

Part 2 本日は自宅で寛げって命令@サイゴン

2013-07-13 15:26:27 | Weblog










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In Time (previously titled Now and I'm. mortal) is a 2011 dystopian science fiction action film starring Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake. The film, written, directed and produced by Andrew Niccol, was released on October 28, 2011.

そう遠くない未来、人類は遺伝子操作で25歳から年を取らなくなることが可能になった。人口過剰を防ぐため、時間が 通貨となり、人々は自分の時間で日常品から贅沢品まで支払うこととなった。また、通行料も時間で支払う必要があるため貧困層の地域と富裕層の暮らす町は実 質的に隔離されている。裕福な人、すなわち時間を十分に持っている人たちは永遠にも近い時間生きることができるが貧困層の人々は働くことでわずかな時間を 給料として受け取り、生活していた。左腕に光る時間表示が0になるとき、人は命を落とす。自分の腕を上にして相手の腕をつかめば相手の持っている時間を奪 い取ることができる。一秒一秒が無駄にできなくなった世界で、スラム街で暮らす主人公は時間を奪うことで生活をしているマフィア集団から富裕層の男を救 う。富裕層の男は自分の時間をすべて主人公が眠っている間に与え、置手紙を残して自殺してしまう。主人公は117年という時間を手にするが母親が不平等な 社会の仕組みのせいで時間切れになり息絶えてしまう。復讐を誓った主人公はスラム街を飛び出し富裕層が集まる場所に行くのであった。

It is the year 2169 and humanity had been genetically engineered to stop aging at 25 and to be born with a digital clock, bearing a year's worth of time, on their forearm. At the age of 25 the clock begins counting down; when it reaches zero, that person dies. Time has been turned into the universal currency; one can give time for products or services, as well as transfer it to others. A person can no longer die of old age. She/he can only die by "timing out" (running out of time), having one's clock "cleaned" (murder by someone taking all their time), or through recklessness (e.g. getting shot, overdosing, etc.). The country is divided into time zones based on the wealth of its population. The film focuses on two time zones: Dayton is poor, with a populace that has learned indifference to the timed-out bodies on its streets; and New Greenwich, the wealthiest zone where inhabitants enjoy the benefits of their immortality and wealth, but are constantly surrounded by bodyguards and spend their time worried about accidental death.
Will Salas (Justin Timberlake), a 28-year-old Dayton factory worker, lives with his mother Rachel (Olivia Wilde). While in a bar, he saves drunken and suicidal 105-year-old Henry Hamilton (Matt Bomer), a time-rich New Greenwich resident, from an attempted robbery by Fortis (Alex Pettyfer), the boss of a gang called "Minute Men". Hamilton reveals to Will the truth about wealth: there is enough time for everyone to live a long life, but New Greenwich citizens take and store most of the time for themselves in order to live forever. In addition, to keep the status quo, raise the cost of living to get back time. Hamilton tells him that "For few to be immortal, many must die". Hamilton gives his entire 116 years of his time to a sleeping Will, leaving only five minutes for himself and dies on the Dayton bridge. The police force, or Timekeepers, led by Timekeeper Raymond Leon (Cillian Murphy), sees Hamilton's clock and realizes that his time was taken. They look at video footage and suspect Will of cleaning Hamilton's clock.
Will visits his best friend, alcoholic Borel (Johnny Galecki), to whom he gives 10 years, one year for every year they have been friends, but says goodbye, as he plans to live in New Greenwich with his mother. Meanwhile, Rachel gives all but 90 minutes of her time to pay her debts to Weis Time Lenders. When she boards the bus to get back home, she learns the fare has been raised to two hours. Since it's a 2-hour walk home, she is forced to run. When Will sees that Rachel is not on the scheduled bus, he deduces what has happened and begins to run to her. He attempts to save her, but a second before they can touch she times out and dies.
Will decides to seek revenge and leaves for New Greenwich. He enters a casino and meets millionaire time-loaning businessman Philippe Weis (Vincent Kartheiser), who possesses 10,000 years, and his twenty-seven year old daughter, Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried). While playing poker Will bets all but thirty seconds of his time but wins back the pot of 1100 years. Sylvia invites him to a party in the Weis mansion.
At the mansion Will seduces Sylvia, but he is later apprehended by Leon who confiscates all but two hours of Will's time. Will escapes and takes Sylvia hostage. He returns to Dayton with her, driving into Fortis's ambush, knocking both himself and Sylvia unconscious. Fortis tries to take all of Sylvia's years, but leaves about half an hour.
Will and Sylvia wake up and visit Borel to get back some time, only to learn from Borel's wife, Greta, (Yaya Alafia) that he died of an alcohol overdose with nine years still left. Sylvia pawns her diamond earrings to buy more time. Will calls Weis and demands a 1,000-year ransom for Sylvia to be distributed to Dayton. Sylvia's mother is willing, but Weis isn't as Leon has already traced the call.
Will discovers that Weis did not pay, but decides to let Sylvia go. Leon comes to arrest Will, but Sylvia shoots Leon because now she wants to help the poor. Will transfers two hours of time to Leon so that he'll have time to leave Dayton, and Will and Sylvia escape in Leon's hijacked car. Will tells Sylvia to walk away, but she refuses, saying that her life in New Greenwich had no purpose. Meanwhile, Leon issues a warrant for Sylvia's arrest as well, warning Weis not to help his daughter in any way or he will be arrested. Sylvia helps Will rob time banks, stealing time capsules and distributing them to the poor.
They rent an entire hotel in Dayton for the night in the hope of evading capture, but an eyewitness saw both of them at the hotel and informs the Minutemen of their location. Fortis is desperate to get both Will and Sylvia, now that their bounty has been raised to 10 years. Will and Fortis get into a duel to the death involving an arm-wrestling/time-stealing match. Will manages to outwit Fortis using the same tactic his father did (letting his clock run to one second then stealing back the time while the opponent is distracted watching it run down), and kills him and his men.
When the inflation rate rises after another robbery, the pair realize they would need a million years to cause any significant damage to the system, so they break into Weis's private vault and steal a million years. Leon finds them, but Will manages to pass the capsule to a young girl (Shyloh Oostwald) who distributes time to the people. Leon eventually catches up with Will and Sylvia outside the city, holding them at gunpoint. Will deduces that Leon himself is from Dayton but managed to successfully escape. Leon neglected to replenish his own time before going after them, and he dies. Will and Sylvia are left with mere seconds to live. Will runs to Leon's car and takes Leon's per diem time. Will then runs back to catch Sylvia, in a similar scene to that of his mother, but with a different outcome as he catches Sylvia and gives her time.
Will and Sylvia continue robbing banks as part of their efforts to crash the system, while the rich attempt to cope with the sudden surge of people infiltrating their zone. Lower class workers, now rich with time, cross time zones, signifying the end of inequality. The last scene shows Will and Sylvia preparing to rob a huge time bank to further disrupt the system.




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