文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! no country would be foolish enough to trust another country with its survival

2024年06月08日 23時39分28秒 | 全般

June 01, 2019
The following book is a must-read for all Japanese citizens and for people around the world.
It is full of facts that people who only subscribe to Asahi Shimbun and watch NHK never knew...and were never told.
It is one of the best books in the postwar world.
Mr. Shoichi Watanabe is from Yamagata Prefecture, a neighboring Miyagi Prefecture prefecture where I was born.
Yamagata people should continue to be proud to be the fellow citizens of the greatest intellectuals of postwar Japan and a genuine treasure of Japan, Japan, and the world. 

The New Constitution Must Be Revoked
So, what should we think about the legitimacy of the Japanese Constitution, as constitutional scholars claim?
The opinion of Kikuji Minamide, perhaps the only non-university-educated lawyer among constitutional scholars, makes the most sense. 
In the Potsdam Declaration, the Emperor was "SUBJECT TO.
After that, the order to create a constitution was given, and even a draft was imposed.
A "Constitution Drafting Committee" was created to turn it into a new constitution, but 99 percent of its job was translating the original draft by the occupying forces.
The Japanese commissioners did not create the draft. 
And the Εmperor was under threat because he was under occupying military rule.
Therefore, there is no legitimacy in the constitutional admonition.
After all, he was "subordinate" to the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces. 
I am deeply pleased that the foundation for the construction of a new Japan has been laid based on the consensus of the Japanese people. 
At this moment, I approve the revision of the Imperial Constitution after consulting with the Privy Counsel and the resolution of the Imperial Diet by Article 73 of the Imperial Constitution and promulgating it. 
The above warning is not based on the consensus of the Japanese people.
Under the occupation, there was a "press code," so there was no way for information to leak out, and there was no way to criticize the Constitution's draft.
Therefore, the Εmperor was forced to tell a lie. 
How can we explain this situation? 
There is the concept of a "treaty constitution.
The fact that Japan was occupied by the Allied Forces and the Emperor was subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces means that the Japanese government itself was subordinate to the Allied Forces.
A new constitution was created in this context, which means that this was a treaty based on the Potsdam Declaration with the occupying forces. 
In other words, the Constitution of Japan is a treaty constitution, not an ordinary constitution. 
Specifically, it would be called the Basic Law of Occupation Policy. 
Because it was a treaty constitution, when the treaty ended, that is, when independence was restored, the Japanese government had to declare that the Constitution of Japan would expire and that it would either enact a constitution that would exercise sovereignty, that is, a standard constitution, or return to the Meiji Constitution and amend the Meiji Constitution by that procedure.
Furthermore, we should not continue to worship and amend the Constitution of Japan, which was created based on a draft drawn up by the occupying forces.
Since France had experienced the Vichy regime (Note I) after being occupied by Germany, the Constitution should not be amended when part or all of the country is occupied.
When de Gaulle came to power, he pretended that everything the Vichy regime had enacted had never happened. 
Now, there is a discussion about amending the Constitution of Japan, but this will indeed cause a wound later.
Even an amateur like me can notice this, and future constitutional law scholars will undoubtedly see it.
If a constitution made in an era without sovereignty is amended, there will surely be arguments later that the post-independence Japanese have given legitimacy to that Constitution. 
Of course, the contents of a new constitution can be the same as the current Japanese Constitution.
However, the current Constitution must be revoked. 
Japan has debated the amendment clause of Article 96 of the Constitution for years.
The occupying forces created the whole thing in less than ten days, yet the amendment clause alone has been the subject of a Japan-wide debate for years.
It's completely ridiculous.
Why is it ridiculous?
Because it is bogus.
It is ridiculous because it makes no sense. 
Political commentator Kenichi Takemura once said, "Common sense in the world is common sense in Japan, and common sense in Japan is common sense in the world.
Most foreigners nodded their heads in agreement. 
Well, after the war, "Japanese common sense is the world's insanity," but was that said of prewar Japan?
No, that is not true.
Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), Japan has tried adapting its common sense to that of the world.
The Meiji Constitution was designed to achieve this goal, so Japan's post-Meiji standards were definitely the world's standards. 
However, if we use the fraudulent claim that the Constitution of Japan, which is the "Basic Law of Occupation Policy," is the natural Constitution, everything becomes strange.
In any case, "what is common sense in Japan is nonsense in the world."
The preamble of the Constitution of Japan states, "The people of Japan, deeply conscious of the noble ideal of lasting peace that governs our relations with each other, and trusting in the justice and faith of peace-loving peoples, have resolved to preserve our security and existence" (underlined passages). 
For example, a small country may entrust its security to a large country when it allies with a large country, just as Monaco entrusts its security to France.
But no country would be foolish enough to trust another country with its survival.
Reading this part alone, which says that a nation entrusts its people to another country to live or die, is equivalent to saying, "This is not the Constitution. 
Moreover, look at the countries around us.
The Soviet Union is a country that abducted hundreds of thousands of Japanese after the war was over and starved or froze to death tens of thousands of people.
North Korea is a hereditary dictatorship, South Korea cannot even honor the Basic Treaty between Japan and South Korea, and China has massacred tens of millions of its people and continues to commit atrocities by invading Tibet and Uyghur. 
Even the United States ignored the Potsdam Declaration and pretended that Japan unconditionally surrendered.
Are Japanese people willing to trust their safety and lives in such countries?
There is no such constitution.  
(Note 1) Vichy regime: In 1940, after France was attacked and defeated by Nazi Germany, a government headed by Marshal Pétain, deputy prime minister of the previous cabinet, was established in the central city of Vichy.
The government was dissolved in 1944 when the Allies liberated France.
Those involved were punished. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

We must remember that we are standing on the brink of a new era of peace and reconciliation

2024年06月08日 23時35分50秒 | 全般

We should now again question and denounce the cost and the magnitude of responsibility for the 30-year delay since the Tiananmen Square incident and the loss of this precious 30 years of the Heisei era in Japan's perception of China, from the perspective of "What made Japan do it?
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Chinese economy has grown enormously over the past 30 years since the Tiananmen Square incident has "proven" the validity of the "Chinese model" as a growth philosophy in the 21st century. 
The "One Belt, One Road" concept that Xi Jinping's leadership began advocating in 2014, three years after Halper's book in Japanese, is nothing less than implementing this model.
If this is the case, we need to rethink how serious the problem is that the West, mainly European countries, is so readily jumping on board the "One Belt, One Road" bandwagon.

Japan Lost 30 Valuable Years 
Finally, I would like to consider the logic of the Chinese side in deciding to suppress the students by force in the case of the Jinanmen Revolution.
In this context, it is necessary to note that China has always tried to overcome the "Western Impact" (impact from the West) that it has historically received from the "outside world" (Western countries) in the "Chinese way. 
The first "Western Impact" China has received is the material threat of the Western world, industrial technology, and military power. The means of domestic systemic change to counter these threats were the Xinhai Revolution (1912), the Communist Revolution (1949), and the "reform and opening up" (1978).
Even Xi Jinping's "Great Revival of the Chinese Nation" has at its core the powerful motive of "overcoming Western Impact" at work.
Therefore, China will take any means to realize this dream.
Tiananmen Square was a milestone in this direction.
It demonstrated to the world that it would never accept democratization directly imported from the West.
The "second milestone" may be the "One Belt, One Road" or establishing a military base in the South China Sea.
With economic friction and the struggle for technological supremacy with the United States, they can't accept American leadership and "take the plunge" like Japan has.
In other words, "China will never make the same mistake as Japan, which succumbed to the hegemony of the U.S. and became the loser in world history." 
The second "Western Impact" is the values espoused by the West, such as the emphasis on democracy and human rights, to which China, out of a need for a countervailing philosophy, has turned to Confucianism as a "universal value system.
For example, to rationalize the Xi Jinping dictatorship in the post-Marxist era, a revival of the "ideology of heavenly destiny," which legitimizes the absolute and coercive rule of power, is being promoted.
Or, it is precisely because this ideology has continued to take root in Chinese society up to now that the Tiananmen Square incident was covered up and that economic growth alone was able to support that system.
It is undoubtedly a "miracle of world history," albeit in a negative sense.
In fact, it can be said that this is the result of the "resilience of Chinese civilization," which is trying to push back the "Western Impact" at any cost. 
The third "Western Impact" is modern international law and order.
In contrast, China's history shows that the Chinese World Order, which does not recognize the existence of an equal partner, is a civilizational tradition.
Establishing the nine-dash line, which designates the entire South China Sea as its sea, and constructing artificial islands and military bases are examples of China's steady progress in making the South China Sea a fact of life. 
Thus, the Tiananmen Square incident clearly demonstrated 30 years ago that China does not accept "external logic" and will live as a nation different from the Western countries. 
Japan should have learned the lesson of the Tiananmen Square incident much earlier.
Finally, after a delay of 30 years, based on the shift in the U.S. Trump administration's strategy toward China, various discussions have begun, albeit belatedly, to follow suit.
Personally, I cannot shake the feeling that it is already too late.
In fact, for more than 20 years, I have consistently advocated the need for this.
The "lost 20 years," or the 30-year delay since the Tiananmen Square incident, and the 30 years of the Heisei era, are precious time that Japan has lost in terms of its perception of China, and we must now ask ourselves again, "What made Japan do this? 
The struggle for supremacy between the U.S. and China may continue for the next 20 to 30 years, or even longer in some cases.
Japan's immediate choices are clear.
Japan's immediate choice is to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance even further to deter China and effectively protect Japan's sovereignty and independence.
Japan must now make its stance clear. 
The question, however, is what will happen after this security policy of deterrence against China is successfully implemented.
At that time, a larger or more assertive China would still exist after Japan, and the U.S. would be completely transformed from the world's policeman to the world's policeman.
It is also possible that the U.S. will have completely retired from being the world's policeman and will have adopted a "half-body posture" in Asia.
If China has not entirely overcome the Tiananmen Square incident by then, Japan will be faced with a power that can no longer be described by the mere term "security threat.
The "immediate security policy" must also take this situation into account. 
We must seriously discuss and immediately begin work on how we can maintain the Japan-U.S. alliance for as long as possible and, at the same time, build up the comprehensive viability of an independent nation, including diplomacy, capable of defending itself with its own strength and skills.
Only such a Japan can prevent the rise of the "abyssal ties" between the U.S. and China I mentioned earlier.
We must remember that we are standing on the brink of a new era of peace and reconciliation.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

the CCP's global strategy is to take the lead in exploiting and practicing this corruption

2024年06月08日 23時34分00秒 | 全般

Democracy is now being hollowed out from within. It has been pointed out that the CCP's global strategy is to take the lead in exploiting and practicing this corruption of human civilization.
The following is a continuation of an article by Terumasa Nakanishi in this month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument. 
And the Tiananmen Square incident should also serve as a bitter lesson for Japan's diplomacy: the "Emperor's Visit to China" in 1992.
As then-Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qihun later recalled, the Emperor's visit to Japan was the "fruit" of the Chinese authorities' efforts to break through the network of sanctions against China imposed by the Western powers immediately after the Tiananmen Square incident. 
However, the time will come when China and Japan will achieve genuine reconciliation and coexistence, and this visit to China will be regarded as "a trigger for historic reconciliation between the peoples of the two countries.
However, on the occasion of the recent change, a Japanese TV special interviewed Mr. Ishizumi Ikeda, then Director General of the Asian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who revealed that His Majesty the Emperor asked Mr. Ikeda, "Was my visit to China correct?"
We must remember that the visit caused concern for His Majesty the Emperor.
It is possible that Washington's implicit or explicit consent was behind Japan's decision to visit China.
In other words, why did the U.S. even move to lift sanctions against China here?
It is a serious question.

The Beginning of the Corruption of Human Civilization 
The background to the easy compromises made by the United States and other Western nations toward China after the Tiananmen Square incident may be that they could not resist the "attractiveness" of China as a market with a vast population.
However, it is necessary to discuss in depth once again that the fact that the U.S. and Japan took the lead in overstepping the principles of freedom, democracy, and emphasis on human rights made today's "challenge to world hegemony" by China a reality. 
I have often pointed out that the world order in the 21st century will be dominated by "enthusiasm" and "corruption" (see Terumasa Nakanishi, "International Order after the Cold War," in "Encountering Other Cultures," Kyoto University Press, 1998).
Enthusiasm" refers to, for example, radical Islamic fundamentalism or globalism as the 'New World Order' promoted by the U.S. as the sole hegemonic power.
Corruption is, put, the greed for money and money worship.
Individuals and nations are much more driven by money power today than in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the world is becoming a place where money worship is the norm. 
It is nothing but a corruption of human civilization as a whole brought about by the emergence of the global economy.
It is a historical trend in the world of the 21st century in which values supported by the lawful and abundant sense of justice of the 20th century, such as democracy, freedom, and emphasis on human rights, are in retreat and being eroded by money power. One of the reasons for this is that the values of the 20th century, which were based on a sense of righteousness and justice, are receding. 
One of the reasons for this may be that the ideologies that dominated the world in the 19th and 20th centuries are no longer attractive.
Marxist ideology, which aimed at liberation from labor exploitation and human alienation, was, in retrospect, serious and fastidious.
It is probably why its offshoots ran into the madness of fascism.
When such ideologies and values are weakened as motives for human behavior, it is self-evident that the desire for money and materialism will enter and replace them in the vacuum of the psyche. 
The second reason for the infestation of money worship is the advancement of information technology.
With the advanced individualistic technology of social networking sites (SNS), the world is becoming one where everything is driven by a pseudo-reality called "advertising.
We live in a post-truth psychological space where "advertisements," in other words, propaganda, is all-powerful.
It is the reason why fake news abounds.
Democracy, which is based on the premise of calm and mature debate based on facts, is now being hollowed out from within. 
It has been pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party's global strategy is taking the lead in exploiting and practicing this corruption of human civilization.
Stephen Halper, a fellow of Maudlin College at Cambridge University in the U.K. (who later became a hot topic for a while in the Trump administration's "Russia scandal"), analyzes this in his book "Beijing Consensus: The Chinese Way Moves the World" (2011, Iwanami Shoten), and according to the book, in economic activities, the "Chinese economic model" is to exclude "universal values" for Western countries, such as democracy and human rights, as positive for economic growth and even as an impediment to regime stability. 
Halper warns that this Chinese model of extreme "economic growth universalism" rapidly expands in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and is gradually taking over the world.
To be continued.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya



2024年06月08日 23時29分11秒 | 全般



Democracy is now being hollowed out from within. It has been pointed out that the CCP's global strategy is to take the lead in exploiting and practicing this corruption of human civilization.
The following is a continuation of an article by Terumasa Nakanishi in this month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument. 
And the Tiananmen Square incident should also serve as a bitter lesson for Japan's diplomacy: the "Emperor's Visit to China" in 1992.
As then-Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qihun later recalled, the Emperor's visit to Japan was the "fruit" of the Chinese authorities' efforts to break through the network of sanctions against China imposed by the Western powers immediately after the Tiananmen Square incident. 
However, the time will come when China and Japan will achieve genuine reconciliation and coexistence, and this visit to China will be regarded as "a trigger for historic reconciliation between the peoples of the two countries.
However, on the occasion of the recent change, a Japanese TV special interviewed Mr. Ishizumi Ikeda, then Director General of the Asian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who revealed that His Majesty the Emperor asked Mr. Ikeda, "Was my visit to China correct?"
We must remember that the visit caused concern for His Majesty the Emperor.
It is possible that Washington's implicit or explicit consent was behind Japan's decision to visit China.
In other words, why did the U.S. even move to lift sanctions against China here?
It is a serious question.

The Beginning of the Corruption of Human Civilization 
The background to the easy compromises made by the United States and other Western nations toward China after the Tiananmen Square incident may be that they could not resist the "attractiveness" of China as a market with a vast population.
However, it is necessary to discuss in depth once again that the fact that the U.S. and Japan took the lead in overstepping the principles of freedom, democracy, and emphasis on human rights made today's "challenge to world hegemony" by China a reality. 
I have often pointed out that the world order in the 21st century will be dominated by "enthusiasm" and "corruption" (see Terumasa Nakanishi, "International Order after the Cold War," in "Encountering Other Cultures," Kyoto University Press, 1998).
Enthusiasm" refers to, for example, radical Islamic fundamentalism or globalism as the 'New World Order' promoted by the U.S. as the sole hegemonic power.
Corruption is, put, the greed for money and money worship.
Individuals and nations are much more driven by money power today than in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the world is becoming a place where money worship is the norm. 
It is nothing but a corruption of human civilization as a whole brought about by the emergence of the global economy.
It is a historical trend in the world of the 21st century in which values supported by the lawful and abundant sense of justice of the 20th century, such as democracy, freedom, and emphasis on human rights, are in retreat and being eroded by money power. One of the reasons for this is that the values of the 20th century, which were based on a sense of righteousness and justice, are receding. 
One of the reasons for this may be that the ideologies that dominated the world in the 19th and 20th centuries are no longer attractive.
Marxist ideology, which aimed at liberation from labor exploitation and human alienation, was, in retrospect, serious and fastidious.
It is probably why its offshoots ran into the madness of fascism.
When such ideologies and values are weakened as motives for human behavior, it is self-evident that the desire for money and materialism will enter and replace them in the vacuum of the psyche. 
The second reason for the infestation of money worship is the advancement of information technology.
With the advanced individualistic technology of social networking sites (SNS), the world is becoming one where everything is driven by a pseudo-reality called "advertising.
We live in a post-truth psychological space where "advertisements," in other words, propaganda, is all-powerful.
It is the reason why fake news abounds.
Democracy, which is based on the premise of calm and mature debate based on facts, is now being hollowed out from within. 
It has been pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party's global strategy is taking the lead in exploiting and practicing this corruption of human civilization.
Stephen Halper, a fellow of Maudlin College at Cambridge University in the U.K. (who later became a hot topic for a while in the Trump administration's "Russia scandal"), analyzes this in his book "Beijing Consensus: The Chinese Way Moves the World" (2011, Iwanami Shoten), and according to the book, in economic activities, the "Chinese economic model" is to exclude "universal values" for Western countries, such as democracy and human rights, as positive for economic growth and even as an impediment to regime stability. 
Halper warns that this Chinese model of extreme "economic growth universalism" rapidly expands in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and is gradually taking over the world.
To be continued.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


But no country would be foolish enough to trust another country with its survival.

2024年06月08日 20時58分41秒 | 全般

June 01, 2019
The following book is a must-read for all Japanese citizens and for people around the world.
It is full of facts that people who only subscribe to Asahi Shimbun and watch NHK never knew...and were never told.
It is one of the best books in the postwar world.
Mr. Shoichi Watanabe is from Yamagata Prefecture, a neighboring Miyagi Prefecture prefecture where I was born.
Yamagata people should continue to be proud to be the fellow citizens of the greatest intellectuals of postwar Japan and a genuine treasure of Japan, Japan, and the world. 

The New Constitution Must Be Revoked
So, what should we think about the legitimacy of the Japanese Constitution, as constitutional scholars claim?
The opinion of Kikuji Minamide, perhaps the only non-university-educated lawyer among constitutional scholars, makes the most sense. 
In the Potsdam Declaration, the Emperor was "SUBJECT TO.
After that, the order to create a constitution was given, and even a draft was imposed.
A "Constitution Drafting Committee" was created to turn it into a new constitution, but 99 percent of its job was translating the original draft by the occupying forces.
The Japanese commissioners did not create the draft. 
And the Εmperor was under threat because he was under occupying military rule.
Therefore, there is no legitimacy in the constitutional admonition.
After all, he was "subordinate" to the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces. 
I am deeply pleased that the foundation for the construction of a new Japan has been laid based on the consensus of the Japanese people. 
At this moment, I approve the revision of the Imperial Constitution after consulting with the Privy Counsel and the resolution of the Imperial Diet by Article 73 of the Imperial Constitution and promulgating it. 
The above warning is not based on the consensus of the Japanese people.
Under the occupation, there was a "press code," so there was no way for information to leak out, and there was no way to criticize the Constitution's draft.
Therefore, the Εmperor was forced to tell a lie. 
How can we explain this situation? 
There is the concept of a "treaty constitution.
The fact that Japan was occupied by the Allied Forces and the Emperor was subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces means that the Japanese government itself was subordinate to the Allied Forces.
A new constitution was created in this context, which means that this was a treaty based on the Potsdam Declaration with the occupying forces. 
In other words, the Constitution of Japan is a treaty constitution, not an ordinary constitution. 
Specifically, it would be called the Basic Law of Occupation Policy. 
Because it was a treaty constitution, when the treaty ended, that is, when independence was restored, the Japanese government had to declare that the Constitution of Japan would expire and that it would either enact a constitution that would exercise sovereignty, that is, a standard constitution, or return to the Meiji Constitution and amend the Meiji Constitution by that procedure.
Furthermore, we should not continue to worship and amend the Constitution of Japan, which was created based on a draft drawn up by the occupying forces.
Since France had experienced the Vichy regime (Note I) after being occupied by Germany, the Constitution should not be amended when part or all of the country is occupied.
When de Gaulle came to power, he pretended that everything the Vichy regime had enacted had never happened. 
Now, there is a discussion about amending the Constitution of Japan, but this will indeed cause a wound later.
Even an amateur like me can notice this, and future constitutional law scholars will undoubtedly see it.
If a constitution made in an era without sovereignty is amended, there will surely be arguments later that the post-independence Japanese have given legitimacy to that Constitution. 
Of course, the contents of a new constitution can be the same as the current Japanese Constitution.
However, the current Constitution must be revoked. 
Japan has debated the amendment clause of Article 96 of the Constitution for years.
The occupying forces created the whole thing in less than ten days, yet the amendment clause alone has been the subject of a Japan-wide debate for years.
It's completely ridiculous.
Why is it ridiculous?
Because it is bogus.
It is ridiculous because it makes no sense. 
Political commentator Kenichi Takemura once said, "Common sense in the world is common sense in Japan, and common sense in Japan is common sense in the world.
Most foreigners nodded their heads in agreement. 
Well, after the war, "Japanese common sense is the world's insanity," but was that said of prewar Japan?
No, that is not true.
Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), Japan has tried adapting its common sense to that of the world.
The Meiji Constitution was designed to achieve this goal, so Japan's post-Meiji standards were definitely the world's standards. 
However, if we use the fraudulent claim that the Constitution of Japan, which is the "Basic Law of Occupation Policy," is the natural Constitution, everything becomes strange.
In any case, "what is common sense in Japan is nonsense in the world."
The preamble of the Constitution of Japan states, "The people of Japan, deeply conscious of the noble ideal of lasting peace that governs our relations with each other, and trusting in the justice and faith of peace-loving peoples, have resolved to preserve our security and existence" (underlined passages). 
For example, a small country may entrust its security to a large country when it allies with a large country, just as Monaco entrusts its security to France.
But no country would be foolish enough to trust another country with its survival.
Reading this part alone, which says that a nation entrusts its people to another country to live or die, is equivalent to saying, "This is not the Constitution. 
Moreover, look at the countries around us.
The Soviet Union is a country that abducted hundreds of thousands of Japanese after the war was over and starved or froze to death tens of thousands of people.
North Korea is a hereditary dictatorship, South Korea cannot even honor the Basic Treaty between Japan and South Korea, and China has massacred tens of millions of its people and continues to commit atrocities by invading Tibet and Uyghur. 
Even the United States ignored the Potsdam Declaration and pretended that Japan unconditionally surrendered.
Are Japanese people willing to trust their safety and lives in such countries?
There is no such constitution.  
(Note 1) Vichy regime: In 1940, after France was attacked and defeated by Nazi Germany, a government headed by Marshal Pétain, deputy prime minister of the previous cabinet, was established in the central city of Vichy.
The government was dissolved in 1944 when the Allies liberated France.
Those involved were punished. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

¡Volver a publicar! Desafortunadamente, por eso se dice que los enemigos de Japón son japoneses

2024年06月08日 20時04分17秒 | 全般

Se exhibió un artículo sobre las mujeres de solaz del periódico Asahi Shimbun, así como una fotografía de la ex presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Pública, Tomiko Okazaki, quien participó en una manifestación organizada por el Consejo de Paz de Para-Tokio. También se exhibió una colección de cartas de grupos afiliados al Partido Comunista.
23 de mayo de 2020
Lo siguiente es del Sankei Sho de hoy.
El énfasis en el texto es mío.
Los grupos de apoyo de mujeres de solaz coreanas han sido tratados como un santuario, respaldados por el prestigio de ex mujeres de solaz, que de alguna manera han llegado a ser consideradas héroes nacionales.
Tienen una influencia significativa en la opinión pública.
Un alto funcionario del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Corea del Sur dice que tienen "poder de veto de facto sobre la diplomacia Japón-Corea del Sur" (un alto funcionario del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Corea del Sur).
El representante es el Consejo Coreano para la Justicia y la Memoria (anteriormente Consejo Coreano para las Mujeres Reclutadas para la Esclavitud Sexual Militar por Japón), cuyo ex presidente, Yoon Mee-Hyang, fue elegido por el partido gobernante en las elecciones generales de abril.
Sin embargo, la situación empeoró cuando Lee Yong Soo, una ex mujer de solaz con quien Yoon había trabajado durante 30 años, lo acusó de esclavitud sexual.
Le dije a Yoon: 'No me gusta el término "esclavitud sexual", es muy sucio. Pero dijo: "Estados Unidos sólo me tendrá miedo si lo expreso de esta manera".
Lee dijo al periódico coreano JoongAng Ilbo y se quejó de que se estaban malversando las donaciones a ex mujeres de solaz.
Los fiscales surcoreanos allanaron el Consejo Coreano para la Justicia y la Memoria el 20 de marzo.
The House of Sharing, una instalación privada donde conviven ex mujeres de solaz, también fue objeto de medidas administrativas después de que el personal de la instalación expusiera acusaciones de mal uso de donaciones.
El grupo de apoyo, que había disfrutado de un alto estatus social, ha dado un giro y ahora está siendo criticado por utilizar a antiguas mujeres de solaz como herramienta de negocios.
Japón no es una excepción.
Una visita al museo de historia adjunto a la Casa de Compartir hace unos años reveló una exhibición de artículos relacionados con mujeres de solaz del periódico Asahi Shimbun y Okazaki, quienes participaron en una manifestación organizada por el Consejo Coreano para las Mujeres Reclutadas para Asuntos Sexuales Militares. La esclavitud por parte de Japón, también fue miembro. También se exhibió una fotografía de la ex presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Pública, Tomiko Okazaki, quien participó en una manifestación organizada por el Consejo Coreano para las Mujeres Reclutadas para la Esclavitud Sexual Militar por Japón.
También había una colección de cartas de grupos afiliados al Partido Comunista.
Detrás de la postura antijaponesa de Corea del Sur siempre hay colaboradores japoneses.
Fue un abogado japonés quien empezó a llamar a las mujeres de solaz "esclavas sexuales".
Desafortunadamente, por eso se dice que los enemigos de Japón son japoneses.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

Posta om! Jag undrar om det här är en honungsfälla eller en pengafälla.

2024年06月08日 20時01分12秒 | 全般

Följande är en artikel i gårdagens Nikkei Newspaper, sidan 2, med titeln ”The Silent ’Batwoman’”.
Jag hade misslyckats med att läsa den, men en vän, en av de bästa läsarna, informerade mig: ”Din övertygelse visar sig vara korrekt.”

NHK och under kinesisk manipulation,
TV Tokyos WBS, som hade en serie rapporter med titeln ”Thoughts on Corona” med en rollbesättning av hopsnickrade människor,
Det är mycket bättre än NHK:s watch9,
När inte Takita och Oe medverkade, hade programmet en kvinnlig programledare med samma pseudomoralism som NHK eller samma GHQ-hjärntvätt om att regeringen är ond och att de har rätt.
Alla ”stenar” i kullerstensfolket är pseudomoralister som måste ha någon koppling till Kina,
Yosuke Kaifu, till exempel, sa något helt i linje med vad den kinesiska regeringen har meddelat.
Enligt honom beror detta på att mänskligheten har trätt in i de vilda djurens rike.
Som jag redan har nämnt blev jag förskräckt när jag fick veta att forskare från den kinesiska regeringen (KKP) sade samma sak.
Eftersom det är meningslöst att berätta för KKP:s leverantör, kommer jag att berätta sanningen för Yosuke Kaifu.
Den enda som hade gått in i fladdermössens domän och samlat blod och DNA var Shi Zhengli.
Ingen annan människa har någonsin gjort något sådant förutom hon.
Du är inte kvalificerad att tala om civilisation och mänsklighet om du är för dum för att inse att Shi Zhenglis ord är en brottslings ord.

Du är inte kvalificerad att tala om civilisation och mänsklighet för att du är en enkel student som kom in på Tokyos universitet och blev en lärd,
Eftersom Nobunaga och Kukai lever i nuet, säger jag det till er som om jag skulle slå ner er med en järnhammare.
Ni är verkligen den värsta sortens människa.
Och de försöker också hjärntvätta tittarna genom att utse en sådan person,
Jag säger också till människorna på TV Tokyo som inte skiljer sig från dem som kontrollerar NHK:s nyhetsavdelning.
Ni är också de värsta.

Infektionskällan utlöser konflikt mellan USA och Kina
Konflikten mellan USA och Kina om källan till det nya coronaviruset, världens första bekräftade fall av infektion i den kinesiska staden Wuhan i Hubei-provinsen, fortsätter med oförminskad styrka.
Medan den amerikanska sidan hävdar att Wuhan Virus Research Institute är källan till utbrottet, förnekar den kinesiska sidan att det är ett ”påhitt”.
Shi Zhengli, forskare vid institutet, tros sitta inne med nyckeln till sanningen.
Shi, som forskar om virus som härrör från fladdermöss, är också känd som ”Bat Woman”, men hon har inte hörts av på senare tid.  
Shi och hennes familj flydde till Europa med 1.000 sidor hemliga dokument.
I början av maj, medan teorin om Wuhan-institutet som ”källan” fortfarande pyrde, cirkulerade denna information i USA och Europa.
Kinesiska medier rapporterade omedelbart att Shi hade skrivit på en kinesisk SNS (social networking site): ”Ett rykte kan inte vara att han förrådde sitt land och hoppade av”, och därmed dementerat avhoppsteorin.
Shi har dock ännu inte gått ut offentligt.  
Hon sa: ”Det nya coronaviruset är naturens straff mot mänskligheten, och det finns inte en chans att jag skulle riskera mitt eget liv för att fly från laboratoriet.”

Detta uttalande från henne bekräftar ytterligare min övertygelse.
Eftersom ingen förnuftig (oskyldig) forskare skulle göra ett sådant uttalande måste världen vara 100% övertygad med detta papper.
Världen måste bli 100 % övertygad av detta dokument om att källan till Wuhan-viruset är Shi Zhengli och att Kina (KKP) är helt ansvarigt för den största katastrofen efter kriget.
De drabbade länderna måste omedelbart beräkna skadornas omfattning och förbereda sig för att lämna in ett skadeståndsanspråk mot Kina.
Som jag har nämnt många gånger som ett referensfall är Kina det land som begravde sin giftgas i marken, förfalskade att det var den japanska militärens verk och tog emot 1 biljon yen från Japan bara för detta fall.

Shi har avstått från att uttala sig om källan till det nya coronaviruset sedan han i början av februari publicerade ett inlägg med denna innebörd till sina vänner på en kinesisk social nätverkssajt.
Prestationer i samband med SARS 
Shi är född 1964.
Efter att ha studerat genetik vid universitetet började han på Wuhan Institute of Virus Research under Chinese Academy of Sciences, det högsta forskningsinstitutet direkt under regeringen.
Han återvände till Wuhan år 2000 efter att ha doktorerat i virologi vid universitetet i Montpellier i Frankrike, en prestigefylld institution för forskning inom medicin och andra områden. 
Dr Shi blev känd för sitt arbete med utbrottet av SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) i Kina 2002-2003.
Han fångade vilda fladdermöss i olika grottor och analyserade deras kroppsvätskor, vilket bevisade att SARS-viruset härrörde från fladdermöss. 
År 2001 publicerade hon sina resultat i den brittiska vetenskapliga tidskriften Nature, vilket ledde till att hon kallades ”Batwoman”.  
År 2003 publicerade han tillsammans med professor Ralph Varik vid University of North Carolina i USA forskningsresultat som kan sägas ha förutsett den nya coronan.
Barik är en av de ledande forskarna inom coronavirus.
De två publicerade i Nature's systertidning att en mutation av fladdermusens coronavirus skulle kunna resultera i en ny typ av virus som inte skulle svara på SARS-virusets botemedel.  
När provinsregeringen i Hubei i januari beordrade Shi och hans team att studera de nya coronavirusen var de dessutom först med att i början av februari meddela att de sannolikt också var av fladdermusursprung.  
Under tiden insisterar USA:s president Trump och USA:s utrikesminister Pombeo på att Wuhan Virus Research Institute är källan till det nya coronaviruset.
Anläggningen är en Biosafety Level (BSL)-4-anläggning, som kan hantera de farligaste patogenerna.
Den ligger bara ca 30 km från den marknad där vilda djur handlas, där de första smittfallen tros ha inträffat.

Begäran om inresa 
Enligt Washington Post skickade amerikanska tjänstemän som besökte institutet 2006 ett offentligt brev där de varnade USA för att institutet forskade om coronavirus men att säkerhetsåtgärderna var otillräckliga.
Pompeo har efterlyst en inspektion på plats av institutet. 
Det är dock få experter som tror att viruset avsiktligt läckte ut från laboratoriet.
Enligt amerikanska medier noterade Jonah Mazet, en specialist på infektionssjukdomar vid University of California, att ”det inte fanns något nytt coronavirus i Shis laboratorium” innan det nya coronaviruset började spridas.
Hon tillbakavisar den amerikanska administrationens påstående att Wuhan Institute var källan till utbrottet.

*Den här Jonah Mazet är förmodligen 100% under kinesiskt inflytande.
Jag undrar om det här är en honungsfälla eller en pengafälla. *
Shi, som känner till den verkliga situationen, är fortfarande mycket tystlåten. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

Repost! It was a popular page yesterday, 2020/5/23.

2024年06月08日 19時57分15秒 | 全般




2020-04-29 17:37:27







2020-05-16 22:37:58




2020-05-16 22:23:24




2020-05-16 22:20:34




2019-01-30 08:57:57




2018-09-17 08:24:36




2020-05-14 15:28:27




2020-05-16 22:27:48




2020-05-16 14:55:48




2020-05-16 13:27:11





2020-05-17 14:30:04




2020-05-16 14:33:48


The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the new coronavirus pandemic. They are aware of that


2020-05-16 14:22:11




2020-05-22 07:16:46




2020-05-16 14:42:18




2020-05-16 14:52:32




2020-05-16 22:17:44




2020-05-16 15:01:35


but if you ignite a fire with a fan, it may lead to a big fire.


2020-05-17 14:58:33




2020-05-16 14:45:28




2020-05-13 15:57:43




2017-11-05 16:50:03


中国が自分達の大過誤に対して世界中から損害賠償請求されないように必死になって嘘のプロパガンダを繰り広げている態様と、 この二人の態様は表裏一体の関係なのである


2020-05-06 17:53:48




2020-05-16 22:14:16




2018-04-23 07:48:01




2020-05-13 17:13:06


it is a popular page yesterday. 2020/5/16


2020-05-16 12:34:19







2020-05-08 22:11:10




2020-05-16 22:36:35




2020-05-12 21:57:14


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/5/17, pm 9:20


2020-05-17 21:18:54




2020-05-16 14:58:51


Only after reading the book will you know what a data collection is and what a news report is


2020-05-13 16:51:57




2020-05-21 14:09:41


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/5/17, am 1:00


2020-05-17 00:59:16




2020-05-16 22:33:01




2020-05-12 10:55:23




2020-05-16 22:31:21




2020-05-12 21:31:59




2020-04-28 21:56:32




2020-04-28 22:25:21




2020-04-25 11:35:01




2020-05-14 15:36:29




2020-05-21 14:01:58




2020-04-26 11:39:33




2020-05-11 21:53:17




2020-05-08 19:05:20

Repost! I wonder if this is a honey trap or a money trap.

2024年06月08日 19時49分31秒 | 全般

The following is an article in yesterday's Nikkei Newspaper, page 2, titled, The Silent "Batwoman".
I had failed to read it, but a friend, one of the best readers, informed me, "Your conviction is proving correct."

NHK and under Chinese manipulation,
TV Tokyo's WBS, which had a series of reports titled "Thoughts on Corona" with a cast of cobbled-together people,
It is much better than NHK's watch9,
When not with Mr. Takita and Ms. Oe, the show featured a female announcer with the same pseudo-moralism as NHK or the same GHQ brainwashing that the government is evil and they are right.
All of the "stones" in the cobblestone people are pseudo-moralists who must have some connection to China,
Yosuke Kaifu, for example, said something entirely in line with what the Chinese government has announced.
According to him, this results from humankind's entry into the realm of wild animals.
As I have already mentioned, I was horrified to learn that Chinese (CCP) government scientists were saying the same thing.
Since it is meaningless to tell the CCP purveyor, I will tell the truth to Yosuke Kaifu.
The only one who had entered the bats' domain and been collecting blood and DNA was Shi Zhengli.
No other human being has ever done such a thing except for her.
You are not qualified to talk about civilization and humanity if you are too stupid to recognize that Shi Zhengli's words are those of a criminal.

You are not qualified to talk about civilization and humanity because you are a simple student who entered the University of Tokyo and became a scholar,
As Nobunaga and Kukai live in the present, I tell you as if I were going to strike you down with an iron hammer.
You are indeed the worst kind of human being.
And they also try to brainwash the viewers by appointing such a person,
I also tell the people in TV Tokyo who are no different from those who control NHK's news department.
You are the worst, too.

Source of Infection Sparks US-China Conflict
The conflict between the U.S. and China over the source of the new coronavirus, the world's first confirmed case of infection in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, continues unabated.
While the U.S. side claims that the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is the source of the outbreak, the Chinese side denies that it is a "fabrication.
Shi Zhengli, a researcher at the institute, is believed to hold the key to the truth.
Shi, a researcher of bat-derived viruses, is also known as "Bat Woman," but she has not been heard from recently.  
Shi and her family fled to Europe with 1,000 pages of secret documents.
In early May, while the theory of the Wuhan Institute as the "source" was still smoldering, this information circulated in the United States and Europe.
The Chinese media immediately reported that Shi had posted on a Chinese SNS (social networking site), "A rumor can't be that he betrayed his country and defected," thereby denying the defection theory.
Shi, however, has yet to come out in public.  
She said, "The new coronavirus is nature's punishment on mankind, and there is no way I would risk my own life to escape from the laboratory."

This statement of hers further confirms my conviction.
Because no sane (innocent) researcher would make such a statement, the world must be 100% convinced with this paper.
The world must be 100% convinced by this paper that the source of the Wuhan virus is Shi Zhengli and that China (CCP) is entirely responsible for the greatest postwar catastrophe.
The affected countries must immediately calculate the amount of damage and prepare to file a claim for damages against China.
As I have mentioned many times as a reference case, China is the country that buried its poison gas in the ground, falsified that it was the work of the Japanese military, and captured 1 trillion yen from Japan for this case alone.

Shi has refrained from speaking out about the source of the new coronavirus since posting something to this effect to his friends on a Chinese social networking site in early February.
Achievements in SARS 
Shi was born in 1964.
After studying genetics at university, he joined the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the highest research institute directly under the government.
He returned to Wuhan in 2000 after receiving a doctorate in virology from the University of Montpellier, France, a prestigious institution for research in medicine and other fields. 
Dr. Shi became famous for his work on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in China in 2002-2003.
He caught wild bats in various caves and analyzed their body fluids, proving that the SARS virus originated from bats. 
In 2001, she published her findings in the British scientific journal Nature, which led to her being dubbed "Batwoman.  
In 2003, he and Professor Ralph Varik of the University of North Carolina in the U.S. jointly published research results that can be said to have predicted the new corona.
Barik is a leading researcher on coronaviruses.
The two published in Nature's sister journal that a mutation of the bat coronavirus could result in a new type of virus that would not respond to the SARS virus cure.  
Furthermore, when the Hubei provincial government ordered Shi and his team to study the new coronas in January, they were the first to announce in early February that they were also likely to be of bat origin.  
Meanwhile, U.S. President Trump and U.S. Secretary of State Pombeo insist that the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is the source of the new coronavirus.
The facility is a Biosafety Level (BSL)-4 facility, which can handle the most dangerous pathogens.
It is only about 30 km from the market where wild animals are traded, where the first cases of infection are believed to have occurred.

Requesting Entry 
According to the Washington Post, U.S. officials who visited the institute in 2006 sent a public letter warning the U.S. that the institute was researching coronaviruses but that safety measures were insufficient.
Pompeo has called for an on-site inspection of the institute. 
However, few experts believe the virus was intentionally leaked from the laboratory.
According to U.S. media, Jonah Mazet, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, noted that "there was no new coronavirus in Shi's lab" before the new coronavirus began to spread.
She refutes the U.S. administration's claim that the Wuhan Institute was the outbreak's source.

*This Jonah Mazet is probably 100% under Chinese influence.
I wonder if this is a honey trap or a money trap. *
Ms. Shi, who knows the real situation, remains tight-lipped. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya

It was a popular page yesterday, 2020/5/23.

2024年06月08日 16時09分23秒 | 全般




2020-04-29 17:37:27







2020-05-16 22:37:58




2020-05-16 22:23:24




2020-05-16 22:20:34




2019-01-30 08:57:57




2018-09-17 08:24:36




2020-05-14 15:28:27




2020-05-16 22:27:48




2020-05-16 14:55:48




2020-05-16 13:27:11





2020-05-17 14:30:04




2020-05-16 14:33:48


The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the new coronavirus pandemic. They are aware of that


2020-05-16 14:22:11




2020-05-22 07:16:46




2020-05-16 14:42:18




2020-05-16 14:52:32




2020-05-16 22:17:44




2020-05-16 15:01:35


but if you ignite a fire with a fan, it may lead to a big fire.


2020-05-17 14:58:33




2020-05-16 14:45:28




2020-05-13 15:57:43




2017-11-05 16:50:03


中国が自分達の大過誤に対して世界中から損害賠償請求されないように必死になって嘘のプロパガンダを繰り広げている態様と、 この二人の態様は表裏一体の関係なのである


2020-05-06 17:53:48




2020-05-16 22:14:16




2018-04-23 07:48:01




2020-05-13 17:13:06


it is a popular page yesterday. 2020/5/16


2020-05-16 12:34:19







2020-05-08 22:11:10




2020-05-16 22:36:35




2020-05-12 21:57:14


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/5/17, pm 9:20


2020-05-17 21:18:54




2020-05-16 14:58:51


Only after reading the book will you know what a data collection is and what a news report is


2020-05-13 16:51:57




2020-05-21 14:09:41


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/5/17, am 1:00


2020-05-17 00:59:16




2020-05-16 22:33:01




2020-05-12 10:55:23




2020-05-16 22:31:21




2020-05-12 21:31:59




2020-04-28 21:56:32




2020-04-28 22:25:21




2020-04-25 11:35:01




2020-05-14 15:36:29




2020-05-21 14:01:58




2020-04-26 11:39:33




2020-05-11 21:53:17




2020-05-08 19:05:20

Jeg lurer på om dette er en honningfelle eller en pengefelle.

2024年06月08日 15時21分17秒 | 全般

Følgende er en artikkel i gårsdagens Nikkei-avis, side 2, med tittelen «Den tause ‘Batwoman’».
Jeg hadde ikke lest den, men en venn, en av de beste leserne, informerte meg: «Din overbevisning viser seg å være korrekt.»

NHK og under kinesisk manipulasjon,
TV Tokyos WBS, som hadde en reportasjeserie med tittelen «Thoughts on Corona» med et sammensatt persongalleri,
Det er mye bedre enn NHKs Watch9,
Når det ikke var Takita og Oe, hadde programmet en kvinnelig programleder med samme pseudomoralisme som NHK eller samme GHQ-hjernevask om at regjeringen er ond og at de har rett.
Alle «steinene» i brosteinsfolket er pseudomoralister som må ha en eller annen forbindelse til Kina,
Yosuke Kaifu, for eksempel, sa noe helt i tråd med hva den kinesiske regjeringen har kunngjort.
Ifølge ham er dette et resultat av at menneskeheten har gått inn i de ville dyrenes rike.
Som jeg allerede har nevnt, ble jeg forferdet da jeg fikk vite at kinesiske (KKP) regjeringsforskere sa det samme.
Siden det er meningsløst å fortelle det til KKPs leverandør, vil jeg fortelle sannheten til Yosuke Kaifu.
Den eneste som hadde gått inn i flaggermusenes domene og samlet blod og DNA, var Shi Zhengli.
Ingen andre mennesker enn henne har noensinne gjort noe slikt.
Du er ikke kvalifisert til å snakke om sivilisasjon og menneskehet hvis du er for dum til å innse at Shi Zhenglis ord er en forbryters.

Du er ikke kvalifisert til å snakke om sivilisasjon og menneskehet fordi du er en enkel student som kom inn på universitetet i Tokyo og ble en lærd,
Siden Nobunaga og Kukai lever i nåtiden, sier jeg det til deg som om jeg skulle slå deg ned med en jernhammer.
Du er i sannhet den verste typen menneske.
Og de prøver også å hjernevaske seerne ved å utnevne en slik person,
Jeg sier også til folkene i TV Tokyo, som ikke er annerledes enn de som kontrollerer NHKs nyhetsavdeling.
Dere er også de verste.

Smittekilden utløser konflikt mellom USA og Kina
Konflikten mellom USA og Kina om kilden til det nye koronaviruset, verdens første bekreftede smittetilfelle i den kinesiske byen Wuhan i Hubei-provinsen, fortsetter med uforminsket styrke.
Mens den amerikanske siden hevder at Wuhan Virus Research Institute er kilden til utbruddet, benekter den kinesiske siden at det er et «oppspinn».
Shi Zhengli, en forsker ved instituttet, antas å sitte på nøkkelen til sannheten.
Shi, som forsker på virus som stammer fra flaggermus, er også kjent som «Flaggermuskvinnen», men hun har ikke latt høre fra seg i det siste.  
Shi og familien hennes flyktet til Europa med 1000 sider med hemmelige dokumenter.
I begynnelsen av mai, mens teorien om Wuhan-instituttet som «kilden» fortsatt ulmet, sirkulerte denne informasjonen i USA og Europa.
Kinesiske medier rapporterte umiddelbart at Shi hadde skrevet på en kinesisk SNS (sosial nettverksside): «Det kan ikke være et rykte at han forrådte landet sitt og hoppet av», og avkreftet dermed avhopperteorien.
Shi har imidlertid ennå ikke gått ut offentlig.  
Hun sa: «Det nye koronaviruset er naturens straff over menneskeheten, og jeg ville aldri risikert livet for å flykte fra laboratoriet.»

Denne uttalelsen bekrefter min overbevisning ytterligere.
Fordi ingen tilregnelig (uskyldig) forsker ville komme med en slik uttalelse, må verden være 100 % overbevist av denne artikkelen.
Verden må bli 100 % overbevist av denne artikkelen om at kilden til Wuhan-viruset er Shi Zhengli, og at Kina (KKP) er fullt og helt ansvarlig for den største katastrofen i etterkrigstiden.
De berørte landene må umiddelbart beregne skadeomfanget og forberede seg på å fremme et erstatningskrav mot Kina.
Som jeg har nevnt mange ganger som et referanseeksempel, er Kina det landet som gravde ned giftgassen sin i bakken, forfalsket at det var det japanske militærets verk, og tok 1 000 milliarder yen fra Japan bare for denne saken.

Shi har avstått fra å uttale seg om kilden til det nye koronaviruset siden han postet noe om dette til vennene sine på en kinesisk sosial nettverksside i begynnelsen av februar.
Prestasjoner innen SARS 
Shi ble født i 1964.
Etter å ha studert genetikk ved universitetet ble han ansatt ved Wuhan Institute of Virus Research under det kinesiske vitenskapsakademiet, det høyeste forskningsinstituttet direkte underlagt regjeringen.
Han vendte tilbake til Wuhan i 2000 etter å ha tatt en doktorgrad i virologi ved universitetet i Montpellier i Frankrike, en prestisjetung institusjon for forskning innen medisin og andre fagfelt. 
Dr. Shi ble berømt for sitt arbeid med SARS-utbruddet (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) i Kina i 2002-2003.
Han fanget ville flaggermus i ulike grotter og analyserte kroppsvæskene deres, noe som beviste at SARS-viruset stammet fra flaggermus. 
I 2001 publiserte hun funnene sine i det britiske vitenskapelige tidsskriftet Nature, noe som førte til at hun ble kalt «Batwoman».  
I 2003 publiserte han og professor Ralph Varik ved University of North Carolina i USA forskningsresultater som kan sies å ha forutsagt den nye koronaen.
Barik er en ledende forsker på koronavirus.
De to publiserte i Natures søstertidsskrift at en mutasjon av flaggermuskoronaviruset kunne resultere i en ny type virus som ikke ville respondere på SARS-viruskuren.  
Da provinsregjeringen i Hubei beordret Shi og teamet hans til å studere de nye koronavirusene i januar, var de dessuten de første til å kunngjøre i begynnelsen av februar at de sannsynligvis også var av flaggermusopprinnelse.  
I mellomtiden insisterer USAs president Trump og utenriksminister Pombeo på at Wuhan Virus Research Institute er kilden til det nye koronaviruset.
Anlegget er et BSL-4-anlegg (Biosafety Level), som kan håndtere de farligste patogenene.
Det ligger bare rundt 30 km fra markedet der det handles med ville dyr, der de første smittetilfellene antas å ha oppstått.

Ber om innreise 
Ifølge Washington Post sendte amerikanske tjenestemenn som besøkte instituttet i 2006, et offentlig brev der de advarte USA om at instituttet forsket på koronavirus, men at sikkerhetstiltakene var utilstrekkelige.
Pompeo har bedt om en inspeksjon av instituttet på stedet. 
Få eksperter tror imidlertid at viruset ble lekket fra laboratoriet med vilje.
Ifølge amerikanske medier bemerket Jonah Mazet, en spesialist på smittsomme sykdommer ved University of California, at «det ikke var noe nytt koronavirus i Shis laboratorium» før det nye koronaviruset begynte å spre seg.
Hun tilbakeviser den amerikanske administrasjonens påstand om at Wuhan-instituttet var kilden til utbruddet.

*Denne Jonah Mazet er sannsynligvis 100 % under kinesisk innflytelse.
Jeg lurer på om dette er en honningfelle eller en pengefelle. *
Shi, som kjenner den virkelige situasjonen, er fortsatt taus. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya



Jag undrar om det här är en honungsfälla eller en pengafälla.

2024年06月08日 15時18分57秒 | 全般

Följande är en artikel i gårdagens Nikkei Newspaper, sidan 2, med titeln ”The Silent ’Batwoman’”.
Jag hade misslyckats med att läsa den, men en vän, en av de bästa läsarna, informerade mig: ”Din övertygelse visar sig vara korrekt.”

NHK och under kinesisk manipulation,
TV Tokyos WBS, som hade en serie rapporter med titeln ”Thoughts on Corona” med en rollbesättning av hopsnickrade människor,
Det är mycket bättre än NHK:s watch9,
När inte Takita och Oe medverkade, hade programmet en kvinnlig programledare med samma pseudomoralism som NHK eller samma GHQ-hjärntvätt om att regeringen är ond och att de har rätt.
Alla ”stenar” i kullerstensfolket är pseudomoralister som måste ha någon koppling till Kina,
Yosuke Kaifu, till exempel, sa något helt i linje med vad den kinesiska regeringen har meddelat.
Enligt honom beror detta på att mänskligheten har trätt in i de vilda djurens rike.
Som jag redan har nämnt blev jag förskräckt när jag fick veta att forskare från den kinesiska regeringen (KKP) sade samma sak.
Eftersom det är meningslöst att berätta för KKP:s leverantör, kommer jag att berätta sanningen för Yosuke Kaifu.
Den enda som hade gått in i fladdermössens domän och samlat blod och DNA var Shi Zhengli.
Ingen annan människa har någonsin gjort något sådant förutom hon.
Du är inte kvalificerad att tala om civilisation och mänsklighet om du är för dum för att inse att Shi Zhenglis ord är en brottslings ord.

Du är inte kvalificerad att tala om civilisation och mänsklighet för att du är en enkel student som kom in på Tokyos universitet och blev en lärd,
Eftersom Nobunaga och Kukai lever i nuet, säger jag det till er som om jag skulle slå ner er med en järnhammare.
Ni är verkligen den värsta sortens människa.
Och de försöker också hjärntvätta tittarna genom att utse en sådan person,
Jag säger också till människorna på TV Tokyo som inte skiljer sig från dem som kontrollerar NHK:s nyhetsavdelning.
Ni är också de värsta.

Infektionskällan utlöser konflikt mellan USA och Kina
Konflikten mellan USA och Kina om källan till det nya coronaviruset, världens första bekräftade fall av infektion i den kinesiska staden Wuhan i Hubei-provinsen, fortsätter med oförminskad styrka.
Medan den amerikanska sidan hävdar att Wuhan Virus Research Institute är källan till utbrottet, förnekar den kinesiska sidan att det är ett ”påhitt”.
Shi Zhengli, forskare vid institutet, tros sitta inne med nyckeln till sanningen.
Shi, som forskar om virus som härrör från fladdermöss, är också känd som ”Bat Woman”, men hon har inte hörts av på senare tid.  
Shi och hennes familj flydde till Europa med 1.000 sidor hemliga dokument.
I början av maj, medan teorin om Wuhan-institutet som ”källan” fortfarande pyrde, cirkulerade denna information i USA och Europa.
Kinesiska medier rapporterade omedelbart att Shi hade skrivit på en kinesisk SNS (social networking site): ”Ett rykte kan inte vara att han förrådde sitt land och hoppade av”, och därmed dementerat avhoppsteorin.
Shi har dock ännu inte gått ut offentligt.  
Hon sa: ”Det nya coronaviruset är naturens straff mot mänskligheten, och det finns inte en chans att jag skulle riskera mitt eget liv för att fly från laboratoriet.”

Detta uttalande från henne bekräftar ytterligare min övertygelse.
Eftersom ingen förnuftig (oskyldig) forskare skulle göra ett sådant uttalande måste världen vara 100% övertygad med detta papper.
Världen måste bli 100 % övertygad av detta dokument om att källan till Wuhan-viruset är Shi Zhengli och att Kina (KKP) är helt ansvarigt för den största katastrofen efter kriget.
De drabbade länderna måste omedelbart beräkna skadornas omfattning och förbereda sig för att lämna in ett skadeståndsanspråk mot Kina.
Som jag har nämnt många gånger som ett referensfall är Kina det land som begravde sin giftgas i marken, förfalskade att det var den japanska militärens verk och tog emot 1 biljon yen från Japan bara för detta fall.

Shi har avstått från att uttala sig om källan till det nya coronaviruset sedan han i början av februari publicerade ett inlägg med denna innebörd till sina vänner på en kinesisk social nätverkssajt.
Prestationer i samband med SARS 
Shi är född 1964.
Efter att ha studerat genetik vid universitetet började han på Wuhan Institute of Virus Research under Chinese Academy of Sciences, det högsta forskningsinstitutet direkt under regeringen.
Han återvände till Wuhan år 2000 efter att ha doktorerat i virologi vid universitetet i Montpellier i Frankrike, en prestigefylld institution för forskning inom medicin och andra områden. 
Dr Shi blev känd för sitt arbete med utbrottet av SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) i Kina 2002-2003.
Han fångade vilda fladdermöss i olika grottor och analyserade deras kroppsvätskor, vilket bevisade att SARS-viruset härrörde från fladdermöss. 
År 2001 publicerade hon sina resultat i den brittiska vetenskapliga tidskriften Nature, vilket ledde till att hon kallades ”Batwoman”.  
År 2003 publicerade han tillsammans med professor Ralph Varik vid University of North Carolina i USA forskningsresultat som kan sägas ha förutsett den nya coronan.
Barik är en av de ledande forskarna inom coronavirus.
De två publicerade i Nature's systertidning att en mutation av fladdermusens coronavirus skulle kunna resultera i en ny typ av virus som inte skulle svara på SARS-virusets botemedel.  
När provinsregeringen i Hubei i januari beordrade Shi och hans team att studera de nya coronavirusen var de dessutom först med att i början av februari meddela att de sannolikt också var av fladdermusursprung.  
Under tiden insisterar USA:s president Trump och USA:s utrikesminister Pombeo på att Wuhan Virus Research Institute är källan till det nya coronaviruset.
Anläggningen är en Biosafety Level (BSL)-4-anläggning, som kan hantera de farligaste patogenerna.
Den ligger bara ca 30 km från den marknad där vilda djur handlas, där de första smittfallen tros ha inträffat.

Begäran om inresa 
Enligt Washington Post skickade amerikanska tjänstemän som besökte institutet 2006 ett offentligt brev där de varnade USA för att institutet forskade om coronavirus men att säkerhetsåtgärderna var otillräckliga.
Pompeo har efterlyst en inspektion på plats av institutet. 
Det är dock få experter som tror att viruset avsiktligt läckte ut från laboratoriet.
Enligt amerikanska medier noterade Jonah Mazet, en specialist på infektionssjukdomar vid University of California, att ”det inte fanns något nytt coronavirus i Shis laboratorium” innan det nya coronaviruset började spridas.
Hon tillbakavisar den amerikanska administrationens påstående att Wuhan Institute var källan till utbrottet.

*Den här Jonah Mazet är förmodligen 100% under kinesiskt inflytande.
Jag undrar om det här är en honungsfälla eller en pengafälla. *
Shi, som känner till den verkliga situationen, är fortfarande mycket tystlåten. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya




2024年06月08日 15時16分08秒 | 全般

以下是昨天《日经新闻》第 2 版上的一篇文章,标题是《沉默的 “女蝙蝠侠”》。

NHK 和中国的操纵、
东京电视台的 WBS,它有一个题为 “对科罗娜的思考 ”的系列报道,由一群人拼凑而成、
比 NHK 的 watch9 好得多、
在没有泷田先生和大江女士的情况下,该节目由一位女播音员播音,她的伪道德主义与 NHK 如出一辙,或者与 GHQ 洗脑一样,认为政府是邪恶的,他们是正确的。
鹅卵石人中的所有 “石头 ”都是伪道德主义者,他们一定与中国有某种联系、
进入蝙蝠领地采集血液和 DNA 的只有史正利一人。

我还告诉东京电视台的那些人,他们和控制 NHK 新闻部的人没什么两样。

美方声称武汉病毒研究所是疫情源头,而中方则否认这是 “无中生有”。
施正丽是一名蝙蝠源病毒研究员,也被称为 “蝙蝠女”,但她最近音讯全无。  
施和她的家人带着 1000 页秘密文件逃往欧洲。
5 月初,当武汉研究所是 “源头 ”的说法还在沸沸扬扬时,这一信息在美国和欧洲流传开来。
中国媒体随即报道称,史玉柱在中国 SNS(社交网站)上发帖称 “谣言不可能是他背叛国家、叛逃”,从而否认了叛逃论。

我曾多次提到,作为一个参考案例,中国是将毒气埋入地下,伪造是日本军方所为,仅此一项就从日本攫取了 1 万亿日元的国家。

史玉柱自 2 月初在中国社交网站上向他的朋友们发布了相关内容后,一直没有就新型冠状病毒的来源发表任何言论。
在 SARS 方面的成就 
施一公出生于 1964 年。
2000 年,他从法国蒙彼利埃大学获得病毒学博士学位后回到武汉。 
施博士因研究 2002-2003 年中国爆发的严重急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS)而声名鹊起。
他在不同的洞穴中捕捉野生蝙蝠,分析它们的体液,证明 SARS 病毒源自蝙蝠。 
2001 年,她在英国科学杂志《自然》上发表了自己的研究成果,因此被誉为 “蝙蝠女”。  
2003 年,他和美国北卡罗来纳大学的拉尔夫-瓦里克教授共同发表的研究成果可以说预言了新日冕的出现。
此外,当湖北省政府在 1 月份命令施一公和他的团队研究新型冠状病毒时,他们又在 2 月初率先宣布这些病毒也很可能来自蝙蝠。  
它距离野生动物交易市场仅约 30 公里,而据信首例感染病例就发生在这里。

据《华盛顿邮报》报道,2006 年访问过该研究所的美国官员曾发出一封公开信,警告美国该研究所正在研究冠状病毒,但安全措施不足。

*这个 Jonah Mazet 可能百分之百受到了中国的影响。

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


이게 꿀덫인지 돈덫인지 궁금하네요.

2024年06月08日 15時13分31秒 | 全般

다음은 어제 닛케이 신문 2면에 실린 '침묵의 '배트우먼'이라는 제목의 기사입니다.
저는 읽지 못했지만, 이 기사를 가장 잘 읽는 친구에게 “당신의 신념이 옳다는 것이 증명되고 있다”고 알려주었습니다.

NHK와 중국의 조종 아래
TV 도쿄의 WBS는 “코로나에 대한 생각”이라는 제목으로 자갈밭 같은 사람들이 출연하는 일련의 리포트를 내보냈습니다,
NHK의 watch9보다 훨씬 낫습니다,
타키타 씨와 오에 씨가 없을 때 쇼에는 NHK와 같은 사이비 도덕주의 또는 정부는 악하고 자신들이 옳다는 GHQ 세뇌를 가진 여성 아나운서가 출연했습니다.
조약돌 사람들의 '돌'은 모두 중국과 관련이 있는 사이비 도덕주의자들입니다,
예를 들어 카이후 요스케는 중국 정부가 발표한 내용과 완전히 일치하는 말을 했습니다.
그에 따르면 이것은 인류가 야생 동물의 영역에 들어온 결과라고 합니다.
이미 언급했듯이 중국(중공) 정부 과학자들이 같은 말을 하고 있다는 사실에 경악을 금치 못했습니다.
중국 공산당에게 말하는 것은 의미가 없으므로 카이후 요스케에게 진실을 말할 것입니다.
박쥐의 영역에 들어가서 피와 DNA를 채취한 사람은 시정리뿐이었어요.
그녀를 제외하고는 그런 짓을 한 인간은 아무도 없어요.
시정리의 말이 범죄자의 말이라는 것을 인식하지 못할 정도로 어리석다면 당신은 문명과 인류에 대해 말할 자격이 없습니다.

당신은 도쿄 대학에 입학하여 학자가 된 단순한 학생이기 때문에 문명과 인류에 대해 이야기 할 자격이 없습니다,
노부나가와 쿠카이가 현재에 살고 있으니 쇠망치로 내리칠 듯이 말하네.
넌 정말 최악의 인간이야.
그리고 그들은 또한 그런 사람을 임명하여 시청자를 세뇌하려고합니다,
NHK의 뉴스 부서를 통제하는 사람들과 다르지 않은 TV 도쿄의 사람들에게도 말합니다.
당신들도 최악입니다.

미중 갈등을 촉발하는 감염원 발원지
중국 후베이성 우한에서 세계 최초로 감염이 확인된 신종 코로나바이러스의 발원지를 둘러싼 미국과 중국 간의 갈등이 좀처럼 수그러들지 않고 있습니다.
미국 측은 우한 바이러스 연구소가 발원지라고 주장하고 있지만, 중국 측은 '조작'이라고 부인하고 있습니다.
이 연구소의 연구원 시정리가 진실의 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 것으로 여겨지고 있습니다.
박쥐 유래 바이러스를 연구하는 시 연구원은 일명 '박쥐 여인'으로도 알려져 있지만 최근 소식이 끊겼습니다.  
시와 그녀의 가족은 1,000페이지 분량의 비밀 문서를 가지고 유럽으로 도피했습니다.
5월 초, 우한 연구소가 '발원지'라는 설이 여전히 불거지고 있을 때 이 정보가 미국과 유럽에 퍼졌습니다.
중국 언론은 즉각 시 주임이 중국 SNS(소셜 네트워크 사이트)에 “조국을 배신하고 망명했다는 소문은 있을 수 없는 일”이라며 망명설을 부인하는 글을 올렸다고 보도했습니다.
하지만 시 주석은 아직 공개석상에 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다.  
그녀는 “신종 코로나 바이러스는 인류에 대한 자연의 징벌이며, 내가 목숨을 걸고 실험실을 탈출할 수는 없다”고 말했다.

그녀의 이 말은 제 신념을 더욱 확고히 해줍니다.
제정신인(무고한) 연구자가 그런 말을 할 리가 없으니 세상은 이 논문에 대해 100% 확신해야 합니다.
세계는 이 논문을 통해 우한 바이러스의 발원지가 시정리이며 중국(공산당)이 전후 최대 재앙에 전적으로 책임이 있다는 것을 100% 확신해야 합니다.
피해 국가들은 즉시 피해 규모를 계산하고 중국에 대한 손해배상 청구 소송을 준비해야 합니다.
참고 사례로 여러 번 언급했듯이 중국은 독가스를 땅에 묻고 일본군의 소행이라고 속이고 이 사건으로만 일본으로부터 1조 엔을 챙긴 나라입니다.

시 주석은 2월 초 중국 소셜 네트워킹 사이트에 친구들에게 이와 관련된 글을 올린 이후 신종 코로나바이러스의 발원지에 대한 발언을 자제하고 있습니다.
사스에서의 업적 
시 박사는 1964년에 태어났습니다.
대학에서 유전학을 전공한 후 중국 정부 직속 최고 연구기관인 중국과학원 산하 우한 바이러스 연구소에 입사했습니다.
의학 및 기타 분야 연구의 권위 있는 기관인 프랑스 몽펠리에 대학교에서 바이러스학 박사 학위를 받은 후 2000년 우한으로 돌아왔습니다. 
시 박사는 2002~2003년 중국에서 발생한 중증급성호흡기증후군(SARS)에 대한 연구로 유명해졌습니다.
그는 여러 동굴에서 야생 박쥐를 잡아 체액을 분석하여 사스 바이러스가 박쥐에서 유래했음을 증명했습니다. 
2001년 영국 과학 저널 Nature에 연구 결과를 발표하면서 '박쥐 박사'라는 별명을 얻게 되었습니다.  
2003년에는 미국 노스캐롤라이나 대학의 랄프 바릭 교수와 함께 신종 코로나를 예측했다고 할 수 있는 연구 결과를 공동 발표했습니다.
바릭 교수는 코로나바이러스를 선도하는 연구자입니다.
두 사람은 박쥐 코로나바이러스의 돌연변이가 사스 바이러스 치료제에 반응하지 않는 새로운 유형의 바이러스를 만들어낼 수 있다는 연구 결과를 네이처 자매지에 발표했습니다.  
또한 후베이성 정부가 1월에 시와 그의 연구팀에게 신종 코로나 연구를 지시하자, 2월 초에 박쥐에서 유래했을 가능성이 높다고 최초로 발표했습니다.  
한편 트럼프 미국 대통령과 폼페이오 미 국무장관은 우한 바이러스 연구소가 신종 코로나바이러스의 발원지라고 주장하고 있습니다.
이 시설은 가장 위험한 병원체를 다룰 수 있는 생물안전등급(BSL)-4 시설입니다.
첫 감염 사례가 발생한 것으로 추정되는 야생동물이 거래되는 시장에서 불과 30km 정도 떨어져 있습니다.

입장 요청 
워싱턴 포스트에 따르면 2006년에 이 연구소를 방문한 미국 관리들은 이 연구소가 코로나바이러스를 연구하고 있지만 안전 조치가 불충분하다고 경고하는 공개 서한을 보냈다고 합니다.
폼페이오 장관은 이 연구소에 대한 현장 조사를 요청했습니다. 
그러나 바이러스가 실험실에서 고의로 유출되었다고 믿는 전문가는 거의 없습니다.
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2024/6/7 in Nagoya


Eu me pergunto se isso é uma armadilha de mel ou de dinheiro.

2024年06月08日 15時11分24秒 | 全般

O artigo que se segue foi publicado no jornal Nikkei de ontem, na página 2, com o título “A mulher-morcego silenciosa”.
Não o tinha lido, mas um amigo, um dos melhores leitores, informou-me: “A sua convicção está a revelar-se correcta”.

A NHK e a manipulação chinesa,
a WBS da TV Tóquio, que fez uma série de reportagens intituladas “Reflexões sobre o coronavírus”, com um elenco de pessoas que se juntaram,
É muito melhor do que o watch9 da NHK,
Quando não tinha o Sr. Takita e a Sra. Oe, o programa apresentava uma locutora com o mesmo pseudo-moralismo da NHK ou a mesma lavagem cerebral do GHQ de que o governo é mau e eles têm razão.
Todas as “pedras” do povo da calçada são pseudo-moralistas que devem ter alguma ligação com a China,
Yosuke Kaifu, por exemplo, disse algo inteiramente de acordo com o que o governo chinês anunciou.
Segundo ele, isso resulta do facto de a humanidade ter entrado no reino dos animais selvagens.
Como já referi, fiquei horrorizado ao saber que os cientistas do governo chinês (PCC) estavam a dizer a mesma coisa.
Uma vez que não faz sentido dizer ao fornecedor do PCC, vou dizer a verdade a Yosuke Kaifu.
O único que entrou nos domínios dos morcegos e recolheu sangue e ADN foi Shi Zhengli.
Nenhum outro ser humano alguma vez fez tal coisa, exceto ela.
Não estás qualificado para falar de civilização e humanidade se és demasiado estúpido para reconhecer que as palavras de Shi Zhengli são as de um criminoso.

Não está qualificado para falar de civilização e humanidade porque é um simples estudante que entrou na Universidade de Tóquio e se tornou um académico,
Como Nobunaga e Kukai vivem no presente, digo-vos como se fosse derrubar-vos com um martelo de ferro.
Vocês são de facto o pior tipo de ser humano.
E também tentam fazer uma lavagem cerebral aos telespectadores ao nomear uma pessoa assim,
Também digo às pessoas da TV Tokyo que não são diferentes das que controlam o departamento de notícias da NHK.
Vocês também são do piorio.

Fonte de infeção gera conflito entre os EUA e a China
O conflito entre os EUA e a China sobre a origem do novo coronavírus, o primeiro caso de infeção confirmado no mundo na cidade chinesa de Wuhan, na província de Hubei, continua.
Enquanto os EUA afirmam que o Instituto de Investigação de Vírus de Wuhan é a fonte do surto, os chineses negam que se trate de uma “invenção”.
Acredita-se que Shi Zhengli, um investigador do instituto, tem a chave da verdade.
Shi, uma investigadora de vírus derivados de morcegos, é também conhecida como “Mulher Morcego”, mas não se tem ouvido falar dela recentemente.  
Shi e a sua família fugiram para a Europa com 1000 páginas de documentos secretos.
No início de maio, enquanto a teoria do Instituto de Wuhan como “fonte” ainda fumegava, esta informação circulou nos Estados Unidos e na Europa.
Os meios de comunicação chineses noticiaram imediatamente que Shi tinha publicado num SNS (site de rede social) chinês: “Um rumor não pode ser que ele traiu o seu país e desertou”, negando assim a teoria da deserção.
No entanto, Shi ainda não se manifestou publicamente.  
Ela disse: “O novo coronavírus é o castigo da natureza para a humanidade, e de forma alguma eu arriscaria a minha própria vida para fugir do laboratório”.

Esta declaração dela confirma ainda mais a minha convicção.
Porque nenhum investigador são (inocente) faria tal declaração, o mundo deve estar 100% convencido com este documento.
O mundo tem de ficar 100% convencido com este documento de que a fonte do vírus de Wuhan é Shi Zhengli e que a China (PCC) é inteiramente responsável pela maior catástrofe do pós-guerra.
Os países afectados devem calcular imediatamente o montante dos prejuízos e preparar-se para apresentar um pedido de indemnização à China.
Como já referi muitas vezes como caso de referência, a China é o país que enterrou o seu gás venenoso no solo, falsificou que era obra dos militares japoneses e, só por este caso, arrecadou 1 bilião de ienes ao Japão.

Shi tem-se abstido de falar sobre a origem do novo coronavírus desde que publicou algo nesse sentido aos seus amigos numa rede social chinesa, no início de fevereiro.
Conquistas na SRA 
Shi nasceu em 1964.
Depois de estudar genética na universidade, entrou para o Instituto de Investigação de Vírus de Wuhan da Academia Chinesa de Ciências, o mais alto instituto de investigação diretamente dependente do governo.
Regressou a Wuhan em 2000, após ter obtido um doutoramento em virologia na Universidade de Montpellier, em França, uma prestigiada instituição de investigação em medicina e noutros domínios. 
O Dr. Shi tornou-se famoso pelo seu trabalho sobre o surto da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SARS) na China em 2002-2003.
Capturou morcegos selvagens em várias grutas e analisou os seus fluidos corporais, provando que o vírus da SRA era originário dos morcegos. 
Em 2001, publicou as suas descobertas na revista científica britânica Nature, o que a levou a ser apelidada de “Batwoman”.  
Em 2003, Barik e o Professor Ralph Varik, da Universidade da Carolina do Norte, nos EUA, publicaram em conjunto resultados de investigação que podem ser considerados como tendo previsto o novo coronavírus.
Barik é um dos principais investigadores do coronavírus.
Os dois publicaram na revista irmã da Nature que uma mutação do coronavírus do morcego poderia resultar num novo tipo de vírus que não responderia à cura do vírus da SRA.  
Além disso, quando o governo da província de Hubei ordenou a Shi e à sua equipa que estudassem os novos coronavírus, em janeiro, foram os primeiros a anunciar, no início de fevereiro, que também era provável que fossem de origem morcego.  
Entretanto, o Presidente dos EUA, Trump, e o Secretário de Estado norte-americano, Pombeo, insistem que o Instituto de Investigação de Vírus de Wuhan é a fonte do novo coronavírus.
A instalação é uma instalação de nível de biossegurança (BSL)-4, que pode lidar com os agentes patogénicos mais perigosos.
Fica apenas a cerca de 30 km do mercado onde são comercializados animais selvagens, onde se crê terem ocorrido os primeiros casos de infeção.

Pedido de entrada 
Segundo o Washington Post, funcionários americanos que visitaram o instituto em 2006 enviaram uma carta pública avisando os EUA de que o instituto estava a investigar o coronavírus mas que as medidas de segurança eram insuficientes.
Pompeo solicitou uma inspeção no local do instituto. 
No entanto, poucos especialistas acreditam que o vírus tenha saído intencionalmente do laboratório.
Segundo a imprensa americana, Jonah Mazet, especialista em doenças infecciosas da Universidade da Califórnia, observou que “não havia nenhum novo coronavírus no laboratório de Shi” antes de o novo coronavírus começar a espalhar-se.
Ela refuta a alegação da administração dos EUA de que o Instituto Wuhan foi a fonte do surto.

*Este Jonah Mazet está provavelmente 100% sob influência chinesa.
Pergunto-me se isto é uma armadilha de mel ou uma armadilha de dinheiro. *
A Sra. Shi, que conhece a situação real, mantém-se calada. 

2024/6/7 in Nagoya