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Megalomania: Words 未完

2013年04月21日 11時04分09秒 | 政治・経済資料

"My dream," according to a l973 speech,"is to organize a Christian political party including all the Protestant denominations, Catholic, and all the religious sects. We can embrace the religious world in one arm and the political world in the other... . The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world."(62) In one of those speeches, Moon advocated "an automatic theocracy to rule the world." Such a theocracy, he declared meant that .".. we cannot separate the political field from the religious... .Separation between religion and politics is what Satan likes most."(67)
Moon has been explicit about his plan to "unify" the world under a global theocracy and his opposition to constitutional democracy. (46,58) Alan Tate Wood, a former high official in the church, quoted Moon as saying that "God is phasing out democracy."(67) Wood testified to Congress that Moon told followers in 1970 that the U.S. was to come under UC dominance."Part of our strategy," Moon said,"must be to make friends in the FBI, the CIA, and the police forces, the military and business community... as a means of entering the political arena, influencing foreign policy, and ultimately of establishing absolute dominion over the American people."(46) The same holds for the Soviet Union. As Moon's top lieutenant, South Korean Col. Bo Hi Pak, told Conservative Digest, the Rev. Moon "would like to liberate Moscow by the year 2000."(61)
The King of America [Part 1]:
The King of America [Part 2]:
Sun Myung Moon crowned King of Peace at Senate Building
Unification Church Founder Mesmerized
Religious Right, Members Of Congress


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