


2010-10-16 10:50:07 | ファーストコンタクト


A Family member asked about the NYC sightings on October 14th to which Ashtar replied, "This was a deliberate peaceful demonstration in a highly populated area! This shows that people will stop and stare, speculate and allow their belief systems to expand, but they don't stampede in panic. All is well and will be continuing. Keep your eyes on the skies and stay tuned!"



I asked Suzy Ward to ask Matthew whether the objects seen in New York were balloons or not. She said that neither Matthew nor Hatonn could verify or deny whether the objects sighted were balloons, but added:
“They said that ships around the world are decloaking at various times and this will continue happening with increasing frequency, all part of the ramped-up activity that will result in official recognition.”
Suzy Ward on Increased Sightings


2010-10-16 10:27:40 | ファーストコンタクト
"Greetings Beloved Family! It is I Sananda, and I come to be with you, and I assure you that we are all here with you in this moment, in this moment of coming together for single purpose, which is to empower Joy and Love and safety upon the Planet, and most particularly upon the Humans, who are not feeling those high feelings that we share. And so it is for us to share with them, and for us to send the Light of Love, indeed the Light of the Divinity We Are, coming together in Beauty, in Service, and in the Love, and the connections of the Heart that we share with each other.
"And so Ashtar has given you the picture, the overview, and all of the helps that you, together, as one and as individuals, and as the One We All are can give to these ones who either don't know of their own Divinity, or who have some fears, and some fear-based programs going on within them. And so we ask that you take a breath or two. Just relax. And come together. Join hands in a circle. And we are all here. And there is such a Light coming up that it becomes impossible to say who's who in this circle. You are truly in your Light Bodies now, joining with us as one great Light.
"And we are above the Earth in one of the ships, the silver birds. And know that there is a grand window in the floor, and as we soar above Planet Earth, and indeed go around and around, so that we can see all of the Planet, the Light we are shining, shines down and is magnified through this window as a lens, a crystalline lens of magnification. And so our Hearts are willing, and we give intent together to lift up everyone who are experiencing the vibrations which are low, of depression, and upset, and anger, and fear.
"We give full permission from our Divine selves; we call it forth; we co-create it so. So now we are joined with all of the Planet, with all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, with all of the realms of the Angels, and the Elementals, and the Masters, and the Ascended Ones who have gone before, and the Beings of Light. And we come together in this grand gathering.
Sananda addressing the October 5, 2010 teleconference:(抜粋)