

ブロッサム10/11:地球の夜明けにやって来ます! 3

2008-10-12 18:16:52 | ファーストコンタクト
And there shall be no one more relieved than I and that’s a fact !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dearest soul …
Oh oh! I can feel the tears coming straight away … yes? I can sort of feel what you are about to say and feel a bit reluctant from the ‘ego’ point of view, and yet … how can I refuse you at this juncture ?
On behalf of The Federation Of Light we thank you for your part in this procedure. We smile with your humour for we know we could not have done it without you.
Or I, without you … clearly! You KNOW you are most welcome on one level, but I am sure you know it’s been a ride that I wouldn’t necessarily put my hand up for again!! I look out the window and the world keeps turning. How will it be when I look out this same window next week?
It will be that you see a beauty that you have not seen before as you look through the eyes of one who has experienced and been an integral part of the way forward into the LIGHT OF LOVE … as those from planet earth join us … The Federation Of Light … on our journey home.
Nicely said my friends. We welcome you with open arms. Many, many of us. I think I speak for perhaps millions when I say THANKYOU for the LOVE you have shown us, and …
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Blossom Goodchild New Channelling - October 11th CommentsAdd Star
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ブロッサム10/11:地球の夜明けにやって来ます! 2

2008-10-12 17:31:30 | ファーストコンタクト
Until you experience it for yourselves you will not be able to accept that of which we speak. Yet we say to you, when you accept it, you shall never again feel the darker times that have swamped the very air in which you have had to breathe. There shall be freshness within all things. Your days will ‘feel’ different. Your purpose shall be introduced to the self and each shall desire to go about their future days in a very different way from the way you are displaying now.
This is why we say to you ‘BE OF JOY! The minute your eyes look upon the wonderous sight that we offer, the soul shall remember who it is. How can it be anything other than immense joy? Share your knowledge with those in despair. They simply are in a place of deep sleep. Help them to awake with tender words and actions, for indeed they shall be in great need.
I think everyone is expecting the biggest part of the jigsaw … (i.e., rainbows, diamonds etc) after all, aren’t there only two pieces left? Today and tomorrow’s communication...?
In Truth the puzzle is almost complete. It leaves only the one space for it to show the fullness of itself … and we shall fill that space when we appear in your skies on the 14th day of the 10th month in the year 2008. Whereby we shall prove once and for all that we come in PEACE and LOVE.
Blossom Goodchild New Channelling - October 11th CommentsAdd Star
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ブロッサム10/11:地球の夜明けにやって来ます! 1

2008-10-12 16:24:29 | ファーストコンタクト
14. (Oct 11th) Well, it’s almost time my friends and the world waits it seems, for this next communication with you. It still seems so unreal … and I, out of everyone should feel the reality should I not? Yet I can’t. Thousands and thousands know now of your coming (whether they believe you or not) and yet , even for those of us that are prepared , we simply do not know what to assume or visualise. Its like waiting to have a baby, except at least with that you know what to expect … a baby!!! … with you guys, we just don’t know what you are going to surprise us with. And I guess too, there are so many people that still don’t know about it and are carrying on talking about next week as if it’s just another week. It’s been a LLLLOOOONNNGGG LLLOOONNNGGG week down here… whats cooking up there?
You would be surprised!
No doubt!
Indeed we are in position and generally taking care of rescourses. May we say that in preparation we have underestimated the LOVE and anticipation that is being sent to us. Your word is ‘phenominal’ is it not? We choose to say that we shall become a phenominal phenonima! It has indeed been a long period of waiting for us also … eons of your time. Yet we are aware of the controversy that is taking place and of the complete sham that is overshadowing your beloved planet.
Be of great aprehension regarding what the media shall be asked to disclose in the beginning days. We are secure in the knowledge that there are those in place on your earth that are ready to begin their dreams. They shall know exactly what to do . They have been awaitng their entire lives to be of service in this way. We wish all souls to understand this. We have not suddennly just decided to drop in for a cup of tea unannounced. This is why we asked you Blossom, to release our message to the world as you did. It was of upmost importance that your planet was aware in advance of our coming. Otherwise, the shock may have been too great. Also it has allowed souls to prepare for this historic encounter.
Dear souls of planet earth … let it be known that we have longed for this unity. Do you see how this shall change the darkness within your stratosphere into the Golden Race? This is how you shall become known.
The Golden Race.
This coming into your skies is the beginning of The New Dawn … in to The New World that has been prophesied in your past days.
Allow your hearts and minds … allow your very being to ascend into a vibration that resonates with the TRUTH of your soul.
Blossom Goodchild New Channelling - October 11th CommentsAdd Star
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-10-12 13:26:40 | ファーストコンタクト

1 サマンサワールドさん
(1) 最初のアナウンスメント
(2) 確認メッセージ
2 ブログスポットさん
(1) フロリダのスノウコーン現象
(2) 10・14特設サイト

にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-10-12 12:38:22 | ぜひ!こそ!教師
It is not necessary for you to try to convince someone else of the truth. When a truth is absolute, its own reality will speak for itself, and will not need any demonstration. Sometimes you wish to help people in seeing their errors, and show them the best way.
“However, even when wishing to keep someone from suffering is noble, it is not really possible to avoid the experiences they need to live. It is everyone’s individual decision as to the road they will follow. When something is learnt this way, it is never forgotten, due to the emotional and experiential load that comes from learning something by living it.
ですから、(たとえあなたの知る真実とは違っていても)人々が自分の信じている信念や理論を語る時にはじっと耳を傾けていなさい。 ときどき、質問をして考えさせてあげてください。そうすれば、真実が人々の心にひらめくでしょう。自分の判断を加えずにそれを聞いてください。聞いている間、答えに誘導しようとしてはいけません。その人が語っている言葉に含まれている真実を聞き逃さずにくり返して認めてあげればよいのです。
“So, let others talk to you about their beliefs and their theories. Pose questions that force them to think, and evaluate, so the truth will start to illuminate their hearts. Learn to listen without judgment. Pay attention without trying to formulate an answer while you are listening. Also, never forget to show the truth contained in the ideas of others.”
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 教師からのMessageへ


2008-10-11 20:05:42 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー


来るならば 帽子食うぞと 古歩道
食うならば ダイアモンドと 秋上がり
秋上がり 下がるは闇と 夏の虫

追記:古歩道さんをここにお招きしました。いらっしゃいませ!まずは・・・・・秋上がりとウエルカムダンゴなどを・・・トライ イット!

サ・ルー・サ10/10:まじかに近づいた地球の変革 3

2008-10-11 18:55:31 | ファーストコンタクト

Meantime you can help those around you, by not entering into the fearful consequences of the financial problems that abound at present. You have the benefit of seeing further ahead than those who are uninformed or unaware of the Great Light, and it is emerging from the darkness and creating the opportunity for a complete turn around in the direction of your lives. Keep that vision in your sights at all times, because it is about manifest and once it does you will be under no illusion as to what it means. Changes for the good of all are descending upon you in the form of the Galactic Federation, and we await the initial response to the "Sighting" from which we can gauge your readiness for the next stages. Know for certainty we will come very soon, as it must be realized that time is becoming short for the plan to take you to the end times.
We do not experience concern in the way you do, as we have the ability to adjust to any changes quite easily and no challenge is beyond us. It is simply that our technological superiority lends itself quite readily to any situation. However, we need to take the present opportunity that offers us the chance to implement the Divine Plan for you and your evolution. Earth is a beautiful world that will leave you with many memories, but these will be surpassed once you see the restoration completed. Truly the Garden of Eden will rise from the ashes of many centuries of neglect and destruction. It will be befitting of the new Man that will emerge to accompany Earth on its Ascension pathway.
ありがとう サ・ルー・サ(マイク・クエンシー)
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you from my experience, that your Earth is one of the most beautiful planets I have ever seen. It was created for you by bringing the flowers and fauna from other planets, so that you could experience some of the wonders of the Universe. Can you comprehend the love of the Beings of Light who were responsible, and the great love of the Creator who conceived of the plan. New Universes are being created all of the time, and as a Cosmic Being your opportunity to explore these unlimited expanses is infinite. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from the changes that are commencing on Earth. Think positively and live your life in appreciation of what is being given to you, and give love to all others on this journey with you. Make it a happy and joyous time that you share with them.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Mike Quinsey's Newest Channelling through SaLuSa CommentsAdd Star

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サ・ルー・サ10/10:まじかに近づいた地球の変革 2

2008-10-11 17:29:21 | ファーストコンタクト

It is nearing the time when the Light will have been established upon Earth, and it will project you into a new era of joy and happiness. It will continue during the restoration of Earth and take you on to Ascension, when you will exist in absolute bliss and become free from all of the problems that beset you now. Duality is an experience and no more, and it was never intended to become your permanent way of life. It is cyclic like everything else and now draws to its conclusion having served its purpose. Your natural state is being at one with All That Is, living in complete harmony and happiness without the burden of having to deal with the attention of the dark forces. They too are gaining experience from their activities, and act out their roles assigned to them just the same as yours.
All around you death, destruction and decay are evident, but understand that absolutely nothing is permanently destroyed as it simply changes its level of vibration. All is energy and creation is by thought, and as you lift yourselves up your powers will increase to levels of instant creation. You are far from being helpless Beings tossed around in the sea of physicality, as you have all of the potential offered by the higher levels of vibration. Ascension will place you in the fifth dimension or higher, which is far removed from the limiting vibrations you are now in.
Yet, it is you over millennia of time that have created what you see all around you today. It is not exactly by choice, but your dark thoughts and deeds have overshadowed the Light. Now you can take credit for having lifted yourselves up sufficiently to manifest the higher vibrations, and they are opening the path to Ascension.
Mike Quinsey's Newest Channelling through SaLuSa CommentsAdd Star

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サ・ルー・サ10/10:まじかに近づいた地球の変革 1

2008-10-11 12:58:06 | ファーストコンタクト

These are testing times with many problems thrown at you on a physical level, and also testing of your faith and understanding in connection with your Space friends, and their announcement of intent to show themselves to prove their existence beyond doubt. The weeks have passed by and the Sighting looms ever nearer, and it has as expected provoked much interest and discussion. In the depths of world chaos there is hope extended by us, and anyone who has followed our messages will be aware of the nature of our presence. We come to release you from the conditions that have subjected you to so much turmoil, and have reduced your lives to being little less than slaves to your Government's agenda of global control.
This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was always projected as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation. It has required much cooperation from you who are the Lightworkers, and your commitment to establishing the Light upon Earth.
In this you have been remarkably successful, having carried Mankind through several periods of uncertainty over the last century. Many souls have ventured to Earth during this time to specifically lift you up, and out of the darkness have achieved the establishment of a grid of Light. It is your link between Earth and the immediate levels above you, and as you attract the Light so it enforces the power of the grid to create many centers within it.
The Galactic Federation have made clear what you can expect with their coming to Earth, and they offer great help having foreseen the mass destruction that the Illuminati planned for your demise. Very few of you have a realization of how far their plans extended, and the degree to which they had been advanced. They had success in their grasp, but have had it snatched from them through joint activities with our allies. There is no "quick fix" and even with our knowledge and technology, it will take some time to establish the foundation for a new way of life. However, we are very near to being able to go ahead with First Contact, and that is the key to everything else that is necessary to get the changes underway.
Mike Quinsey's Newest Channelling through SaLuSa CommentsAdd Star

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2008-10-10 23:33:16 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/The Crop Circles of Google Earth (March 2008)


2008-10-10 17:43:35 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー

秋の雨 銀河の船待つ 地球港 <蛇庵>


2008-10-10 06:59:11 | ファーストコンタクト

1 何のために銀河連邦が地球を訪れるのか
2 なぜ今訪れるのか
3 訪れた後何をするのか
ファーストコンタクトのお知らせ:銀河連邦 08.01.2008
ブロッサム・グッドチャイルドについては、10・14 ファーストコンタクト 2に簡単に紹介しました。

にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ



2008-10-09 18:55:07 | ファーストコンタクト

Are we sure this is only going to be a one mile spacecraft, a 2000 mile spacecraft, a 4000 mile spacecraft? Regardless of what various channellers, UFO abductees and psychics have said, the size has always been generated within a state of flux. My friends, we may have no idea of the size of the vessel until October 14th.
But as I've said before, in all the times I've used Google Earth, nothing like this has ever appeared before. It's something we just shouldn't throw on the backburner. This should be investigated and should have a close eye kept on it on a day to day basis until the 14th.
Only 5 more days until those who believe (myself included) see for themselves, and the skeptics will see the very thing they thought they would have never of seen in this lifetime.
A satelite glitch...Are you sure? CommentsAdd Star
  ・宇宙機は、波動が精妙な為通常、地球人類のレベルでは、肉眼で見えない。→ 必要に応じて波動を荒くし観測させる。


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