

NASA Leaking Info on Mars Ancient Civilization (2)

2017-08-13 07:14:09 | GFLJ速報

question is could the civilization of on
Mars have been lost to war well we we
don't know too much directly until we
explore and get some ground truth here
about the origin or the demise of the of
the hypothetical situation here but we
do know and this is standard science
that is accepted by by all the planetary
geologists that Mars at some point
suffered a horrendous Cataclysm now as
to what that what the nature of that
Cataclysm was that's where opinions
divide I think there is evidence that
Mars was at one time a moon of a larger
planet that exploded in the not all that
distant past millions rather than
billions of years ago here are just a
few of the items that suggests that the
Cataclysm was that kind of an event Mars
is strongly cratered on one side through
the craters are saturated on about half
of Mars and very sparse hardly any
cratering at all on the other hemisphere
which again suggests a cataclysm on one
side or the other standard view is that
there's a cataclysm that removed the
craters on the smooth side I think it's
more likely that there's a cataclysm
that produced the craters on the
saturated side the crust is
kilometers thicker on one side and only
one kilometer stick up thick on the
smooth side the pole suddenly shifted
about  degrees
in one fell swoop the original distance
atmosphere is now gone swept away by
something there are fission byproducts
things unique to massive explosions
usually artificial explosions such as
xenon  found in extra abundance on
Mars so that's just a sample of these
indicators of a cataclysm if there were
a civilization either there or on the
parent world they would have been facing
extinction at that point unless they
were able to migrate elsewhere how do
how do you differentiate the importance
of the structures and phases found on
Mars versus what can be seen on moon
photos I would differentiate the
features we've seen on Mars from those
on the moon in a number of ways we see
lots of faces on earth two faces in
mountains and in topography and of
course as everyone knows we see faces in
clouds all kinds of natural formations
what distinguishes Mount Rushmore from
the others is that there is a context
and the the level of detail and the fact
that it's three-dimensional instead of
two only in the case of the cydonia face
on Mars have we established three
dimensionality to the facial features so
the nose really is the highest point on
that face the eye sockets are really
recessed the original explanation when
it was first seen is it's a trick of
light and shadow well in this case of
the cydonia face it's a trick of light
and shadow that exists at all lighting
angles with all shadows because it's an
actual three-dimensional sculpture
that's a strong determining factor in
favor of artificiality but the strongest
argument is the fact that we have two
generations of images for the first one
we are able to make predictions if this
is natural then this follows if this is
artificial than this follows all of the
predictions of the artificiality
hypothesis were fulfilled dramatically
at levels that are just a
impossible to arrive by chance so that's
the answer I would give yes yes it's
your conclusion that these we're dealing
with only ruins from a long time ago
or with also currently inhabited
structures and it currently obviously
wouldn't be from Earth but from Mars
that's right we have no evidence of
current activity of intelligences on
Mars although that image I showed you
that looked like a tree does certainly
suggests that there is current large
biology on the planet but our best guess
at this point and all we have is
speculations to go by is that the major
Cataclysm of Mars suffered perhaps ended
life on Mars the way mass extinction
events on earth five times in the
history of the earth have nearly wiped
out life on this planet yes do they know
the location of where the seemingly
feminine face is so they can in general
go by that area again and give us maybe
a thousand more pictures of that that
face where they can go back and get
views at higher resolution under better
lighting right now that should go a long
way toward resolving any doubts about
the artificiality of these objects and
establishing it or denying it at a level
that should be satisfactory to all of
the scientists involved so we hope that
NASA will take the opportunity to follow
up during the remaining short lifetime
of the spacecraft sir you're aware
you've even said that there is in large
part ridicule and/or denial
how would you tell the layperson in that
 seconds you'll get on TV what it is
you believe did or does exist on Mars
I would say that in the examination of
the images we now have there are
thousand of them of which we examined
several thousand in close detail we've
turned up anomalies so unlikely to be
products of nature and in some cases
fulfilling a priori predictions and
having relationships and contexts that
support artificiality that the
conclusion that there is there are
artificial structures on Mars is now
beyond a reasonable doubt to the skeptic
who says I won't believe it until the
government tells me you would say here
here are the pictures all we're asking
for is that the spacecraft that is there
now and the one that is on its way there
now be pointed in this direction to get
pictures that confirm or deny these
hypotheses to everyone's satisfaction
consider we met the MGS with several
miles high when I shot the pictures of
what you would like to be vegetation is
there any idea that the circumference of
the vegetation of what you believe to be
vegetation and also the tubes could you
tell us is it looks like there was a
reflection from an object that you would
call the tube you have any idea where
the Sun was in the sky at that point in
time so that we could determine what was
being shot from the MGF mark Global
Surveyor yes well taking the last point
first the Sun was at  o'clock which is
at the just  degrees passed overhead
to the west so it was in the right
position to make that reflection given
the orientation of the tube at that time
the scale of the tree picture I showed
the largest one was about a hundred
meters in diameter which is rather large
by for a near-earth tree but Mars isn't
a much weaker gravity field and Grose
structures trees that big are
conceivable there we really haven't even
begun to study the possibilities because
up to now there's been no reason to
believe there was Mars biology but now
we think there may be and that would be
an active feel for furthering in
interest if with future flights will see
that these faces and sculptures are just
natural formations if they are that is
would you continue looking for other
signs of life well the scientists
involved are strictly researchers
whatever the data shows that's good
enough for any of us we're not pushing
any agenda well there are  thousand
images already in the queue and tens of
thousands more coming down the pike we
want to see what's there don't you
so we'll be we'll keep looking I am
something what's that yeah I think
that's an interesting question because
you have to look at the cultural context
of what's been going on for  years now
we've had this face image and yet NASA
has been totally ignoring it the most of
the people that are on the investigation
teams that have been funded by NASA and
I used to be on one of the tee out I was
in the Mariner  team I was deputy team
leader of the Mariner  Venus mercury
mission Mike Malin who was in charge of
the imaging for the Mars Global Surveyor
was a graduate student then he basically
worked for me and since I began to give
credibility to the inquiry not not
necessarily the result then all of a
sudden I was out not one penny from NASA
not one acknowledgment this is what's
happening culturally and if you
understand that then you begin to see
the pattern the geologists on the Mars
Global Surveyor team look at Mars
through geological colored glasses so
they're going to be looking for canyons
and signs for water erosion and so forth
and so on
where some of us outside of NASA have
culturally coalesced admittedly in a
kind of
ad hoc way because we haven't been
organized or funded for any of the work
and so if you look at it from that point
of view you begin to understand how it
might be that these investigations
actually are every bit as credible as
the ones that happen within NASA
it's just culturally different why has
NASA refused to give any credibility to
any possibility of non terrestrial life
past present or future all these stories
about the Brookings Institution report
and sociologically this and people this
you know we've grown up through  or
years of sci-fi movies and young people
being interested in the subject that
won't wash anymore what do you believe
is the real reason NASA is putting the
lid on this information my guess is that
the Brookings Institution report which
is a very important report basically
recommended a policy that the US
government would not admit to any
evidence for extraterrestrial
intelligence so it's been obfuscated
ever since well it goes way back to
Roswell actually if you look at the
paradigm of inquiry and extraterrestrial
intelligence the only one that's that's
really passed the mustard and that was
through the efforts of Carl Sagan and
some of his colleagues was the radio
telescopic search for extrasolar planet
arest real intelligence radio signals
but that paradigm is very limited and it
makes a number of cultural assumptions
about how extraterrestrial intelligence
might manifest what we're looking at now
are probable artifacts on another planet
and those kinds of investigations for
whatever reason there may have been a
policy decision made quite a while ago
pursuant to the Brookings report that
anything like this is got to be not
sanctioned I know that mainstream
conservative scientists tend to not want
to touch it either they're afraid they
might lose their funding
so not many of us are able to speak out
on this even though our science Tom van
Flandern science my science the
scientific aspect is every bit as
conservative as anybody else's well what
do you think people should do about this
what what do you what would you see what
would you suggest
not only how we're being dumbed down so
so deeply I think we need to broaden the
education I think we need people need to
have more courage to go for the truth
rather than go for what's politically
correct that we are living in a dark age
right now we're going toward fossil
fuels the wrong direction now maybe that
will wake us up the rest of us to say
well we do have alternatives we have
alternatives and energy and we have
alternatives in expanding our knowledge
base and opening ourselves up more into
inquiry in the question of whether we're
alone in the universe I would like to
hear hear from dr. van Flandern about
the relation between NASA and JPL that
seems to illuminate why there is such
hostility to following up on these
pictures we don't ultimately know JPL's
motives for its use of ridicule in
connection with this program rather than
addressing it scientifically but I did
work myself at the laboratory for four
months back in the s and I got a sense
of the mindset there and I for my taste
as a scientist even then it was not a
healthy mindset there was concern in the
laboratory because they only get funding
for robotic space missions and there was
a feeling in the s that the Apollo
missions had ended the series of JPL
missions to the moon in favor of manned
missions out of the NASA centers and
even after the manned missions ended
never reversed and there were no more
robotic missions to the moon that JPL
was given funding or control over its
the best conjecture I can give as to why
they seem institutionally determined to
ridicule and make life difficult for
scientists and media who give we publish
images genuine images from the space
program with genuine scientific
commentary and may take it seriously and
that's scientifically inappropriate that
much I will say for sure
is there a reason to send human beings
to Mars well I think that's up to
American people they up to the people in
the world for my point of view I think
it would be a very exciting thing to do
it may not be top priority right now I
think top priority is to save the earth
to on soil our nest but we'd certainly
like to visit other nests too and see
what happened there I think these
pictures are very revealing and they are
leading us into hopefully what will
become a mainstream inquiry where we
don't have to put our lives on the line
to be able to do the work okay thank you
very much that concludes the session I
want to thank Thomas van Flandern and
Brian O'Leary for joining me today at
this important news conference thank you
all bye-bye
there is a strong mindset by the people
in charge of the Mars exploration
program that we don't we we are certain
that the idea of artifacts on other
planets and moons is such a long shot as
not to be scientifically worth
considering and that the standards of
the public and some of the scientists
investigating these are too long and
they're seeing the kinds of faces
everybody sees in clouds and mountains
and they do not spend their valuable
time looking at the reports looking at
the work of the researchers reading
their papers they just ridicule it's
unfortunate it's unscientific behavior
but that is the stance they have adopted
as it responds to all of this material
the odds against a natural origin are
now a thousand billion billion to one
and that's good enough for me
so I'm concluding in simple layman's
language it's artificial beyond a
reasonable doubt we don't know the
motives of the builders or these
intelligent species that we now think
once inhabited Mars but the fact that
they are showing things so frequently
familiar to us so terrestrial in nature
suggests that this was not part of
infrastructure for an indigenous
civilization but rather it was something
like what our own moon will resemble in
a thousand years from now when we have
tourism visiting the place and viewing
from space stations in orbit its
artistic and museum-like quality that
suggests an attempt to portray things
elsewhere whether than things that are
useful to the species living there I
think it's a fascinating feature and
you're referring to the feminine face or
the king or the queen or whatever the
it has a it has a very interesting and
restful quality but the original face on
Mars is still I think scientifically the
most convincing because the
three-dimensional structure of the face
is very face like and we know that now
from to Viking pictures that were taken
at different Sun angles so we were able
to pair them up and you've got a three
dimensional structure which makes it
more like Mount Rushmore than the old
man of the mountain and New Hampshire
which is just a one-dimensional thing
you know I think the important thing at
this time is to establish the
credibility of the investigation and to
look at these objects openly and not not
with the kind of censorship and ridicule
and cover-up that nASA has been involved
I think NASA may be following the
brookings policy  which basically
said that if there's any discovery of
extraterrestrial intelligence or
artifacts in the solar system that this
should be kept in the public and I think
that's been happening across the board
but the you know it's very obvious to me
that through the years the accumulated
evidence for the UFO phenomenon for the
anomalies on Mars the crop circle
phenomenon that right now there is this
a paradigm collision going on there's a
conflict between two very different
points of view and the forces that are
covering this up and obfuscating and
steering people away from orderly
inquiry I think is a crime against
humanity so how long did it take you to
create this giant based on more
sculpture he took about three and a half
months for it to complete completely dry
because couldn't be handled before that
it's a made of paper mache what were
your feelings as you worked on it over
that long period of time well as I
concentrated on the face half of the
face was not visible so I had to make up
what wasn't that shot of heart the main
thing that I saw was that had been a
huge cataclysm that created a flood a
huge flood that sort of wiped the whole
planet like washed it you see
I felt that the face had been washed
what do you think of the new face on
Mars oh it was shocking when you show me
that face it was shocking I mean this
face is so realistic like the man
mentioned that face has emotion this
face I could not make up whether it was
an animal extraterrestrial a human but
the proportions are right between the
forehead the nose and the chin you know
it's a face in the new face it's almost
well the implications would depend a lot
on what that means in terms of are we
alone or what how does the human species
fit into this picture and there are
still two almost diametric possibilities
there it may turn out that this is
evidence for somebody other than us or
it may turn out that this is newly
discovered evidence of our own
prehistory and that there was a
something like the human civilization
was at an advanced state on another
world and when the Cataclysm came they
had to send as many members of the
species as they could elsewhere possibly
to earth to survive and that the human
race then evolved from a new beginning
from those survivors I think the public
could handle it I think the public I'm a
very much a populist I think that people
need to wake up and see that we do have
energy alternatives that we do have what
looks like life out there beyond the
earth and I think the public is ready
