文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This chapter will make it clear to even the most ignorant of Western intellectuals and commentators,

2024年07月16日 22時46分56秒 | 全般

We don't know the full extent of how many lives were lost, but it's enough to give you an idea of the brutality of Mao Zedong
July 27, 2017
This chapter will make it clear to even the most ignorant of Western intellectuals and commentators, who are ignorant of Southeast Asian history and facts, that the Nanking Massacre that the Chinese are propagating as anti-Japanese propaganda is a fabrication of a part of their history, their reality, as the work of the Japanese military. So, you are ignorant of your ignorance.
Therefore, you should be ashamed of your ignorance.
In the century of war, not only did the Japanese soldiers fight for their country most bravely against the overwhelmingly powerful nation of the world at that time, the United States, but they also welcomed 20,000 Jews who fled persecution from Nazi Germany and came to Manchuria. They rejected protests from Germany under the banner of "No discrimination against any ethnic group." 
It is no exaggeration to say that these Japanese soldiers were the noblest people in the world.
It would help if you immediately stopped demonizing and humiliating these Japanese soldiers.
Of course, if you do not stop, I, as a modern-day Nobunaga Oda, will tell King Yama of Hell to inflict the maximum punishment on you.
Nevertheless, this chapter will teach the world that the sins of the Asahi Shimbun and Haruki Murakami, who wrote numerous fabricated articles, including the Nanking Massacre, for a country like China are deeper than the ocean.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Almost everyone became a target of the tremendous rebellion movement, including the cadres of the party organization and practical factions, university professors, elementary and junior high school teachers, writers, artists, and others with knowledge and skills, those from old families or families of modest means, landowners, capitalists, and others with prestige and wealth.
Brief History of the Cultural Revolution, 1996, Central Party History Publishing House describes the situation.
During the Cultural Revolution, private trials were held, torture to force confessions, arbitrary arrests, illegal detentions, and investigations became commonplace, and people's lives and property were no longer protected at all. Suicides of those who could not bear the beatings and persecution of those targeted for rebellion occurred one after another.

How many people were persecuted in China by 1976, when the Cultural Revolution ended with the death of Mao Zedong himself?
From Revolution to Reform" (Wang Haiguang, Law Publishing Co., Ltd.) describes it as follows.
The number of false accusations made during the Cultural Revolution reached 9 million, and the number of people who lost their lives in various ways numbered in the millions. By the end of the Cultural Revolution, the number of people directly or indirectly harmed numbered 100 million nationwide, or 10 percent of the total population.
It is not entirely clear how many lives were lost, but it is enough to give an idea of the brutality of Mao Zedong.

Killing Quotas
In China's long history, massacres of enemies have been a "common" part of civil wars to gain control of the country. 
Still, in the case of successive dynasties, it has been customary for them to turn to a policy of "peace" after establishing a dynasty.
The Chinese Communist Party, however, is different.
In the civil war against Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang, the policy was "In one village, you kill one local tycoon and burn down one house, plus confiscate property," in addition to burning one village and killing one person, all property is confiscated," the CCP clearly stated its action policy and committed all kinds of treason against the general populace.

In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party forces led by Mao Zedong defeated the Nationalist Government forces and established the current People's Republic of China.
The following year, in 1950, the CCP government began a nationwide "land reform" program.
This time, the "one village, one fire, one killing," carried out in the revolutionary areas until the country's founding, was deployed nationwide.
More than six million landowners were rounded up, and more than two million of them were shot to death.
It was the first genocide by the Chinese Communist regime against its people.
The following year, in 1951, Mao Zedong, like a bloodthirsty mad dog, issued an order for forced killings.
It was called the "Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionary Molecules.
In one year, the Communist regime tried and shot 710,000 "counterrevolutionaries" in the People's Tribunal.
Those designated as counterrevolutionaries included "bandits, scoundrels, spies, leading cadres of reactionary factions and organizations, and leaders of reactionary sectarian organizations.
Mao also imposed a "quota for killing" according to population.
"The counterrevolutionary elements to be killed in the rural areas of the country should be about one-thousandth of the population, while the ratio in the ...... urban areas must exceed one-thousandth of the population."
It is an unprecedented murder order.
When the dictatorial supreme leader set a quota for the slaughter, the party, military, and public security organizations all turned into "killing machines."
A storm of genocide raged across the country.
Read "Actual Records of the Anti-Chinese Revolutionary Movement" (Jincheng Press, 1998). 
You can see what the "movement to suppress counterrevolutionary elements" looked like at that time.
In Beijing, mobilization rallies were held 626 times, with more than 3,300,000 people participating.
On March 24 (1951), Beijing held the United People's Congress of Tribunals, attended by more than 15,000 people, to present evidence of subversive activities by counterrevolutionary elements and to hear accusations of blood and tears by the victims. 
The conference was broadcast live nationwide via radio. 
The next day, the public security authorities arrested all of the 399 accused counterrevolutionary leaders and took them to the areas where they had committed their former misdeeds. 
The people's courts in each district immediately announced the charges against the counterrevolutionary leaders, handed down sentences on the spot, and immediately executed them.
If 399 "counterrevolutionaries" were tried in one day, each trial lasted only about two minutes, even if the courts were in session from morning to night.
What "evidence" was presented, and what were the "accusations"?
There is no time to question the truth.
All they need to know is the name of the crime and the charge.
This "trial," the number of people to be killed and the members of which have already been decided, will be a complete farce.
They were fulfilling the quota set by Mao Zedong.
This article continues.


2024/7/8 in Akashi


