Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 22:18:20 | Translation




>"つばさの党・黒川敦彦氏、借金1億円を踏み倒していた… 当事者「完済まで200年以上かかる計画を出してきた」「逮捕は当然の報い」"

> 頼清徳総統就任式と 中国軍事演習最中の緊迫取材 / 門田氏が頼清徳総統就任式に合わせ訪台 晩さん会では安倍昭恵さんも涙を流した頼総統の演説 321 Vol.1 / 20240527

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/29)


> 小池都知事肝いりの新築物件への太陽光パネル設置義務化に反対する上田令子都議や専門家が都庁内で会見し撤回の請願書提出。
> キヤノングローバル戦略研究所杉山大志研究主幹は防災面のリスクも指摘し、江東5区(墨田、江東、足立、葛飾、江戸川)では大規模水害が想定され「太陽光パネルが水没した場合、感電の危険がある」とリスクを訴えた。
> 更に「夜間や雨の日も電気は必要で火力発電が必要。太陽光パネルは根本的に二重投資でこれを入れれば入れるほど電気代は高くなる」と。
> フザけるな

Ueda Reiko, a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, and other experts opposing to Gov. Koike's pet program to make the installation of solar panels mandatory on new buildings held a press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and submitted a petition to revoke the plan.
Fellow Researcher Director Taishi Sugiyama at Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) pointed out the risk in terms of disaster prevention too. He appealed the risk that a large-scale flooding is expected in the five Koto wards (Sumida, Koto, Adachi, Katsushika, Edogawa), and that "if solar panels are submerged, there is a risk of electric shock."
Furthermore, he said that "Electricity is needed at night and on rainy days, so thermal power generation is necessary. Solar panels are fundamentally a double investment. Therefore, the more we install them, the higher our electricity bills will be."
Tokyo residents are being forced to cooperate in "clearing out stocks of Chinese-made solar panels."
No kidding!

>"小池知事に太陽光パネル設置義務化の撤回を求め請願書提出 上田都議「新エネルギーを妄信的に進めることをしない知事が誕生してほしい」"


> ナザレンコ氏の「ひょっとして蓮舫氏の出馬を最も喜んでいるのは小池氏じゃない?小池氏のアンチはめちゃくちゃ多いけど、蓮舫氏は比較にならない。"小池以外なら誰でも良い"という層は蓮舫出馬で一瞬で消えた」との評論が面白い。
> 3年前の自民総裁選でも決戦投票で "河野太郎氏がなるぐらいなら…"と岸田文雄氏ですら圧勝。
> 確かに小池氏は大喜びだろう

The Comment by Andrii Igorovich Nazarenko is Interesting that 'Maybe, Gov. Koike is the most pleased with Renhou's run? Koike's anti is so many, however, Renhou is not comparable. "Anybody but Koike" has disappeared in an instant by running Renho.'
Even in the LDP presidential election three years ago, even Fumio Kishida won overwhelmingly in the decisive battle, saying that "If Taro Kono will be ..."
Certainly, Gov. Koike is overjoyed.



> 中国マスコミが「中国系議員 "蓮舫" が都知事選へ出馬」と大報道。
> 期待度の強さが分る。
> コロナの初期、都の貴重な医療用防護服を 33万6千着も中国に無償提供した小池都知事は相当な媚中派だった。
> だが桁違いの媚中都知事が生まれるかも?
> まさか…

The mass media in China is reporting significantly that 'Chinese lawmaker "Renhou" will run for the gubernatorial election.'
We can see the strength of expectations.
Gov. Koike, who provided 336,000 precious medical protection clothing in the capital to China at the initial stage of COVID-19, is considerably a pro-China persons.
But maybe an extraordinary pro-China Tokyo Governor will be born?
No way ...



> 共産党の蓮舫氏全面支援で "バラ撒き都政"復活を目指す勢力が総結集。
> 国籍疑惑の蓮舫氏は今回の台湾訪問にも加わらず、かつて北京訪問の際は中国政府に"日本の政府で唯一の中国系国会議員"と持ち上げられた。
> 万一 "蓮舫都政"樹立なら大変な事態に

With the full support of Renho from the JCP, the forces aiming to revive a "lavish spending Tokyo government" have all come together.
Renho, whose nationality is under suspicion, did not take part in the latest visit to Taiwan, and was praised by Beijing as "the only Chinese-Japanese Diet member in the Japanese government" during her visit to Beijing in the past.
Renho is also supported by JCP-line Utsunomiya Kenji, who said that "a comfort women statue should be erected in front of the National Diet Building to be preserved for future generations."
If a "Renho Tokyo Metropolitan government" is established, it will cause a very serious circumstances.

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