Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2024-06-23 22:57:25 | Translation

Ref.>"USS Theodore Roosevelt arrives in Busan in show of force"

>"S. Korea urges Russia to halt military cooperation with N.K. amid tensions over new treaty"

>"S. Korea needs to consider nuclear armament as way to diversify options against N.K. nukes: think tank"

>"Defector group sends more plastics bottles containing rice to N. Korea, raising concerns about Pyongyang's trash balloons"

> N. Korean troops briefly cross inter-Korean border again on Thursday: JCS

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation;The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "USS Theodore Roosevelt" docked at ROK Fleet Command in Busan


> 米海軍の原子力空母「セオドア・ルーズベルト」(CVN-71・10万トン級)が 22日午前、釜山市南区の海軍作戦司令部釜山作戦基地に入港する様子。
> ニミッツ級のこの空母は全長 332.8メートル、幅 76.8メートル規模で、FA18(スーパーホーネット)、F35C戦闘機、EA18Gグラウラー電子戦機、MH60シーホーク海上作戦ヘリコプターなど、およそ 90機を搭載しており、乗組員も約 6000人に達する。

Following photos show that, on June 22 morning, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "USS Theodore Roosevelt" (CVN-71, 100 thousand ton class) is making a port call at the Fleet Command in Busan of the RoK Busan Naval Base in Nam District in Busan.
This Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is 332.8 m in total length, 76.8 m in width. It carries approx. 90 aircraft, including FA-18 Super Hornet, F-35C fighter jets, EA-18G Growler airborne electronic attack aircraft, SH-60B Seahawk antisubmarine warfare helicopters, etc., and the number of its crew is approx. 6,000.

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