

アグ・アグリア6/12:まもなく地球のものになる宇宙生活 2

2009-06-14 06:38:46 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Many of us are fully qualified and experienced in such important areas such as healing, and that knowledge is used for the different challenges we meet when visiting somewhere such as your Earth. We do not have bodies that suffer in the way yours do, as we have ones of Light that maintain their condition, and we are quite safe in our ships from areas in Space that pose radiation dangers. Bear in mind we have the benefit of thousands upon thousands of years experience available to us from our Federation members. Sharing of knowledge is considered to be quite normal and essential to help others with their evolution. It is a lesson you still have to learn, as the Creator intended that it should be so. On Earth you seek monetary gain from holding knowledge but that approach must change, and when you take a different view even money itself will gradually become unnecessary.
Your present level of consciousness is rapidly changing, and ideas are going around that reflect the new way of thinking, but it requires a general consensus of agreement to implement them. The people of Earth are awakening now and beginning to see the mistakes of the past, and tire of the mentality that sets one country against another. Co-operation and service to each other is an idea that is gaining support, and many small groups have started schemes of this nature. It will grow and make coming together a lot easier, and the many nationalities will mix even more than now, overcoming their cultural differences. You were until recently segregated by language and distance, but in recent times these are no longer barriers. Again in the near future our coming will make matters easier still, as we shall issue you with translators that will eliminate the problem of understanding each other.
Ag-agria Sirian Update June 12/09
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