Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:首相 "憲法改正議論引き延ばしは責任放棄" 超党派議員ら会合

2024-05-30 05:31:14 | Translation


> 岸田総理、憲法改正の緊急事態条項「今まさに国民に問うべきテーマ」国会での議論加速を促す|TBS NEWS DIG

Translation; PM Fumio Kishida expressed "Procrastinating on constitutional revise is an abdication of responsibility" at a meeting of bipartisan lawmakers

>"首相 "憲法改正議論引き延ばしは責任放棄" 超党派議員ら会合"

> 憲法改正をめぐり岸田総理大臣は超党派の国会議員らでつくる団体が開いた会合にビデオメッセージを寄せ、議論を引き延ばして国民に選択肢を提示しないのは政治の責任放棄だとして、実現に向けて取り組む考えを重ねて示しました。
Over the constitutional revise, PM Fumio Kishida sent a video-message to a meeting held by an organization formed by bipartisan Diet members. In it, he said that prolonging the debate and not presenting the public with options was an abdication of political responsibility, and reiterated his intention to work towards realizing the amendment.

> 岸田総理大臣は 27日、新しい憲法の制定を目指す超党派の国会議員らでつくる団体が開いた会合にビデオメッセージを寄せました。
> この中で岸田総理大臣は「憲法改正は先送りのできない課題で、時代にそぐわない部分や不足している部分は果断に見直していかなければならない。緊急事態に国会など国家の機能を維持できるのかなどは今まさに国民に問うべきテーマだ」と指摘しました。

On May 27, PM Kishida sent the video-message to a meeting held by an organization formed by bipartisan Diet members seeking to enact a new Constitution.
In it, PM Kishida pointed out that "Revising the constitution is an issue that can't be put off. Any parts that are outdated or insufficient must be reviewed decisively. Whether or not the national functions, including the Diet, can be maintained in an emergency is a matter that the nationals should be questioned right now."

> そのうえで「国民に選択肢を示すことは政治の責任であり、いたずらに議論を引き延ばし選択肢の提示すら行わないならば責任の放棄と言われてもやむをえない。社会が大きく変化する今だからこそ政治の責任を果たしていかなければならない」と述べ、憲法改正の実現に向けて取り組む考えを重ねて示しました。
He then said that "It's the responsibility of the politics to present options to the nationals. If we needlessly prolong the discussion and don't even present options, we can't be helped but be accused of abdicating our responsibility. In nawadays, when the society is undergoing major changes, we must fulfill our political responsibilities," and reiterated his intention to work towards realizing the constitutional revise.

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