のあ いちい ワールド

ここは、物書き「のあ いちい」の、人間世界とそれ以外の宇宙人について多くふれるブログです。

I wish this was a lucid dream !

2024-04-22 11:44:11 | 宇宙人全般
Some people are saying that a huge earthquake and Mt. Fuji eruption will occur together by July 5, 2024~2025.

On the other hand, it is also said that prophecies are made to prevent something from happening.

In other words, when a prophecy is made, the collective consciousness prevents it from happening.

Apart from that, it is being said that something big will happen in early July this year.

In any case, we'll know when July 5th comes next year,
but if we're still alive by then,
there may be many people who don't want to return to space just yet.

