

Agartha: A Mystery Between Legend and Destiny

2017-08-05 01:21:18 | GFLJ速報


Agartha a legendary underworld Kingdom
hidden within the earth which in
Sanskrit means being accessible
described by the writer Willis George
Emerson in his works the heart of
Agartha resides under Central Asia and
covers the territory from the Gobi
Desert to the mountains of Tibet and
the rain extends down subterranean caves
towards the American caverns
still inhabited by the ancient
civilization which disappeared under
earth Shambhala is the capital city also
known as the Emerald City where the king
of the world and the council reside the
council plans  stages experts in
highest knowledge who secretly reign
over humans against the evil the
entrances to Agartha are allegedly the
Gobi Desert in Mongolia the North Pole
the Giza pyramids in Egypt and the bowls
in a lake in Italy
Agartha is surrounded by high mountains
and is divided into eight parts and
seventy six realms according to the
prophecy the hair of Mohammad who start
war to establish his domain and achieve
the global supremacy
by doing so he will confront Shambhala
and its king who will defeat him with
the help of supernatural forces leading
the world to the golden age agasa was
founded in , before Christ and
wasn't always an underground kingdom it
was once on the surface and habited by
man at that time it was called Paradiso
name that could contain the roots of the
word paradise then  years ago the
evil took over the world and the
inhabitants moved to City under the
surface of the earth in order to avoid
being contaminated with evil and named
their new underground Brown Agartha it's
impossible to enter the kingdom for his
residence in order to block out the evil
place the mind confusing protection at
the entrance making the doors of the
realm invisible to the naked eye
someone might chance upon one of the
many entrances but would lose their way
in the underworld labyrinth or if they
managed to find a way out they wouldn't
remember anything about what they saw
there's only one community which was
born in the deep tunnels of Agartha and
now lives on the surface the gypsies one
day they made an unforgivable mistake
they were banished from the kingdom
becoming a wonderful community
incessantly looking for the realms
entrance when they finally find it
they'll be able to go back home the king
of the world
reigns for the period of one month
one of the  ages which can pose a
cosmic cycle by the svatah the seventh
and current king visits the temple crypt
where the embalmed corpse of his
predecessor lies in a black stone
sarcophagus the creeps in stippling in
the dark but at the arrival of the King
stripes of fire streamed down the walls
and tongues of fire rise from the
sarcophagus these are the thoughts of
the Kings predecessor expressing God's
the Berhad man together with the Mahatma
the one who predicts the future and the
Mahanta the one who makes things happen
constitute a powerful tribe it governs
the night priests society the agatha's
Knight Templars the circular Council is
formed of  stages the same number of
the King Arthur's knights of the round
esoteric secret societies like Knights
Templar and Rosicrucianism my dad's have
based their woes on Deadwood on this
myth she said that in Agartha was born
the unique religion which could commune
man with God anciently the great sages
of Agartha came back on earth to profess
the Roman religion ultimately giving
birth to the indo-european civilization
the ancient link with the Gaza can be
found in the words of the word Asgard
the city of Alden that is why I love
Hitler believed that Nordic people were
the real spiritual hairs of the occult
Kingdom and tried in vain satella Nazi
expeditions to dig up the legendary
realm the swastika symbol reflects one
of the sacred signals of Agartha the
king of the world dominates the destiny
of the planet controlling that the
course of history follows a definite
path if mankind were to declare war
Agatha's Knight Templars would explode
the entire world's surface and turn it
into a desert or dry out seas and oceans
Agharta stemple's has several mystical
objects included the holy grail an
immense libraries where the original
version of the book on Theon the ancient
texts in which the real origins of the
universe are revealed rarely does the
show himself outside his kingdom his
last public operations go back to
during which he first saw the political
upheaval occurred a century later he
will return only when the time of the
fight between good and evil comes
some say the secret government ends up
preparing mankind for this conflict
which could mark the end of civilization
and human species in order for the
demigods who were banned to come back
raining upon earth
