Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 5/14)

2024-05-14 23:54:01 | Daily IWJ News


>"Translation; [Plundering of a S. Korean company by Japan] performance"

↓、ならば、まず真っ先に、"旅行"に行かねばよろしかろう(* "NO NO JAPAN"とは!?);
Ref.>"韓国の Z世代、日本嫌いでも日本旅行ブームの都合のよさ"

↓、"出張"の名目で "日本旅行"に行けなくなる事を "危惧"しているのでしょう(多分!?);
Ref.>"韓国ネイバー労組「LINE売却反対… 韓国政府は断固対処を」"

Ref.>"韓国教授激怒 カナダの教科書、済州島を日本の領土として表記"

>"韓国はなぜ素通りされるのか ビッグテック企業が台湾・日本など東アジアの各地で大規模投資計画"

"頂点"(* "世界最高民族")に君臨する事は、"孤独"を意味します、"妬まれ & 僻まれ"る、それも "朝鮮人"の宿命です。

↓、無論、つまらぬ "嫌がらせ"に奔らず、そうと素直に "認め & 敬服"する人も、存在します;

↓、次は "落選"でお願いします(* "稲田朋美"は、恐らく、当選してしまうでしょう);

>"【毎日】「絶対クビにしてやる」 自民・長谷川岳氏、官僚にも威圧的言動か"



↓、"選挙妨害"ではないと、"玉川徹"の "お墨付き"なのですから;
Ref.>"【ヤジ】玉川徹氏(2017)「安倍さんがヤジに弱い。選挙妨害ではない」→ 玉川徹氏(2024)「多くの有権者は眉をひそめて(つばさの党に)嫌悪感を抱いてる!」"

↓、ならば、中国製 EVを "購入"したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"舛添要一「中国 EVは世界最先端!ガソリン車は時代遅れ!日本の完全に負け!」"

↓、ただし、"補助金"漬けでの "輸出"攻勢を、今後も続けられるとは限りません;
Ref.>"Translation; "For too long, China's government has used unfair trade practices" = U.S. President Joe Biden criticized excessive corporate subsidies in China"

↓、次にこのニュース、"日本"はともかく "韓国"(* "裏切り"ます)は如何な物でしょう!?
Ref.>"Translation; Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair was on alert to nearing Russo-N. Korea and showed intention to cooperate with Japan and S. Korea"

↓、"ハニートラップ"が "ザル"である事を含め、not "完全"ですが、先ずは "朗報"でしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; "No one knows what will happen tomorrow" = Minister Sanae Takaichi expressed so on her future, while welcoming enactment of the new economic security law"

↓、こうした "目に見える"侵略行為への "備え"だけでなく、"浸透工作"への対処が急務でしょう;


>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/15)"

>"佐藤正久議員(自民党)のツイート(on '24. 5/14)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/14)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/14)"


>'【動画】京都・祇園、想像以上に "ゴミ"がヤバい…'

>"日本政府、インドネシア地下鉄新路線へ円借款 1400億円"


>"Nuclear Waste Disposal Site: Genkai Decision for Literature Survey Should Lead to National Discussion"

>"The Geopolitics of 'Shogun' in a New Era"

>"SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024: So Many Sustainable Innovations to Explore"

>"EDITORIAL | Prioritize Minamata Disease Victims and Get Those Rude Officials Out of Their Way"

>"INTERVIEW | Eiko Ishibashi on Innovative Project 'Gift' and Working with Ryusuke Hamaguchi"

>【Front Japan 桜】米国「中国製 EV」関税100% 欧州55%? / 中国「新五反闘争」の狙いとは[桜R6/5/14]


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2024-05-14 23:27:57 | Translation


>"韓国はなぜ素通りされるのか ビッグテック企業が台湾・日本など東アジアの各地で大規模投資計画"


> Opposition leaders criticize Japan over LINE dispute, Japanese media monitor S. Korea's reaction

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; [Plundering of a S. Korean company by Japan] performance


> 韓日歴史正義平和行動などのメンバーらが14日午前、ソウル市鍾路区の日本大使館前で「歴史、領土、企業まで強奪! 日本政府糾弾記者会見」を終えた後、岸田首相の LINE強奪パフォーマンスを行っているところ。
Following photos show that, on May 14 morning after a "Plunder of history, territory and even a compnay! Press briefing to denounce Tokyo," members of "Japan-S. Korea historical justice peace action" (correct name in English is unknown) and so on are performing LINE plundering performance by PM Fumio Kishida.

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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/14)

2024-05-14 23:05:35 | Translation


>"日本保守党、世論調査で2位に躍進/次期衆院選、全党派が立候補したら… トップ自民、2位日本保守党"

> 高市氏の憲法改正の言葉で沸き立つ会場‼ / 門田さんが大分・高知の講演を熱く語り ほんこんさんと門田さんが白熱バトル‼ 317 Vol.1 / 20240513

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/14)


> SC法成立で存在感を増す高市早苗氏。
> 時事と産経の「SC成立で高市さんへの総理への期待が高まっているようですが」との質問に現れている。
> 史上初の国政選6連勝を成し遂げた保守・現実派は誰を待望しているのか。
> 自民の支持率を上げ、中国の侵略から日本を守れるのは誰か。
> 媚中政治家の政権たらい回しで日本を滅ぼしたければどうぞ。
> もはや時間の余裕はない

Minister in charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi has increased her presence Due to enactment of the SC Law.
This is reflected in Jiji Press Ltd. and The Sankei Shimbun's question that "Due to enactment of the SC Law, expectation for Takaichi to become prime minister seem to be increasing."
With whom the conservatives and pragmatists, who have achieved six consecutive wins in national elections for the 1st time in history, looking forward to?
Who can raise the LDP's approval rating and defend Japan from China's invasion?
If you want to ruin Japan by administrative rotation among pro-China politicians, do whatever you want.
There is already no room of time.



> メルケルの移民政策以来、ドイツで犯罪急増。
> 米とカナダはドイツへの渡航注意勧告だそうだ。
> ドイツ人女性が「亡命者を積極的に受け入れる派の友人が10歳の娘が2人組に犯され、考えを改めた。ドイツは犯罪数が 300%悪化している」と訴える衝撃映像。
> 日本の何年後の姿?
> だが岸田政権は移民推進をやめない

Crime has skyrocketed in Germany since Merkel's immigration policy.
The U.S. and Canada have allegedly issued travel advisory to Germany.
It's a shocking footage showing that a German female appeals that "A friend of mine, who supported to accept asylum seekers positively, has changed her view after her 10-year-old daughter was raped by a duo. Germany's crime rate has deteriorated by 300%."
How many years from now is this Japan's figure?
However, the Kishida administration has yet stopped to proceed immigration.



> 有権者の演説を聴く権利を奪う "ヤジ連呼"の活動家を褒め讃える左翼勢力。
> 彼ら "アベガー"は暗殺者を持ち上げ、犠牲者を貶め、数は劣勢でも仲間内で支え合い、訴訟でも反日左翼裁判官によって勝利を手にする事ができる。
> 元々日本を崩壊させたい反日亡国勢力、すなわち自己陶酔型偽善者。
> この勢力が地上波から駆逐される事はないだろう

Left-wing forces, who praise the "repeated jeer" activists who deprive voters' right to hear speeches.
These "Abegars" praise the assassin, disgrace the victims, support each other among themselves even though they inferior in number, and possible to secure victory in even lawsuits thanks to anti-Japan leftist judges.
Originally, they are anti-Japan forces that wanted to ruin Japan. In short, they are narcissistic hypocrite.
This force will never be expelled from terrestrial TV.


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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 5/14)

2024-05-14 21:27:18 | Translation



>"【ヤジ】玉川徹氏(2017)「安倍さんがヤジに弱い。選挙妨害ではない」→ 玉川徹氏(2024)「多くの有権者は眉をひそめて(つばさの党に)嫌悪感を抱いてる!」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 5/14)


> 多様性は重要だし、マイノリティの声を聞こうとうすることは当然なんだが、そのための政策をマジョリティの声を無視しておこなったら独裁だよねって思う。
Diversity is important, and it's as a matter of course to intend to hear the voices of minorities. However, I think that it's dictatorship, if policy measures for that purpose are implemented while ignoring the voice of the majority.

> デフレ不況でも技術を失わなかったから、日本は円安とアメリカの脱中国で復活を遂げつつある。
> 中国は安全保障部門が異常に発達したものの技術がないから、アメリカに特許を止められた途端不況に入った。
> 報道を追っていないのに、マスコミなどの「日本は終わった」の洗脳にはしっかり影響されている人がなぜか多すぎる。

Because Japan did not lose its technology even during the deflationary recession, Japan has been turning around due to "cheeper yen" & "de-sinization by the U.S."
Even though security sector of China has developed abnormally, it lacks technology. Therefore when the U.S. blocked its patents, it entered a recession instantly.
Even though they don't follow the news, for some reason there are too many persons who are deeply influenced by the brainwashing that "Japan is over" by the mass media, etc.



> つばさの党の騒ぎは札幌地裁が起こしたようなもの。
> あんな判決が出たら、「安倍さんへのあんな演説妨害は OKなら、選挙演説は邪魔してもいい」という話になりうるよ。

It can be said that the troubles of the "Tsubasa no To" (Tsubasa Party) is almost caused by the Sapporo District Court.
As such sentence was handed out, it would be possible to say that "As such speech-interference against former PM Abe is acceptable, that it's OK to interfere with the election speeches."


>"つばさの党・根本良輔氏「安倍氏へのヤジが合法で俺らが違法なわけがない」 選挙妨害疑い"

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翻訳;佐藤正久議員(自民党)のツイート(on '24. 5/14)

2024-05-14 20:29:22 | Translation


>"韓国の Z世代、日本嫌いでも日本旅行ブームの都合のよさ"

>"韓国ネイバー労組「LINE売却反対… 韓国政府は断固対処を」"

>"S. Korea dismisses Japan's protest over minor party leader's visit to Dokdo"

>【独自】竹島に上陸 "タマネギ男"を直撃 FNN記者に "逆ギレ"も

Translation of X (* tweet) by UH lawmaker Masahisa Sato (LDP, aka "captain of the mustache," on '24. 5/14)


[It's just a throwback. The scenery we once saw, the road we walked on the other day. The opposition parties are shifting their direction toward "anti-Japanese is not guilty, pro-Japanese is guilty." What does matter for Tokyo is to not waver, while taking hawkish stance to the ruling party in S. Korea].

>"韓国の「タマネギ男」曺国氏が竹島に上陸 林官房長官「毅然と対応する」"

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