のあ いちい ワールド

ここは、物書き「のあ いちい」の、人間世界とそれ以外の宇宙人について多くふれるブログです。


2024-05-28 10:57:09 | 神・ET・人間
Until a year ago, there was little awareness of reincarnation.

Another world, that is, a return to space.

And if you wish, you can reincarnate on this earth.

I also learned that even now, there are people all over the world who have reincarnated to this earth from other planets.

I don't just think of it as knowledge, but now I feel it as a reality.

Once you pass away, your soul will do what it wants.

A world where there are no lies, either about yourself or others.

Do you want to be reincarnated to this 3D world on Earth again ?
Or do you want to be reincarnated on another planet ?

If you wish to reincarnate on another planet, you will need to firmly connect with your higher self and be liberated from money and the material world. By early July 2025.


Humanity shifts to three worlds

2024-05-20 21:45:19 | 神・ET・人間
People who remain in a world that is still obsessed with three-dimensional money.

People who have learned about the world of awakening and higher self in terms of knowledge, but ultimately cannot let go of their previous world.

A person who is free from the three-dimensional world that is obsessed with things and money and lives a life connected to his higher self. After passing away, these people can be reincarnated on stars such as the Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus.

ーFrom the soul guide


New world/earth

2024-05-10 16:28:58 | 神・ET・人間
The world comes to those who are awakened.

The new world is a world without limits, based on love.

Marriage becomes soul bonding!

Borders will disappear, countries will disappear,
and capitalism will disappear.

Schools will also become more like temple schools
than they are today.

Conventional common sense will turn 180 degrees !


when the disease ・・

2024-05-08 14:52:16 | 宇宙人全般
when the disease disappears

From the soul guide

conscious, subconscious, superconscious
Integrate the three.

When you unite with your higher self, you remember who you truly are.
The power of inspiration increases, and your true power manifests.

Not being awake means
That means I'm still dreaming.

When fully integrated
The disease will disappear.
