Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/29)

2024-05-29 19:26:16 | Translation



>【朝日より悪質】山田宏氏に関する報道は共同通信の差●主義者が書いた記事。トランプ氏 三期目発言の真意。ブロンクス集会の意義と AOC発狂。西村×長尾×吉田×T【こーゆーナイト第140夜】5/25収録⑤

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/29)


> 大変ご無沙汰していますが、立候補の弁を読み、気力益々衰えず、と安心いたしました。
Even though I haven't heard from you very much, I'm relieved that your mental power has yet declined absolutely after reading your statement of run (* in the Tokyo gubernatorial election).



> そういう貧困な知的環境の中で、日本でも安全保障への軍人の冷静で現実的な見解がますます大切になる。
> 世界中どこでも凡そ優秀な軍人ほど最も戦争を避けたがっているからだ。
> 織田邦男元空将の人民解放軍海軍の空母への対抗策が極めて重要だ。
> 一般国民も共有すべき考えだ。

In such a poor intellectual environment, the calm and realistic views of military personnel on security issues become more and more important.
The reason why is that, everywhere in the world, the more military personnel are excellent, the more they want to avoid war.
Former Japan Air SDF General Kunio Orita's countermeasures against the Chinese PLA-Navy aircraft carriers are extremely important.
It's the view that the general public should also share.

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翻訳:中国軍事演習にロボット犬導入 ライフル銃で敵撃退、偵察活動も

2024-05-29 07:00:08 | Translation

Ref.>"China's military shows off rifle-toting robot dogs"

>"China Playing Both Sides of Myanmar Conflict to Its Advantage"

>"EDITORIAL | China is the Threat to Peace, Stability in the Taiwan Strait"

>"Japan-China-ROK summit: Three Nations Should Build Cooperation Step by Step for Regional Stability"

> Chinese Army Deploys Robot Dog with Machine Gun Amid Taiwan Tensions! #military

Translation; It can use a rifle to repel enemies and even conduct reconnaissance activity = robots dog was introduced in Chinese PLA's military exercises

>"中国軍事演習にロボット犬導入 ライフル銃で敵撃退、偵察活動も"

> 中国軍がカンボジアとの合同軍事演習「ゴールデンドラゴン 2024」にロボット犬を導入したことが 28日、明らかになった。
> ライフル銃で敵を撃退するほか、偵察活動を行うなどの訓練を実施した。
> 中国国営中央テレビが訓練の映像を放送した。

On May 28, it turned out that the Chinese PLA has introduced robot dogs to the joint military exercise with Cambodia, "Golden Dragon 2024."
In addition to repelling enemies with a rifle, the dogs conducted trainings such as reconnaissance activity.
China Central Television (CCTV) broadcasted a footage showing the training.

> 中国の習近平指導部はロボットや無人機(ドローン)、人工知能(AI)といった先端技術の軍事利用で「世界一流の軍隊」建設を進める構え。
> 国際社会では AIを利用した自律型致死兵器システム(LAWS)のルール作りが議論されており、中国の開発加速で「殺人ロボット」の規制を求める声が高まりそうだ。
> 中国軍のロボット犬は前進や後退など複雑な動作ができる。

China's Xi Jinping leadership takes a stance to build a "world-class forces" through the military use of cutting-edge technologies such as robots, drones, and artificial intelligence (AI).
In the international community, a rule-making for "Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems" (LAWS) using AI is underway. Due to China's development accelerates, calls for regulating "killer robots" are likely to grow louder.
The Chinese PLA's robot dogs can perform complex moves such as moving forward and backward.

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翻訳:東京・望月衣塑子記者が改憲主張の与那国町長を非難 林官房長官会見で

2024-05-29 06:29:13 | Translation

Ref.>"Staging the Comeback of Mao in Xi Jinping's China"

>"Japan Stands with Taiwan as China Resorts to More Threats"

>"Taiwan on High Alert As China Conducts Military Exercises "

> 与那国町長「交戦権を認めるべき」憲法9条改正を主張 (沖縄テレビ)2024/5/7

* Si vis pacem, para bellum (peace through strength).

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; At a CCS Yoshimasa Hayashi's press briefing, Tokyo Shimbun reporter Isoko Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) criticized Yonaguni Town Mayor Kenichi Itokazu, who argued to revise the Constitution

>"東京・望月衣塑子記者が改憲主張の与那国町長を非難 林官房長官会見で"

> 東京新聞の望月衣塑子(いそこ)記者が 28日、林芳正官房長官の記者会見に出席し、憲法改正を主張する沖縄県与那国町の糸数健一町長について「押し付け憲法論を展開した」と非難した。
> 林氏は「憲法改正は国会が発議し、最終的には国民投票で国民が決めるものだ」と応じた。

On May 28, Tokyo Shimbun reporter Isoko Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) attended a press briefing of Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi. She criticized Yonaguni Town in Okinawa Mayor Kenichi Itokazu , who calls for revise of the Constitution, saying that "He developed the imposed constitution on us theory."
CCS Hayashi replied that "Constitutional reform is proposed by the Diet, and ultimately decided by the nationals in a national referendum."

> 糸数氏は憲法記念日の今月3日、「『21世紀の日本と憲法』有識者懇談会」(櫻井よしこ代表)が東京都内で開いた公開憲法フォーラムに登壇し、「自縄自縛的な現憲法のくびきから脱却を図るため、憲法改正に向けて勇往邁進するときだ」と改憲を強調した。
> また、中国などを念頭に「平和を脅かす国家に対して一戦を交える覚悟が問われている」と気構えを説いた。

Mayor Itokazu made a speech at an open constitutional forum held in Tokyo on the 3rd of this month, the Constitution Day, which was promoted by the "Expert Panel on [Japan and the Constitution in the 21st Century] (headed by Sakurai Yoshiko). He emphasized the need for constitutional reform, saying that "Now is the time to courageously forge ahead towards constitutional reform in order to break free from the yoke of the current Constitution, which has us bound by it."
In addition, with China and so on in mind, he also argued the need for "our resolve to commit a battle against nations that threaten peace is being tested."

> 望月氏は糸数氏が「中国に対して好戦的な発言を繰り返している」と指摘。
> エマニュエル駐日米大使が17日に同町を訪れたことについても「政治的な意味合いを含んでいる」と疑問視した。
> 林氏は「個々の政治家の活動については政府としてコメントは控えたい」と述べるにとどめた。

Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) pointed out that Itokazu "has repeatedly made belligerent remarks against China." (* It's China that has been launching the invasion in a form of present progressive).
She (* Who does she think she is?) also questioned U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel's visit to the town on May 17, saying that "it contains political connotations."
CCS Hayashi only said that "As the government, we would like to refrain from commenting on the activities of individual politicians."

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翻訳:中国、衛星打ち上げの北朝鮮を非難せず 「建設的な努力を」各国に要求

2024-05-29 05:44:14 | Translation

Ref.>"【韓流】BLACKPINKが 22億再生 KPOPグループ初"





> S. Korea, Japan, China agree Korean Peninsula peace is 'common responsibility'...

Translation; China didn't criticize N. Korea, which launched the satellite, while demanding "to make constructive efforts" to each country

>"中国、衛星打ち上げの北朝鮮を非難せず 「建設的な努力を」各国に要求"

> 中国外務省の毛寧報道官は 28日の記者会見で、北朝鮮による 27日の軍事偵察衛星発射を非難せず「朝鮮半島の平和と安定を守り問題の政治解決を進めるため、各国は建設的な努力をすべきだ」と述べた。
At a press briefing on May 28, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry (* Deputy Director of Information Department) Mao Ning didn't criticize launch of a reconnaissance military satellite by N. Korea on May 27, while saying that >"We believe that ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and advancing the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue serves the common interests of all parties, and we call on all parties to make constructive efforts to this end."

> 中国は朝鮮半島の情勢緊張は米国主導の対北朝鮮圧力が要因との立場を取り、日米韓による安全保障上の連携強化をけん制。
> 軍事演習などの自制を求める構えだ。
> 北朝鮮とは今年、国交樹立 75年を迎え、4月に最高指導部メンバーが約5年ぶりに訪朝。
> 伝統的な友好関係を強化する方針だ。

China takes position that the strained-situation on the Korean Peninsula is due to U.S.-led pressure on N. Korea, and keeps strengthening U.S.-Japan-S. Korea security cooperation in check.
It takes stance to require restraint in military exercises, etc.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with N. Korea, and member(s) of the country's top leadership visited N. Korea in April for the 1st time in about five years.
It has a policy to upgrade the traditional friendly relations.

> 27日の日中韓首脳会談後の共同宣言で朝鮮半島の非核化に関する表現が中国の反対で弱められたとの指摘を巡り、毛氏は「朝鮮半島問題に関する中国の基本的立場に変わりはない」と主張した。
> 中国の李強首相は 27日、日中韓首脳による共同記者会見で「中国は朝鮮半島の平和と安定に尽力している」と強調。

Over a pointing out that >"Second, the Joint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-China-Japan Trilateral Summit does not include the goal of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula which was mentioned in previous meeting documents. Some media reports say that this is due to China's opposition. What is China's position on this?," Mao Ning argued that >"China's basic position on the Korean Peninsula issue remains unchanged."
At a joint press conference by the leaders of Japan, China and S. Korea on May 27, Chinese Premier Li Qiang emphasized that "China is committed to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula."

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