Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 20:45:47 | Translation



>'【お墨付き】中国マスコミ、蓮舫議員の都知事選出馬報道で「中国系議員 "蓮舫"」'

>"【動画】当選後の感想… 自民「皆様から頂いた勝利」、共産「みなさんにお力を頂いたこと感謝」、蓮舫「ひとえに私の実績!!!!!」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/29)


> 習近平指導部が、不良債権に苦しむ融資平台(地方政府傘下の民間投資会社)などの民間住宅在庫を買い取りへ。
> もっと早くやっていればもうちょっと楽だったのに、不良債権が膨らんでから買取救済する典型的悪手。
> たぶん「‘買い取っても買い取っても減らない」状態だと思う。

The Xi Jinping leadership will buy private housing stock from "Local Government Financing Vehicles" (LGFV) (private investment companies under local governmental umbrellas) that are struggling with bad loans.
If they had done this earlier, things would have been a little easier. However, this is a typical bad move to buy bad loans only after they have piled up.
I think it's probably a situation where "no matter how much they buy, the stock never goes down."

>"中国で「隠れ債務不履行」 不動産不況、地方投資会社綻び"


> 北朝鮮が汚物をぶら下げた大型風船を韓国に向けて飛ばす。
> 韓国の団体が北朝鮮を批判するビラを大型風船で飛ばしていることへの対抗措置とみられるが、北朝鮮は下品すぎる。

North Korea sent large balloons with filth hanging from them towards S. Korea.
This seems to be a countermeasure against that an organization in S. Korea sent out leaflets criticizing N. Korea using large balloons. Even if so, N. Korea is vulgar too much.

>"北朝鮮が「汚物風船」を韓国に飛ばす 北批判のビラ散布に対抗か"


> ロシアとかイスラエルのように、どんなに孤立しても嫌われても妥協せず国益を優先する国は、本当は敵に回してはいけない。
> 必ず破滅的な結果になる。
> この二カ国は民主主義や倫理を唱えたって意味がない。
> 正義は後回しにして、人が死なないための現実的な方策をとるしかない。

Countries like Russia and Israel, which never compromise but prioritize their national interests, no matter how much isolated and disliked they are, should actually not be made into enemies
Doing so will inevitably lead to disastrous results.
For these two countries, there is no point in talking about democracy and ethics.
The only thing we can do is put justice on the back burner and take realistic measures to prevent people from dying.

>"ラファ地上作戦、一線を越えていないと米政府 イスラエル軍は中心部に到達か"


> いちテレビコメンテーターのコメントに粘着するような人が東京都知事なんてなれるの?
> 首相の次に罵詈雑言を浴びる立場だよ。

How can she (* Renho), who is so fixated on the comment of one TV commentator, become the Governor of Tokyo?
It's the position to be most insulted only after the Prime Minister.
She is too familiar with "media is on her side."



> オール沖縄に続き、オール東京ですか。
> 排他的なほどオールをつけたがる不思議。

Following "All Okinawa," it's "All Tokyo" this time?
It's strange that the more exclusive a person is, the more he or she want to attach "all."



> 自分から告白するスタイルか。

"I'm so ambitious that I will use the metropolitan government as a stepping stone."
It's a style of person to confess so voluntarily.



> 今のところの都知事選の構図
> 緑のたぬき vs 赤いきつね、ミニ橋下徹
> 緑のたぬき → 無駄遣い路線を継続
> 赤いきつね → NPO天国・マイノリティ対策に支出増へリセット?
> ミニ橋下 → 外国人・マイノリティ優遇、議会と対立して機能不全

The framework of the Tokyo gubernatorial election up to now.
Green-tanuki vs Red-fox, a mini Hashimoto Toru.
Green-tanuki → she will continue wasteful spending line.
Red-fox → reset to increase spending on NPO-haven & minority measures!?
Mini Hashimoto → favorable treatment for foreigners and minorities, and dysfunctional due to conflict with the assembly


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