

サ・ルー・サ7/8:これからの大変化に備えて 3

2009-07-10 14:16:04 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Where do we stand in all of this, well I will tell you that we are where you want to be and soon we shall come together in unison. There is so much to do in a short space of time, but we have the means to ensure that the plan is carried out to perfection. You will also meet your Inner Earth relations who are part of your history where Lemuria is concerned. They are very evolved and will also help you in the final stages of Ascension. You really do have help beyond your realization, and it is magnificent and comes from not just your solar system, but from your Universe. Indeed it stretches as far back as your Central Sun from where enormously powerful energies are emitted. It is all part of the ongoing changes that are necessary to lift your vibrations up to the required levels enabling your final upliftment.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and encourage you to share your knowledge with others. A few chosen words here and there can spark a train of thought, which can help someone who is still searching. There should not however be any forcing of issues, and the right of all to hold their own truth should be acknowledged. However, progress comes by many different means and it is only natural that you share your opinions with each other. Go about your business with love in your hearts, and share it with all you meet. We give you our love as a natural part of our make up, as we love all of God’s creatures.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
SaLuSa Sirian Update July 8/09
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質問 (Unknown)
2009-07-10 17:26:38
うーん (flatheat)
2009-07-10 17:30:06
Unknown (Unknown)
2009-07-11 20:58:01