Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 5/26)

2024-05-26 23:58:52 | Daily IWJ News


↓、値段の高い "高級車"だから、"ターゲット"にされるのでしょう(多分);

↓、これについては "以前"はそうでしたが、"日本を超えた"と考えるようになって以降は違うでしょう;
Ref.>'池上彰氏、韓国人は「昼は "反日"、夜は "親日"」'

"日本を超えた"と考えるようになってからは、"昼間"でも、むしろ気軽に 日本 "製品 & 旅行"を楽しんでいます。
言換えると、"大失速"による、再び "反日"となる可能性が大です。

↓、一方で、not only "昼間" but also "夜間"も "反日"に奔る層もいて、二極分化しています;
Ref.>"【韓国】元慰安婦ら「屈辱外交」と抗議 日韓首脳会談の直前に"

>"【韓国】元徴用工「少しでも補償して」 原告らと支援者、ソウルで集会"

>"Translation; Civic organization(s) in S. Korea held a protest rally near the presidential palace, saying that the policy measures to Japan was "weaknee""


↓、ならば "紙屑"と "処理水"(* "無害")を、"散布"してやればよろしかろう;
Ref.>"岸田首相、きょう韓国へ 日中首脳会談で日本産水産物禁輸の即時撤廃要求へ"

>"Translation; Tritium-concentration in the seawater near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant was less than the lower limit possible to detect by equipment = the TEPCO kicked off maritime discharge of treated waste water on May 17"

↓、次にこれ、"韓国"は "裏切り"ます、"宗主国"(* "中華帝国")側へと奔ります;
Ref.>"Sino-S. Korea summit meeting -- not only the bilateral FTA but also attempt to stabilize the relations, and foreign & national defense dialogue body will be newly established"



↓、自民党と維新ではなく、"泉代表," "R4" & "辻元清美"のプロパガンダでしょう(多分!?);

>"党幹部のパーティー開催に蓮舫氏「ふざけるな」辻元氏を通じて猛抗議 ⇒ 岡田幹事長と大串氏がパーティー中止"

↓、これは "立憲共産党"による "維新"へのプロパガンダでしょう(溜息);
Ref.>"【赤旗もびっくり】立憲・石垣のりこ議員、万博会場メタンガス量を "1万倍"にしてしまう…"

↓、次にこれ、not "永住権" but "永住許可"です;

↓、これについては、率先して "国会議員"として得ている "収入"を、供出したらよろしかろう;

↓、"卒業"し社会人になれば、嫌でも "優勝劣敗"です、"学校"教育にてその "準備"させずして、どうするのでしょう!?
Ref.>'小学校の運動会で「紅組・白組を廃止」の動き "勝ち負けをつけない"方針で、徒競走も「去年の自分に勝つ」 応援は「フレー!フレー!自分!」'

↓、次にこれ、ならば "セクシー小泉"に担当させれば、"大成功"疑い無しでしょう(多分!?);



↓、公約の not "達成率" but "着手率"をアピールするような輩です(溜息);
Ref.>"沖縄県、学校給食費の無償化に向け、中学校の給食費無償化へ。自治体に費用の半分を補助 ⇒ 中山市長「知事選の目玉公約でした。市町村に半額を求めるとは」"

↓、"デニー玉城"、その程度なら笑い話としても、"琉球王"気取りで中国に "朝貢"しようとするのは、止めたらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"Translation; The conditions before painting is opened to the general public to make persons can view the main hall of Shuri-gusuku, which re-construction work is underway and is scheduled to be completed in fall in 2026, up close"


>"西村博之(ひろゆき)の X(on '24. 5/26)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/26)"

>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/26)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/26)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/26)"


>"それ、日本人は履かない靴だよね、と 君が言ったから今日はバレタ記念日 ④"

>"Offensive in Gaza: Don't Sit Idly by as Humanitarian Crisis Spread"

>"Action Plan on Infectious Diseases: Effectiveness of Countermeasures Is at Stake"

>"Onosato Defeats Abi to Claim 1st Title at the Summer Basho"

>"Norihiro Yokoyama Rides Danon Decile to Tokyo Yushun Victory"

>"B.League Finals: Dragonflies Capitalize on Golden Kings' Mistakes in Game 2"

>【WiLL Money】インバウンドの光と影【吉崎誠二】


>【WiLL Money】ヤバすぎる SNS型投資詐欺 その巧妙な手口とは




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翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/26)

2024-05-26 23:20:51 | Translation

Ref.>"Thousands gather around Legislature to protest reform bills review"

> Close to 80,000 protesters gather outside Legislative Yuan against KMT-TPP bills|Taiwan News

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/26)


> さらに重要な事に気づく賢明な読者もいるだろう。
> それは今から12年前の12月 27日、第2次安倍政権発足翌日に安部総理が発表した英語論文「>"アジアの民主的安全保障ダイヤモンド"」に英国やフランスに太平洋に加わって欲しいと書いていたからだ。
> 日本訳は>"なぜか報道されない安倍総理のセキュリティダイアモンド構想."

Some smart readers may notice something even more important.
The reason why is that, on December 27, 12 years ago, in his English paper >"Asia's Democratic Security Diamond" which was issued on the day after the inauguration of the 2nd Abe administration, PM Abe wrote to want the U.K. and France to join the Pacific Ocean Region.
The translation to Japanese-language is >"なぜか報道されない安倍総理のセキュリティダイアモンド構想."

> 台湾の頼清徳新総統就任に合わせ、中国共産党は野蛮な恫喝を行った。
> 2年前に台湾封鎖実験をした人民解放軍(PLA)が今回同様の行動を執るのは日米両軍に共有された情報だった。
> 米空母ロナルド・レーガンがオランダ軍艦とともに牽制していたからだ。
> 重要なのは樋口譲治元陸将が指摘するように PLAの目的が《黄海から東シナ海、南シナ海に至る中国沿海域の内海化、軍事的聖域化》である事だ。

In conjunction with the inauguration of new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te (* aka William Lai), the Chinese Communist Party has carried out a barbaric intimidation.
It's shared information between U.S. and Japanese forces that the Chinese PLA, which conducted Taiwan-blockade-experiment two years ago, would take similar behaviors this time as well.
The reason why is that USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) has kept it in check, along with a Dutch naval vessel.
What does matter is that, as former Gen. Joji Higuchi points out, the purpose of the Chinese PLA is to [turn China's coastal waters from the Yellow Sea to the East China Sea and the South China Sea into inland waters and military sanctuaries].



> 日本では余り報道されない、台湾立法院(国会)前での数万人の台湾市民による立法院改革への抗議活動。
> これは野党国民党と連動する中国共産党 CCPへの抗議活動でもある。
> CCPの海上封鎖は台湾への野蛮な恫喝で台湾人が声を挙げる起爆剤になった。
> 台湾人は CCPの目論見とは逆に一致団結に向かう。
> シナが1996年と同じ失敗をしたのはこれで3回目だ。
> 習近平や CCPには民主主義下の民意の動きが理解不能だからだ。

It's the protest-campaign by tens of thousands of Taiwanese citizens in front of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan (national assembly) against reform of the Legislative Yuan, which isn't reported in Japan so much.
This is also a protest against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is linked to the opposition Kuomintang (* KMT, or Chinese Nationalist Party).
The CCP's naval blockade was a barbaric intimidation of Taiwan, and served as a trigger for Taiwanese to raise their voices.
On the contrary to the CCP's intention, the Taiwanese persons will move to unity.
This is the 3rd time that China made the same mistake as in 1996.
The reason why is that Xi Jinping and the CCP can't understand moves of public will under democratic system.

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翻訳:再建中の首里城正殿を間近で、塗装前の状態を一般公開 令和8年秋に完成予定

2024-05-26 22:34:35 | Translation


>"首里城地下に広がる、旧日本軍の地下壕 一部坑道をメディアに公開"

>"沖縄県、学校給食費の無償化に向け、中学校の給食費無償化へ。自治体に費用の半分を補助 ⇒ 中山市長「知事選の目玉公約でした。市町村に半額を求めるとは」"

> 首里城再建 御差床の龍柱手がける県出身の職人(沖縄テレビ)2024/5/21

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; The conditions before painting is opened to the general public to make persons can view the main hall of Shuri-gusuku, which re-construction work is underway and is scheduled to be completed in fall in 2026, up close

>"再建中の首里城正殿を間近で、塗装前の状態を一般公開 令和8年秋に完成予定"

> 令和元年10月の火災で大半が焼失した首里城(那覇市)で 25日、再建中の正殿を風雨から守るための仮設の覆い「素屋根」内部が一般公開された。
> 1月に始めた屋根の工事がほぼ完了。
> 瓦がふかれ、柱や壁を漆で塗装する前の状態を間近で見てもらおうと、首里城を管理する内閣府沖縄総合事務局などが企画した。
> 26日まで。

At Shuri-gusuku (* castle, Naha City), most of which was destroyed in a fire in October 2019, on May 25, the inside of the su-yane (* temporary roof placed around a shrine、temple、etc) to protect the Seiden (* main hall), which is currently being rebuilt, from wind and rain is opened to the general public.
The roof construction that started in January is almost complete.
It was planned by the Okinawa General Bureau of the Cabinet Office and other organizations, that manage Shuri-gusuku, in order to make persons see up close the conditions before the tiles are set and the pillars and walls were painted with lacquer.
Up to May 26.

> 再建は4年に始まり、5年末に骨組みができた。
> 国や県は7年度中に特徴的な赤瓦を設置、漆やベンガラと呼ばれる赤色顔料で外壁を塗り、8年秋に正殿全体が完成する予定。
> 3階建てで、土台に当たる基壇を含む高さは約18メートル、延べ床面積は約1200平方メートル。

The reconstruction work was kicked off in 2022 and the framework completed at the end of 2023.
The national and prefectural governments plan to install distinctive red tiles and paint the exterior walls with lacquer and red-oxide called "bengala" during FY2025, and the whole main hall is scheduled to be completed in the fall in 2026.
It's a three-story building with a height of approx. 18 m including the base, and the floor area is totally approx. 1,200 square meters.

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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/26)

2024-05-26 21:41:53 | Translation



>'小学校の運動会で「紅組・白組を廃止」の動き "勝ち負けをつけない"方針で、徒競走も「去年の自分に勝つ」 応援は「フレー!フレー!自分!」'

> 国基研チャンネル 第 544回「トランプ陣営幹部から聞いたウクライナ戦争出口戦略」 島田洋一(福井県立大学名誉教授)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/26)


> 安倍元首相の甥で岸元防衛相の長男・岸信千世衆院議員が台湾から帰国後、櫻井よしこ氏の国基研に寄稿。
> 保守・現実政治家として成長に期待

LH lawmaker Nobuchiyo Kishi (LDP) -- former PM Abe's nephew and former Defense Minister Kishi's eldest son) -- contributed to the JINF (Japan Institute for National Fundamentals), whose President is Yoshiko Sakurai, after returning from Taiwan.
That's the as expected essay that 'If we can't defend the Taiwan Strait, we will be able to defend neither Japan's sea lanes, nor sectors that form the basis of the country, such as energy and food, and the whole Japanese nationals will be in a crisis situation. As long as you live in Japan, no one is unrelated with that. We should not just talk emotionally about our friendship and feelings with Taiwan, but think realistically that the "Taiwan Strait as Japan's lifeline.'
I look forward to his growth as a conservative and pragmatism politician.

>"台湾海峡は日本の生命線 岸信千世(衆院議員)"


> 帰国すると兵庫県稲美町の水上メガソーラーが話題になっていた。
> パネル数は2万5860枚。
> 政財界もマスコミも、そして国土も、彼の国に蹂躙され放題の日本。
> 暗澹…

When I returned to Japan, I found that "floating mega solar" in Inami Town, Hyogo Pref. was a hot topic.
The number of panels is 25,860.
In response to the pointing out that "the more electricity is sold, the more the electricity bill (renewable energy charge) which will be shoulded by the nationals. Even worse, the president of the solar panel company is Chinese," I sigh.
Japan is a country, which is being overrun by that country, including the political and business circles and the media, and the national land.
It's gloomy...



> サンモニを見れば中国のマスコミ工作の "成功度"が分る。
> 米国は戦争回避の為に同盟国と一体となった「総合抑止」を掲げており、一方、中国はその分断を狙う。
> TBSと寺島実郎氏は中国側に立って重要な役割を果たしている。
> 日本で世論や政府の分断が成功した時に戦争は起こる。
> つまり中国による戦争を "呼び込む"とんでもない人達である

If you view the (* TBS program) Sanday-Morning, you can see the "degree of success" of China's media manipulation.
The U.S. advocates "comprehensive deterrence," in which united with its allies, in order to avoid war. On the other hand, China aims to divide that.
TBS and "Jitsuro Terashima" stand on the Chinese side and play an important role.
The war will breakout, when when public opinion and government are successfully divided in Japan.
In other words, they are the outrageous persons who will "invite" the war by China.

> 昨夜遅く台湾から帰国。
> するとサンモニで寺島実郎氏が「中国は抑制的に対応している。重要なのは台湾有事を日本有事にしてはならないという事」と。
> つまり「台湾は米軍だけに任せよ」と中国が泣いて喜ぶ主張を展開。
> 米軍が攻撃を受け "存立危機事態"と認定されれば日本は集団的自衛権を行使し必要最小限度の武力行使が可能になる。
> 仮に同盟国米国に対して "知らぬ顔"をするなら日米安保体制が機能不全に陥り、日本は存亡の危機に立つ。
> 今なお "一国平和主義"で日本が存続できると思っている事に唖然

Late last night, I returned from Taiwan.
Then, in the "Sanday-Morning," Jitsuro Terashima said that "China restraintly deals with it. What does matter is not to make a Taiwanese contingency be a Japanese one."
In short, he developed an argument, with which China crys tears of joy, that "Taiwan should leave to U.S. Forces alone."
If the U.S. Forces is attacked and "threat to national existence" is recognized, Japan will be able to exercise the right to collective self-defense and exercise minimum level use of force.
If Japan takes "indifferent stance" to an ally of Japan, the U.S., the U.S.-Japan security system will become not to work, and Japan will be in danger of surviving.
I'm stunned by that they still think that Japan can survive in "one-country pacificism."


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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/26)

2024-05-26 19:40:38 | Translation




>"【赤旗もびっくり】立憲・石垣のりこ議員、万博会場メタンガス量を "1万倍"にしてしまう…"


> S. Korea-Japan-China Summit to focus on cooperation over conflict, possible talks on FTA: Experts

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/26)


> 小池都知事の公約が楽しみ。
> どうせ守らないから、好き勝手書いてきそうだ。

I'm looking forward to seeing Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike's election pledges.
Since she won't protect it anyway, I forecast that she will write whatever she wants.

> 安倍さんなき今の自民党に谷垣さんが不在なのはつくづく痛い。
> 倫理面の重しがなくなった感じがある。

It's extremely serious damage to the LDP that Tanigaki is not present in the LDP now, after Abe passed away.
It feels like the weight of ethics has lost.


>"谷垣禎一氏が初の回顧録出版 今の自民を「下野時代を忘れつつある」「気の緩み」と叱咤"


> 27日にソウルでおこなわれる日中韓3カ国首脳会談のため、岸田首相が羽田を出発。
> 尹錫悦大統領とは事前に個別会談をし、李強首相との協議も行う見通しだそうだ。
> 李首相には決定権がないから、重要なことは決められないだろうが、とりあえず会うことに意義がある。
PM Kishida departed from Haneda in order for Sino-Japan-S. Korea trilateral summit meeting in Seoul on May 27.
It's allegedly forecasted that he will hold a separated meeting with President Yoon Suk-yeol in advance, and talk with "Chinese premier Li Qiang."
As Premier Li Qiang has no decision making power, they probably won't be able to make important matters. However, it's meaningful to meet for now.

>"岸田文雄首相、日中韓会談へ出発 韓国の尹錫悦大統領、中国の李強首相とも個別協議"

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