だ」"

Ref.>"韓国紙「韓国企業に特許の空襲 成長の芽が削がれている」"

>"【韓国】サムスン電子、労組が初のス工事中ト入り 賃金交渉で妥結できず"

↓、"北朝鮮"から、落ちぶれる "同胞"への "トンスル"の材料のプレゼントです(多分!?);

>"Translation; Balloons that seem to have been sent by N. Korea"

>"Translation; Bags of filth which were scattered by N. Korea in 2016"

Ref.>"【韓国】旭日旗をつけた車が道路を走行 「この目を疑った、通報はできるのか」"

>'Translation; A vehicle with Rising Sun flag stickers was seen driving on a road in S. Korea = an online controversy is caused such as "I couldn't believe my eyes" & "Is this the president's vehicle?"'

↓、"米国"は "日本"を、おかしな "韓国 & 朝鮮人"と "手駒"として "連携"させる事は、"無理"だと知るべきでしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; The U.S. and Japan are responsible for the regional peace = PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Commander of USINDOPACOM, Admiral Samuel Paparo"


↓、次にこれ、少なくとも "R4"が該当しない事だけは、確かでしょう;




>'【お墨付き】中国マスコミ、蓮舫議員の都知事選出馬報道で「中国系議員 "蓮舫"」'

>"【動画】当選後の感想… 自民「皆様から頂いた勝利」、共産「みなさんにお力を頂いたこと感謝」、蓮舫「ひとえに私の実績!!!!!」"

↓、"ロシア"を追い詰めすぎるべきでありません、"ウクライナ"が負けそうだからと、次々に "強力"な兵器を提供すべきでありません;

↓、"政治"ですから、、、偉そうに "自民党"を叩いている "野党"も、大差ないでしょう;

↓、その "中国"様は、"日本"の何倍の "処理水"を海洋放出しているのでしょうか!?

↓、"原子力"であれ "歴史"であれ、"日本"ばかり "問題視"する、"AERA"(* "朝日新聞")を含む、"反日左翼"はおかしいでしょう;

↓、そう言われて "不服"なら、"駐日中国大使館"前に "集合 & 抗議"したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"Translation; China indicated continuation of military exercises = Taiwanese authority analyzed it as "normalization""

↓、"台湾戦闘" = "日本戦闘"です、"反日左翼"の言う事を "真に受け & 鵜呑み"にしていると、"沖縄県民"、いずれ "ツケ"を支払わされる事になるでしょう;


↓、"抑止力"の強化の "必要性"は、言うまでもありません、しかしその一方;
Ref.>"Translation; PM Fumio Kishida expressed "Procrastinating on constitutional revise is an abdication of responsibility" at a meeting of bipartisan lawmakers"

↓、"岸田"政権には、"憲法改正"を実現するだけの "体力"は、既に無いでしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; [Channel Seiron]. PM Fumio Kishida expressed "Procrastinating on constitutional revise is an abdication of responsibility" at a meeting of bipartisan lawmakers"



>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/29)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/29)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/29)"

>"つばさの党・黒川敦彦氏、借金1億円を踏み倒していた… 当事者「完済まで200年以上かかる計画を出してきた」「逮捕は当然の報い」"


>"【破天荒】北朝鮮さん、汚物(ふん便)など下げた風船約 90個を韓国側に飛ばす嫌がらせ 2016年以来8年ぶり"

>"JAL's Safety Problems: Spate of Mistakes Points to Company's Lax Organizational Discipline"

>"Join the Debate With Comfort Women Scholars"

>"It's Time for China to Get Serious on Peace"

>"It's Time for China to Get Serious on Peace"

>"EDITORIAL | JS Izumo Drone Breach a Call for Drastic Countermeasures"

>"[ICE TIME] Skating Great Toller Cranston's Incredible Life Captured in New Book"

>"Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and the Media-made 'Discrimination' Controversy"

>"The Eastlakes: How a Pioneering American Father and Son Contributed to Japan's Modernization"

>【Front Japan 桜】台湾立法院問題から見る文明の衝突 / 拝啓、白瀬中尉殿~南極探検はアイヌとともに~[桜R6/5/29]


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2024-05-29 23:39:39 | Translation


>"N. Korea sends over 260 balloons carrying trash into S. Korea: Seoul military"

>"N. Korea appears to be struggling to secure parts for spy satellite: presidential office"

>"S. Korea mulls suit against N. Korea in case of Pyongyang's full-scale use of Kaesong complex"

> N. Korea sends largest-ever number of balloons carrying trash into S. Korea

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Balloons that seem to have been sent by N. Korea


> 京畿道漣川郡で発見された、北朝鮮が韓国に向けて飛ばしたとみられる風船。
> 直径 70センチ以上だということが分かった(写真提供=首都軍団)。

Following photos show balloons seem to have been sent by N. Korea towards S. Korea, which were discovered in Yeoncheon County, Gyeonggi Province.
It was found to be over 70 cm in diameter (photos provided by Capital Corps).

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2024-05-29 23:12:51 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国「韓国は G7の資格十分だ」"

>"韓国紙「韓国企業に特許の空襲 成長の芽が削がれている」"

>"【韓国】サムスン電子、労組が初のス工事中ト入り 賃金交渉で妥結できず"

>"Seoul says N. Korea's next spy satellite launch likely to take 'considerable' time"

> Kim Jong-un denounces S. Korea's air drills against Pyongyang's satellite launch

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Bags of filth which were scattered by N. Korea in 2016


>【NEWSIS】韓国軍の合同参謀本部は 29日、ソウル・京畿・江原など各地で北朝鮮の対南風船が発見されたと発表した。
> 軍当局によると、北朝鮮から飛んできた対南汚物風船を100個以上発見し、現在撤去作業を行っている。
> 北朝鮮が汚物風船を飛ばしてくるのは 2016年以来およそ8年ぶり。
> 写真は 2016年当時、北朝鮮が対南風船でばらまいた汚物の袋の様子。

[NEWSIS]. On May 29, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of S. Korean forces released that N. Korean balloons aimed at the South were found in various locations, including Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon.
According to military authorities, more than 100 balloons aimed at the S Korea containing filthy matter sent from N. Korea were found, and the removal work is underway at present.
This is the 1st time in roughly eight years since 2016 that N. Korea sent filthy balloons.
Following photos show bags containing filth scattered by N. Korea in balloons aimed at the South in 2016.

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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 22:18:20 | Translation




>"つばさの党・黒川敦彦氏、借金1億円を踏み倒していた… 当事者「完済まで200年以上かかる計画を出してきた」「逮捕は当然の報い」"

> 頼清徳総統就任式と 中国軍事演習最中の緊迫取材 / 門田氏が頼清徳総統就任式に合わせ訪台 晩さん会では安倍昭恵さんも涙を流した頼総統の演説 321 Vol.1 / 20240527

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/29)


> 小池都知事肝いりの新築物件への太陽光パネル設置義務化に反対する上田令子都議や専門家が都庁内で会見し撤回の請願書提出。
> キヤノングローバル戦略研究所杉山大志研究主幹は防災面のリスクも指摘し、江東5区(墨田、江東、足立、葛飾、江戸川)では大規模水害が想定され「太陽光パネルが水没した場合、感電の危険がある」とリスクを訴えた。
> 更に「夜間や雨の日も電気は必要で火力発電が必要。太陽光パネルは根本的に二重投資でこれを入れれば入れるほど電気代は高くなる」と。
> フザけるな

Ueda Reiko, a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, and other experts opposing to Gov. Koike's pet program to make the installation of solar panels mandatory on new buildings held a press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and submitted a petition to revoke the plan.
Fellow Researcher Director Taishi Sugiyama at Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) pointed out the risk in terms of disaster prevention too. He appealed the risk that a large-scale flooding is expected in the five Koto wards (Sumida, Koto, Adachi, Katsushika, Edogawa), and that "if solar panels are submerged, there is a risk of electric shock."
Furthermore, he said that "Electricity is needed at night and on rainy days, so thermal power generation is necessary. Solar panels are fundamentally a double investment. Therefore, the more we install them, the higher our electricity bills will be."
Tokyo residents are being forced to cooperate in "clearing out stocks of Chinese-made solar panels."
No kidding!

>"小池知事に太陽光パネル設置義務化の撤回を求め請願書提出 上田都議「新エネルギーを妄信的に進めることをしない知事が誕生してほしい」"


> ナザレンコ氏の「ひょっとして蓮舫氏の出馬を最も喜んでいるのは小池氏じゃない?小池氏のアンチはめちゃくちゃ多いけど、蓮舫氏は比較にならない。"小池以外なら誰でも良い"という層は蓮舫出馬で一瞬で消えた」との評論が面白い。
> 3年前の自民総裁選でも決戦投票で "河野太郎氏がなるぐらいなら…"と岸田文雄氏ですら圧勝。
> 確かに小池氏は大喜びだろう

The Comment by Andrii Igorovich Nazarenko is Interesting that 'Maybe, Gov. Koike is the most pleased with Renhou's run? Koike's anti is so many, however, Renhou is not comparable. "Anybody but Koike" has disappeared in an instant by running Renho.'
Even in the LDP presidential election three years ago, even Fumio Kishida won overwhelmingly in the decisive battle, saying that "If Taro Kono will be ..."
Certainly, Gov. Koike is overjoyed.



> 中国マスコミが「中国系議員 "蓮舫" が都知事選へ出馬」と大報道。
> 期待度の強さが分る。
> コロナの初期、都の貴重な医療用防護服を 33万6千着も中国に無償提供した小池都知事は相当な媚中派だった。
> だが桁違いの媚中都知事が生まれるかも?
> まさか…

The mass media in China is reporting significantly that 'Chinese lawmaker "Renhou" will run for the gubernatorial election.'
We can see the strength of expectations.
Gov. Koike, who provided 336,000 precious medical protection clothing in the capital to China at the initial stage of COVID-19, is considerably a pro-China persons.
But maybe an extraordinary pro-China Tokyo Governor will be born?
No way ...



> 共産党の蓮舫氏全面支援で "バラ撒き都政"復活を目指す勢力が総結集。
> 国籍疑惑の蓮舫氏は今回の台湾訪問にも加わらず、かつて北京訪問の際は中国政府に"日本の政府で唯一の中国系国会議員"と持ち上げられた。
> 万一 "蓮舫都政"樹立なら大変な事態に

With the full support of Renho from the JCP, the forces aiming to revive a "lavish spending Tokyo government" have all come together.
Renho, whose nationality is under suspicion, did not take part in the latest visit to Taiwan, and was praised by Beijing as "the only Chinese-Japanese Diet member in the Japanese government" during her visit to Beijing in the past.
Renho is also supported by JCP-line Utsunomiya Kenji, who said that "a comfort women statue should be erected in front of the National Diet Building to be preserved for future generations."
If a "Renho Tokyo Metropolitan government" is established, it will cause a very serious circumstances.

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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 20:45:47 | Translation



>'【お墨付き】中国マスコミ、蓮舫議員の都知事選出馬報道で「中国系議員 "蓮舫"」'

>"【動画】当選後の感想… 自民「皆様から頂いた勝利」、共産「みなさんにお力を頂いたこと感謝」、蓮舫「ひとえに私の実績!!!!!」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/29)


> 習近平指導部が、不良債権に苦しむ融資平台(地方政府傘下の民間投資会社)などの民間住宅在庫を買い取りへ。
> もっと早くやっていればもうちょっと楽だったのに、不良債権が膨らんでから買取救済する典型的悪手。
> たぶん「‘買い取っても買い取っても減らない」状態だと思う。

The Xi Jinping leadership will buy private housing stock from "Local Government Financing Vehicles" (LGFV) (private investment companies under local governmental umbrellas) that are struggling with bad loans.
If they had done this earlier, things would have been a little easier. However, this is a typical bad move to buy bad loans only after they have piled up.
I think it's probably a situation where "no matter how much they buy, the stock never goes down."

>"中国で「隠れ債務不履行」 不動産不況、地方投資会社綻び"


> 北朝鮮が汚物をぶら下げた大型風船を韓国に向けて飛ばす。
> 韓国の団体が北朝鮮を批判するビラを大型風船で飛ばしていることへの対抗措置とみられるが、北朝鮮は下品すぎる。

North Korea sent large balloons with filth hanging from them towards S. Korea.
This seems to be a countermeasure against that an organization in S. Korea sent out leaflets criticizing N. Korea using large balloons. Even if so, N. Korea is vulgar too much.

>"北朝鮮が「汚物風船」を韓国に飛ばす 北批判のビラ散布に対抗か"


> ロシアとかイスラエルのように、どんなに孤立しても嫌われても妥協せず国益を優先する国は、本当は敵に回してはいけない。
> 必ず破滅的な結果になる。
> この二カ国は民主主義や倫理を唱えたって意味がない。
> 正義は後回しにして、人が死なないための現実的な方策をとるしかない。

Countries like Russia and Israel, which never compromise but prioritize their national interests, no matter how much isolated and disliked they are, should actually not be made into enemies
Doing so will inevitably lead to disastrous results.
For these two countries, there is no point in talking about democracy and ethics.
The only thing we can do is put justice on the back burner and take realistic measures to prevent people from dying.

>"ラファ地上作戦、一線を越えていないと米政府 イスラエル軍は中心部に到達か"


> いちテレビコメンテーターのコメントに粘着するような人が東京都知事なんてなれるの?
> 首相の次に罵詈雑言を浴びる立場だよ。

How can she (* Renho), who is so fixated on the comment of one TV commentator, become the Governor of Tokyo?
It's the position to be most insulted only after the Prime Minister.
She is too familiar with "media is on her side."



> オール沖縄に続き、オール東京ですか。
> 排他的なほどオールをつけたがる不思議。

Following "All Okinawa," it's "All Tokyo" this time?
It's strange that the more exclusive a person is, the more he or she want to attach "all."



> 自分から告白するスタイルか。

"I'm so ambitious that I will use the metropolitan government as a stepping stone."
It's a style of person to confess so voluntarily.



> 今のところの都知事選の構図
> 緑のたぬき vs 赤いきつね、ミニ橋下徹
> 緑のたぬき → 無駄遣い路線を継続
> 赤いきつね → NPO天国・マイノリティ対策に支出増へリセット?
> ミニ橋下 → 外国人・マイノリティ優遇、議会と対立して機能不全

The framework of the Tokyo gubernatorial election up to now.
Green-tanuki vs Red-fox, a mini Hashimoto Toru.
Green-tanuki → she will continue wasteful spending line.
Red-fox → reset to increase spending on NPO-haven & minority measures!?
Mini Hashimoto → favorable treatment for foreigners and minorities, and dysfunctional due to conflict with the assembly


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