文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

At this time, it characteristically has a sight that is to the eye.

2014年10月31日 13時02分56秒 | 日記

Asahi Shimbun, and the men of culture and the lawyers who sided with this, because it is the tribe who was in the lower-half from the center of my classmate, while being Japanese, attacking Japan is justice, it cannot way even morons enough to have been convinced after the war in '70.

Saying their article will have been related greatly, now, it is convinced to the total amount regulation which brought about the big stagnation of the Japanese economy, too.

When the result of the national simultaneous achievement test and the intelligence test which was in the fifth grade of an elementary school time was telling when I did to the fifth grade of an elementary school and already was the ability of the high school 3 grader, at the principal's office, it told of me from the headmaster.

However, the brain was the brain to make certainly the turntable of civilization and then the book to extract now, e.g. to shock the worlds such as the tentative name, the atomic bomb theory which didn't have the world at all, noticing, Korea which the tentative name, Mii-dera told it to write.

Therefore, lived in the fashionable residential area of being the celebrity who is social with life, more than 10000000 yen of annual incomes as the elitist very much promised to me in Japan and in the happy life of a family of four, the god didn't make me send it.

Thoroughly, it gave me a trial.

Then, I chose life as the businessman from with empty pockets.

A lot of human beings in Osaka know that it did the remarkable work in the field that I was engaged, and that as individuals were to the remarkable work that do not than cannot anymore anyone.

My close friends in the lifetime know that it was always doing all thought when I was for the person for the world about this, too, and was big contribution to Japan and the world clear.

We had the trading company employee of the backbone which is very familiar with the overseas Chinese of the millionaire on Singapore and in Bangkok.

It was always saying wanting to introduce an overseas Chinese who always remembers him to me by all means of being when speaking to Singapore with me.

Saying let's go willingly if the work of the pending problem was tidy, I answered.

As the result, I headed for the South East Asia.

In my classmate, in the cultural type, it is one of the human beings who had the brain which is equal to me, and the person about whom the human nature and the brain were very excellent is doing a lawyer in New York and doesn't concern me, saying the coming to New York to have been giving a letter several times, too.

Saying New York should go to Tokyo if it wants to know New York which is Tokyo tomorrow, and so on, it will have had me in those days because it was saying, too.

It headed for the South East Asia prematurely, too.

It is already more than 25 years before.

Since then, 15 times, it visited Bangkok and Singapore.

The people around me know well that I called Bangkok devildom.

It took a corporation lawyer in those days and it went to Bangkok and it made a branch but it ended only in the result as it to waste a large sum of money.

At this time, it characteristically has a sight that is to the eye.

Formerly, it is more surely the prostitution town which is suitable for devildom Bangkok than the tenderloin with flagrant Bangkok which a lot of Japanese visited, mixing with the Westerners.

As for being called a prostitution town in Bangkok, as for that it should be actually surprised, there should be a person who knows all over the world.

After Japan was large stagnation, a tourist bus, it should know Koreans, the world of people it was Chinese after had been regular taxi in force in this prostitution district.

However, as for them, this which took advantage of the fabrication article this time which much foolish Asahi Shimbun created really is raising no voice to the speech and action in Korea and China like a lump of the evil.

Actually, this article is telling clear.

2014年10月31日 10時34分45秒 | 日記

What is the speech and action of the military comfort women in Korea to Japan if it does the owner of the brain that you are honest, it should understand to the end.

Actually, this article is telling clear.

The actual state of their own country, by the sexism which the identification discrimination system that spans more than 1,000 years which existed in their own country, have been in the root and in Korea, such a thing have continued to be done.

Even if it makes that there are Asahi Shimbun and highbrows who sided with this in as if nothing had happened natural.

Of there being as if nothing had happened about the world, too, why?

Korea was doing tourism Kisen is, in spite of not the old so far.

The following is the sequel of However, it was for a while and the husband left her and a child.

Now in South Korea, such as Kim was working "base village (USFK base near the prostitution district)" is not. But, prostitutes who were there are taunt for many years, has been to be talked about behind one's back. And "regret is countless. Was a really hard life," Kim recalls.

Kim says that all is not because of the U.S. soldier.

With a lot of U.S. soldiers being young, it likes to enjoy, it was surprisingly pure.

It is the Korean government that she nominates if anything as “the criminal ".

It says that the government encouraged implicitly about the illegal prostitution.

"US military comfort women" of 122 people, including Kim this year in June, the reparations and investigation of truth of 10 million won (about 100 million) to the government, and filed a lawsuit seeking an apology.

The amount of compensation may be small but, if this is admitted, the government is to please the US Forces Korea (USFK), and allowed to clearly that he had forced to prostitution in South Korea women.

Of course the government of human not had openly played the role of "pimp".

The South Korean government in ‘61 has established a law to prohibit prostitution. However, according to researchers and human rights activists, in areas where authorities have been specified, prostitution had been recognized only within a certain time period.

South Korea's was finally enacted the prostitution laws in line with world standards, it is from when in '04.

This article continues.

it is a popular page yesterday

2014年10月31日 10時08分08秒 | 日記






I världen, bör de flesta personer som inte läst.


Nedan, är det 0,006% av Soft till 2nd.


Di dunia, kebanyakan orang tidak harus membaca.


Maailmassa, useimmat ihmiset ei pitäisi lukea.


In the world, most persons should not read.


Dans le monde, la plupart des personnes ne devraient pas lire.


Hereinafter, it is 0.006 % of Softbank to the 2nd.


В мире, большинство


Really it is neither more nor less than absurd lousy human beings.




No és genuí intel·lecte.


Dále, že je 0,006% z Softbank do 2..


In der Welt, sollten die meisten Personen nicht lesen.


Bu gerçek akıl değil.


Bundan sonra, bu 2 için Softbank 0.006% 'sidir.


Det er ikke ægte intellekt.


To nie jest prawdziwy intelekt.


En el mundo, la mayoría de las personas no deben leer.


No mundo, a maioria das pessoas não deveria ler.




ليس من


Nel mondo, la maggior parte delle persone non dovrebbero leggere.


Tai nėra tikras intelektas.


Il est pas authentique intelligence.


Jäljempänä, on 0,006% Softbank 2nd.


A továbbiakban ez 0,006% -a Softbank a 2nd.






Դա անկեղծ


I det etterfølgende, er det 0,006% av Soft til den andre.


Δεν είναι πραγματική διάνοια.


Se ei ole aito äly.




Në botën, shumica e njerëzve nuk duhet të


По-нататък, е 0,006%


그것은 진정한


U daljnjem tekstu, to je 0,006% od Softbank do 2..


ეს არ არის


Es ist nicht echt Intellekt.


Bundan sonra bu 2-Softbank 0.006% -dir.


In de wereld, zouden de meeste mensen niet lezen.


Det är inte äkta intellekt.


Zwany, to 0,006% z Softbanku na 2nd.


No es genuino intelecto.


Selanjutnya, iku 0,006% saka Softbank ke-2.


Nu este intelect autentic.


Hereinafter, ਇਸ


Hierna is 0,006% van Softbank naar de 2e.


Não é intelecto genuíno.


not to mention, many Americans and the world do not know.

2014年10月31日 10時06分27秒 | 日記

They don't know even that Japan merged Korea and that it subscribed Korea as the Japanese people as compatriot nation of Japan and that it handled.

They are the politicians who did a similar resolution, would be with the politicians of every country which presented a similar resolution with the congressmen in the U.S. which receives Mike Honda's propaganda truly and them siding with the going Lower House resolution or siding with the Lower House congress in the U.S. about Japan-domestic.

However, the world doesn't know, too, at all.

They don't know at all that there was a class system which is one of the worst in the world in Korea, until Japan merges Korea and abolishes it.

Korean female professional golfer is, it swept the United States, the popularity of LPGA of USA was a sudden fall. Women golfers of Korea, in turn, are surging in force in LPGA of Japan. The popularity of LPGA of Japan tour, too, has begun to fall.

But the big withering and falling like the U.S. avoids anyhow because the young and beautiful women golfer begin to emit in Japan.

Why is Korean Ms. Golfer whether so much also strong. It also has been attributed to the above class system is to write at a later date, but South Korea women's a still more alive difficult country male chauvinism of the country than men unlike Japan. So Korean women golfers are it is not became well within the good thing of the daughter is taught to dad. For them, for creeping up in South Korea is a difficult living country, it's a family business that life took the whole family.

Without even only there is a large difference in economic infrastructure and Japan, and because countries such as Samsung nation, like Japan cute women Golfer, with a lot of money, Korean women golfers can not get a variety of sponsors like Japanese women golfers.

So-called game guts have a difference as much as the heaven and the place.

However, it was for a while and the husband left her and a child.

2014年10月31日 10時02分13秒 | 日記

The following is from the Newsweek magazine Japanese edition of this week's issue.

By the national policy of the government

It maintains that it was possible to force into the sexual service to the U.S. army.

Previous harlots are rustled.


It is in Korea in the times which became the forefront of the cold war and were confused and were poor that Kim Kyonsan grew up.

There is a good job a resident.

It is possible to do an allowance, too, to the family.

The intermediary to say so, might be no impossible had went with a still was young Kim.

However, it was not “the good work “at all.

It was U.S. soldier partner prostitution.

When the Korean War occurred in 50, the U.S. army came as the main force corps of the UN forces to Korea.

There is a U.S. military base in domestic each place until that a U.S. army is stationed continues and results in the present after a truce agreement is linked in 53, too.

Now just out of such a base, it was the neon town of the rag which is not currently, and Kim sold the U.S. soldier a flattery, and sold a body and made money.

It gets hooked on drugs finally, but it married one of the visitors and it ran away from the life of the bottom.

Saying the harlots who were tied by the employer by the debt were the general method of quitting about marrying a U.S. soldier, Kim says.

However, it was for a while and the husband left her and a child.

This article continues.


It maintains that it was possible to force into the sexual service to the U.S. army.

2014年10月31日 07時33分46秒 | 日記

The following is from the Newsweek magazine Japanese edition of this week's issue.

By the national policy of the government

It maintains that it was possible to force into the sexual service to the U.S. army.

Previous harlots are rustled.


It is in Korea in the times which became the forefront of the cold war and were confused and were poor that Kim Kyonsan grew up.

There is a good job a resident.

It is possible to do an allowance, too, to the family.

The intermediary to say so, might be no impossible had went with a still was young Kim.

However, it was not “the good work “at all.

It was U.S. soldier partner prostitution.

When the Korean War occurred in 50, the U.S. army came as the main force corps of the UN forces to Korea.

There is a U.S. military base in domestic each place until that a U.S. army is stationed continues and results in the present after a truce agreement is linked in 53, too.

Now just out of such a base, it was the neon town of the rag which is not currently, and Kim sold the U.S. soldier a flattery, and sold a body and made money.

It gets hooked on drugs finally, but it married one of the visitors and it ran away from the life of the bottom.

Saying the harlots who were tied by the employer by the debt were the general method of quitting about marrying a U.S. soldier, Kim says.

However, it was for a while and the husband left her and a child.

This article continues.


So-called game guts have a difference as much as the heaven and the place.

2014年10月31日 06時55分37秒 | 日記

Japan even be dealing registered as a Japanese citizen Korea was annexed Korea as compatriot nation of Japan, House lawmakers of the United States that have truly received the propaganda of Mike Honda, not to mention, many Americans and the world do not know.

Japan annexed Korea, until Japan eliminates it, they do not know at all that the class system is the worst one of the world had in Korea.

Korean female professional golfer is, it swept the United States, the popularity of LPGA of USA was a sudden fall. Women golfers of Korea, in turn, are surging in force in LPGA of Japan. The popularity of LPGA of Japan tour, too, has begun to fall.

But the big withering and falling like the U.S. avoids anyhow because the young and beautiful women golfer begins to emit in Japan.

Why is Korean Ms. Golfer whether so much also strong. It also has been attributed to the above class system is to write at a later date, but South Korea women's a still more alive difficult country male chauvinism of the country than men unlike Japan. So Korean women golfers are it is not became well within the good thing of the daughter is taught to dad. For them, for creeping up in South Korea is a difficult living country, it's a family business that life took the whole family.

Without even only there is a large difference in economic infrastructure and Japan, and because countries such as Samsung nation, like Japan cute women Golfer, with a lot of money, Korean women golfers can not get a variety of sponsors like Japanese women golfers.

So-called game guts have a difference as much as the heaven and the place.

Really it is neither more nor less than absurd lousy human beings.

2014年10月30日 14時45分23秒 | 日記

The following is from the Newsweek magazine Japanese edition of this week's issue.

Really it is neither more nor less than absurd lousy human beings.

It is the human beings whom few of the Japanese knew.

(It is one as much as the man and woman of the lawyer to have made a politician later and to have appeared on the TV, too, frequently that it know).

Doing this poor really, it fancied diminishing Japan while being Japanese to be justice, it depends on the rare human beings in the world, too.

The tumult which the lump of the evil completed, gathering, of the actual state of Korea which this article tells, using the elapse in the time, of the possibility that putting in the Second World War was a truth, it is possible to foresee possibility not by myself.

For example, in some occasion, in net, it appeared but as for the military comfort woman problem, it knew that there were some doing and written books as if to be true for the first time about me.

But the human being who wants to attack Japan by military comfort woman problem's making true was introducing the contents of those books.

If you are a decent human being, those books, for anyone, it's the only just sentence, such as can be seen with the funny.

On parade in the poor book to make Japan a twicer which the frivolous false moralist who isn't found out at all wrote about the true word like Mr. Hiroo Onoda because it was a paper in the real thing whom I introduced.

Since the United States is part of the Fake moralist really morons, you can easily put is to fascists of propaganda using this, issues, etc. that such a House of Representatives resolution, countries and, Of all things!, of Japan, which was followed in this local council also, than is had to follow to this (but did Asahi Shimbun make Japan be wrong how much, however, this is just proof).

Not noticing being a poor brain, too, is the fearfulness of becoming Establishment.

Of course, the persons in question don't have the circumstances which they know, too.

Then, an evil is accepted to this world.

All is the evil which the false moralist who placed a basis in the feeble-mindedness makes.

The hoodlums always used them.

It makes the introduction of the Newsweek magazine Japanese edition of this week's issue a next chapter.

Dans le monde, la plupart des personnes ne devraient pas lire.

2014年10月30日 11時30分09秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est de la Newsweek édition japonaise de l'édition de cette semaine.

Le magazine Newsweek est un magazine hebdomadaire vraiment merveilleux, mais il ya seulement un abonné avec environ 100 000 le nombre d'exemplaires au Japon.

Dans le monde, la plupart des personnes ne devraient pas lire.

Quant à cet article, les personnes dans le monde, aussi, sont la possibilité d'être complet nouvelles comme moi.

Même si, il est pas exagéré même si elle dit que les médias de masse qui fait Asahi Shimbun le premier sur la liste n'a pas signalé l'état actuel de la Corée pour une raison à tout.


La balle de gaz lacrymogène qui les exportations de la société coréenne sont utilisés pour la répression de la manifestation de démocratisation dans le monde chaque lieu.

Le je qui est utilisé pour la répression de la manifestation de la démocratisation avec les tous les pays avec la société coréenne exportation égale ou supérieure à 3000000 balles de gaz lacrymogène à l'intérieur de ces 3 ans

Rapport choquant que les législateurs Kim Joyon du Parti progressiste unifié a annoncé appelle ondulations.

Il dit que le fabricant de produits chimiques de base dont est Kanaumi ville en banlieue de Pusan selon le rapport exporte une balle de gaz lacrymogène avec le dollar 3160000 somme totale au pays de pouvoir monde 24 depuis 2011 ..

Le lieu de l'exportation maximale est 1440000 morceaux de l'État de Bahreïn.

Il monte en débit "printemps arabe sur" et dans l'État de Bahreïn, la manifestation anti-gouvernementale devient populaire à partir de 11.

Il dit qu'au moins 39 manifestants sont morts à ce jour avec l'accident avec les forces gouvernementales qui ont une balle de gaz lacrymogène.

La 2e place de l'exportation est 660000 morceaux de Turquie.

L'an dernier, les manifestants ont déclaré que le gaz lacrymogène utilisé balle a été faite en Corée sur le gouvernement.

Il maintenait que la société coréenne au fabricant arrêté l'exportation vers la Turquie depuis le 12 mais l'état actuel que cette société continue exportation est encore écrit le rapport.

180000 balles de gaz lacrymogène sont plus exportés vers 270000, Bangladesh, aussi, par le Myanmar (Vilma).

La démonstration qui soit exige l'amélioration de l'environnement de travail de est un pays qui se produisent fréquemment.

Dire «la violation de centres de droits de l'homme sur le pays sérieux au sujet de la place de l'exportation", il souligne l'argent.

"Les fonctionnaires arrêtent exportation et devraient renforcer la réglementation".

Le nom spécifique de l'entreprise est pas écrit le rapport, mais si en supposant que Dekuu ~ sur chimique basée à Gimhae Ville vend l'Etat de gouvernement de Bahreïn beaucoup de balles de gaz lacrymogène lorsque deux au Royaume-Uni et des États-Unis groupes protecteurs des droits de l'homme sont à vendre l'an dernier, il dépose une poursuite de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques).

Amnesty International Corée branche dans l'organisation cosmopolite droit, aussi, demande l'arrêt l'an dernier pour le gouvernement si supposant que l'exportation de l'État de Bahreïn prend "la violation importante des droits de l'homme".

Les fonctionnaires ont été ordonnant l'arrêt de l'exportation cette année en Janvier, mais semblent avoir été titulaire izing-il trop tôt.

Nel mondo, la maggior parte delle persone non dovrebbero leggere.

2014年10月30日 11時29分42秒 | 日記

Di seguito è dal Newsweek edizione giapponese del numero di questa settimana.

La rivista Newsweek è davvero meraviglioso settimanale, ma c'è solo un abbonato con circa 100000 numero di copie in Giappone.

Nel mondo, la maggior parte delle persone non dovrebbero leggere.

Per quanto riguarda questo articolo, le persone nel mondo, troppo, sono la completa possibilità di essere una notizia come me.

Anche se, non è esagerato, anche se si dice che i mass media che ha reso Asahi Shimbun il primo della lista non ha segnalato lo stato attuale della Corea per qualche ragione al mondo.


Il proiettile lachrymator che le esportazioni coreane aziendali sono utilizzati per la repressione della manifestazione di democratizzazione nel mondo ogni luogo.

L'io che viene utilizzato per la soppressione della manifestazione democratizzazione con i tutti i paesi con la società coreana esportatrice pari o superiore a 3000000 proiettili lachrymator all'interno di questi circa 3 anni

Rapporto scioccante che Kim Joyon legislatori del Partito Progressista Unificato ha annunciato sta chiamando increspature.

Si dice che il produttore chimico alla base dei quali è la città Kanaumi nella periferia Pusan secondo il rapporto sta esportando un proiettile lachrymator con la somma totale 3160000 dollari per il paese potenza mondiale 24 dal 2011 ..

Il posto è massima all'esportazione 1440000 pezzi dello Stato del Bahrein.

Si cavalca il flusso in "la molla araba" e nello Stato del Bahrein, la manifestazione anti-governativa diventa popolare da 11.

Si dice che almeno 39 manifestanti sono morti fino ad oggi con lo scontro con le forze governative che hanno un proiettile lachrymator.

Il 2 ° posto di esportazione è 660000 pezzi di Turchia.

L'anno scorso, i manifestanti hanno riferito che il lachrymator proiettile utilizzato è stato fatto in Corea per il governo.

E 'stato sostenendo che l'azienda coreana al produttore fermato esportazione in Turchia dal 12, ma lo stato attuale che questa società continua ancora l'esportazione viene ridotta alla relazione.

180000 proiettili lachrymator sono più esportati 270000, Bangladesh, anche, dal Myanmar (Vilma).

La dimostrazione che o esige il miglioramento dell'ambiente di lavoro è da un paese che si verificano frequentemente.

Dire "la violazione dei centri per i diritti umani sul paese serio il posto esportazione", si fa notare soldi.

"I funzionari si fermano e l'esportazione dovrebbero rafforzare la regolamentazione".

Il nome specifico dell'azienda non viene ridotta alla relazione, ma se supponendo che Dekuu ~ in chimica con sede a Gimhae città sta vendendo lo Stato del governo del Bahrain una grande quantità di proiettili lachrymator quando due inglesi e americani che proteggono i gruppi dei diritti umani stanno vendendo l'anno scorso, è il deposito di un abito di Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico).

Ramo Amnesty Korea International nella cosmopolita giusta organizzazione, troppo, richiede una fermata lo scorso anno al governo se supponendo che l'esportazione verso lo Stato del Bahrain assume "l'importante violazione dei diritti umani".

I funzionari erano ordinare arrestare l'esportazione di quest'anno, nel mese di gennaio, ma sembra essere stato titolare-izing tutto troppo presto.

En el mundo, la mayoría de las personas no deben leer.

2014年10月30日 11時29分15秒 | 日記

El siguiente es de la edición japonesa de la revista Newsweek la edición de esta semana.

La revista Newsweek es una realidad maravillosa revista semanal, pero sólo hay un suscriptor con cerca de 100.000 el número de copias en Japón.

En el mundo, la mayoría de las personas no deben leer.

En cuanto a este artículo, las personas en el mundo, también, son la posibilidad completa de ser noticia como yo.

Aunque, no es exagerado, aunque se dice que los medios de comunicación que hizo Asahi Shimbun el primero en la lista no informó el estado real de Corea por alguna razón en absoluto.


La bala lacrimógeno que se utilizan las exportaciones coreanas de la compañía para la represión de la manifestación de democratización en el mundo cada lugar.

El yo que se utiliza para la represión de la manifestación de democratización con los todos los países con la empresa coreana exportadora igual o más de 3000000 balas lacrimógeno dentro de estos alrededor de 3 años

Informe impactante que los legisladores Kim Joyon del Partido Progresista Unificado ha anunciado está llamando ondulaciones.

Se dice que el fabricante de productos químicos de la base de los cuales es la ciudad de Pusan Kanaumi en los suburbios de acuerdo con el informe está exportando una bala lacrimógeno con la suma total de 3160000 dólares para el país potencia mundial 24 desde 2011 ..

El lugar máxima exportación es 1440000 piezas del Estado de Bahrein.

Se monta en el flujo de "la primavera árabe en" y en el Estado de Bahrein, la manifestación anti-gubernamental se vuelve popular a partir del 11.

Se dice que al menos 39 manifestantes han muerto hasta el momento con el choque con las fuerzas gubernamentales que tienen una bala lacrimógeno.

El segundo lugar es la exportación 660.000 piezas de Turquía.

El año pasado, los manifestantes informaron que la bala lacrimógeno utilizado fue hecho en Corea sobre el gobierno.

Se mantiene que la empresa coreana en el fabricante dejó de exportación a Turquía desde el 12, pero el estado real de que esta empresa sigue siendo la exportación se anota el informe.

180.000 balas lacrimógeno se exportan a más 270.000, Bangladesh, también, por Myanmar (Vilma).

La demostración de que, o bien exige la mejora del entorno de trabajo de un país es que ocurren con frecuencia.

Decir "la violación de los centros de derechos humanos en el país serio sobre el lugar de exportación", señala el dinero.

"Los funcionarios dejan de exportación y deben fortalecer la regulación".

El nombre específico de la empresa no está escrito en el informe, pero si suponiendo que Dekuu ~ en química con sede en la ciudad de Gimhae está vendiendo el gobierno del Estado de Bahrein una gran cantidad de balas lacrimógeno cuando dos grupos protectores del Reino Unido y de Estados Unidos de los derechos humanos están vendiendo el año pasado, que es la presentación de una demanda de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo).

Rama Amnistía Internacional de Corea en la organización cosmopolita derecho, también, exige una parada el año pasado para el gobierno si el supuesto de que la exportación al Estado de Bahrein toma en "la importante violación de los derechos humanos".

Los funcionarios estaban pidiendo detener la exportación de este año en enero, pero parecen haber sido titular-izing todo demasiado pronto.

In der Welt, sollten die meisten Personen nicht lesen.

2014年10月30日 11時28分48秒 | 日記

Hier finden Sie von der Newsweek japanische Ausgabe von dieser Woche die Ausgabe.

Die Zeitschrift Newsweek ist eine wirklich wunderbare Wochenmagazin aber es gibt nur ein Teilnehmer mit über 100.000 Kopienzahlen in Japan.

In der Welt, sollten die meisten Personen nicht lesen.

Wie für diesen Artikel, die Menschen in der Welt sind auch die komplette Möglichkeit, Nachrichten wie ich.

Obwohl, es ist nicht übertrieben, auch wenn sie sagt, dass die Massenmedien, die Asahi Shimbun machte der erste auf der Liste nicht zu melden den tatsächlichen Zustand des Korea aus irgendeinem Grund überhaupt nicht.


Die Tränengas Kugel, die das koreanische Unternehmen die Exporte für die Unterdrückung der Demokratisierung Demonstration in Welt jeder Ort eingesetzt.

Das Ich, die es für die Unterdrückung der Demokratisierung Demonstration mit den allen Ländern mit dem koreanischen Unternehmen exportieren gleich oder mehr als 3000000 Tränengasgeschossen innerhalb dieser ca. 3 Jahren verwendet wird

Shocking Bericht, Kim Joyon Gesetzgeber Unified Progressiven Partei hat angekündigt, ruft Wellen.

Es sagt, dass die Chemikalienhersteller die Basis davon ist Kanaumi Stadt in Pusan Vororten nach dem Bericht wird dem Export eines Tränengasgeschoss mit der 3160000 Dollar Gesamtsumme an die Welt 24 Stromland seit 2011 ..

Die maximale Ausfuhr Ort ist 1440000 Stück des Staates Bahrain.

Es reitet Fluss in "Frühling auf Arab" und im Staat Bahrain, wird die Anti-Regierungs-Demonstration vom 11. beliebt.

Er sagt, dass mindestens 39 Demonstranten wurden bislang mit dem Absturz mit den Regierungskräften , die Tränengas Kugel gestorben.

Die 2. Ausfuhr Ort ist 660.000 Stück von der Türkei.

Im vergangenen Jahr berichteten die Demonstranten, dass die verwendete Tränen Kugel wurde in Korea über die Regierung gemacht.

Es wurde beibehalten, dass das koreanische Unternehmen am maker gestoppt Ausfuhr in der Türkei seit 12, sondern der Ist-Zustand, dass dieses Unternehmen weiterhin Ausfuhr noch wird auf den Bericht geschrieben.

180.000 Tränengasgeschosse sind mehr 270.000 exportiert, Bangladesch, auch durch Myanmar (Vilma).

Die Demonstration, die entweder verlangt die Verbesserung der Arbeitsumgebung aus ist eine häufig auftretende Land.

Sprichwort "die Verletzung der Menschenrechte konzentriert sich auf die schweren Land über die Ausfuhr Ort", führt sie aus Geld.

"Die Beamten stoppen Ausfuhr und sollte Regulierung zu stärken".

Die spezifische Unternehmensname wird nicht auf den Bericht geschrieben, aber wenn der Annahme, dass Dekuu ~ auf chemische Hauptsitz in Gimhae City verkauft den Staat Bahrain Regierung viel Tränengas Kugeln, wenn zwei britischen und US-Schutzgruppen der Menschenrechte verkaufen im letzten Jahr, wird es die Einreichung einer Klage zur Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung).

Amnesty International Korea Niederlassung in der kosmopolitischen Rechtsorganisation Auch fordert einen Stopp im letzten Jahr an die Regierung, wenn der Annahme, dass die Ausfuhr in die Staat Bahrain nimmt "die wichtige Verletzung der Menschenrechte".

Die Beamten wurden Ausfuhr der Halte Bestellung im Januar dieses Jahres scheinen aber gewesen Titular-izing alles zu früh.

No mundo, a maioria das pessoas não deveria ler.

2014年10月30日 11時28分22秒 | 日記

O que se segue é da Newsweek edição japonesa da edição desta semana.

A revista Newsweek é uma revista semanal realmente maravilhoso, mas há apenas um assinante, com cerca de 100 mil o número de cópias no Japão.

No mundo, a maioria das pessoas não deveria ler.

Quanto a este artigo, as pessoas no mundo são, também, a possibilidade completo a ser notícia como eu.

Mesmo assim, não é exagerado, mesmo que diz que a mídia de massa que fez Asahi Shimbun o primeiro lugar na lista não informou o estado real da Coréia, por alguma razão em tudo.


A bala lacrimogéneo que a empresa exporta coreanos são utilizados para a repressão da manifestação de democratização no mundo cada lugar.

O eu que ele é usado para a repressão da manifestação democratização com os todos os países com a empresa coreana exportação igual ou superior a 3000000 lacrimogéneo balas dentro destes cerca de 3 anos

Relatório chocante que os legisladores Kim Joyon do Partido Progressista Unified anunciou está chamando ondulações.

Ela diz que a fabricante de produtos químicos à base de quem é a cidade Kanaumi nos subúrbios Pusan acordo com o relatório está exportando uma bala lacrimogéneo com a soma total 3160000 dólares para o país poder mundial 24 desde 2011 ..

O lugar máxima exportação é 1440000 pedaços de Estado do Bahrain.

Monta fluxo na "Primavera em árabe" e no Estado do Bahrain, a manifestação anti-governamental torna-se popular a partir de 11.

Ele diz que pelo menos 39 manifestantes morreram até agora com o acidente com as forças governamentais, que têm uma bala lacrimogéneo.

O segundo lugar é exportação 660.000 peças de Turquia.

No ano passado, os manifestantes informaram que a bala lacrimogéneo utilizado foi feito na Coréia sobre o governo.

Foi alegando que a empresa coreana no fabricante parou de exportação para a Turquia desde 12, mas o estado real que esta empresa continua a exportação ainda é escrita com o relatório.

180.000 lacrimogéneo balas são mais exportados para 270 mil, Bangladesh, também, por Myanmar (Vilma).

A demonstração de que ou exige a melhoria do ambiente de trabalho de um país que ocorre com freqüência.

Dizendo que "a violação de centros de direitos humanos no país sério sobre o local de exportação", salienta o dinheiro.

"Os funcionários parar exportação e deve reforçar a regulação".

O nome específico empresa não está escrito o relatório, mas se supor que Dekuu ~ em química sediada em Gimhae City está vendendo o Estado de Governo Bahrain muita lacrimogéneo balas quando dois grupos de protecção do Reino Unido e dos Estados Unidos dos direitos humanos estão vendendo no ano passado, está entrando com uma ação para Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico).

Anistia Internacional Coreia do ramo na organização direito cosmopolita, também, exige uma parada no ano passado para o governo se supor que a exportação para o Estado do Bahrain assume "a violação importante dos direitos humanos".

Os funcionários estavam pedindo suspensão da exportação este ano, em janeiro, mas parecem ter sido titular-nalizar-lo muito em breve.


2014年10月30日 11時27分53秒 | 日記








它被用於民主示範的抑制與所有的國家與韓國公司出口內的這些約3年等於或多於3000000 lachrymator子彈的餘









180000 lachrymator子彈更遠銷到27萬,孟加拉,也由緬甸(比爾馬)。








2014年10月30日 11時27分02秒 | 日記








它被用于民主示范的抑制与所有的国家与韩国公司出口内的这些约3年等于或多于3000000 lachrymator子弹的余









180000 lachrymator子弹更远销到27万,孟加拉,也由缅甸(比尔马)。





