

The Coming REUNION with The AGARTHANS Ancient Civilization Within

2017-08-05 11:03:43 | GFLJ速報


if one wishes to obscure the truth the
best method is to put we are trying to
hide in plain view I'm going to be
talking about Hollow Earth theory
synchro mysticism and symbolism in the
medium there are certain unexplainable
phenomenon having to do with the Earth's
geomagnetic Pole magnetism our own DNA
is response to it and our own genetic
manipulation and misfortune of being
told lies about our history and purpose
for being
a subdivision of Hitler's SS known as
the Thule society often use the Black
Sun sigil and their most powerful and
potent rituals as you see the spin wheel
design of the Black Sun emulates the
Stargate motif or alternating Island
syndrome that is most commonly
representative in the media
here you have our spaceship Atlantis
which also indirectly confers Stargate
technology and references the Pyramids
at Giza here you have the aurora
borealis over Antarctica a phenomenon
that cannot be explained away by solar
flare or Corona damage to our atmosphere
notice the serpent rope DNA on either
side of this thule society flyer with
the swastika or black sun schedule in
the center the society was renowned for
being able to reverse-engineer alien
craft or extraterrestrial craft not
necessarily from outside of the planet
but perhaps within
sacred geometry seems to be an
indicative value of the correspondence
between the Earth and the conscious
beings on its surface and perhaps within
its surface the fractal ated nature of
our microbiology our DNA seemed to mimic
the Stars and the patterns of Fibonacci
sequences in every possible way here you
have a motif of the southern tip of the
Black Sun as an entrance to Hollow Earth
or Agartha and this is a geometric
explanation of the patterns of Giza
illumination whatever it is it is at the
boiling point of social consciousness
there is a pale green electric rider on
the glass horizon bringer of equilibrium
balance and evolution into a new era
but how deep does a rabbit hole go
as Alice sits on her psychedelic Emma
need a mushroom cat with the Cheshire
Cat glancing over at her in his Masonic
stripes I can't help but to think that
this Wonderland they're depicting is
actually Agartha or shangri-la as seen
in sky captain in the World of Tomorrow
they actually venture to shangri-la in
search of an evil Nazi scientist by the
name of toten cough which relates back
once again to the Thule society and
Hitler's mission to Antarctica and a
venture to find agartha
the Atlantean Stargate design seems to
directly emulate the human jaw christum
with a pyramid of enlightenment at the
top via meditation or psychedelic drug
usage HP Lovecraft the writer of the
Cthulhu Mythos was a story about a
subterranean agartha like realm in which
psionic creatures represented in a
demonic light lived the same is to be
said about Dungeons and Dragons and the
under doc
here we see our favorite tiny toon
rabbit light in the Bulls I've an
Atlantian Stargate another rabbit in a
wormhole you could say on a checkerboard
and a masonic lodge with eyes of
illumination at the North and South
entrances to agartha  divisions from
the surface of the planet to the
ah middle-earth that wouldn't be a
reference to anything inside the planet
would it and why should we be having
wars over it here we see Gandalf and the
serpent tongue Balrog demon being cast
to the subterranean HP Lovecraft like
realms of Agartha
and then we come of course to the
demonization of the Sacred Feminine as
she eats the Apple in the Garden of Eden
tempted by the serpent Lucifer who is
only representative of the occult
knowledge of the origins of Genesis the
origins of creation our pork tongue
serpent DNA magnetism our slave race
reconnaissance forever quarantine the
caduceus that enslaves and takes from us
the light of Lucifer the light of
knowledge cast him down into the abyss
the subterranean labyrinth of the
underdark the cathunian realm or what
Agartha may actually represent life
the Lost Tribes of Abraham the Lemurians
Atlanteans Sumerians the tribes of
Babylon and the Maya perhaps they knew
exactly what AG Arthur was and where it
was and why the Illuminati has tried to
blindfold us as to our origins for so
and god i rated the waters Apollo and
below the permanent above and below
remember the inner earth is not the same
as out of it because inner earth is a d
reality fully conscious beings live
there we're going to be talking about
who they are I just wanted you to get a
better idea we as people on this planet
are not from here and we will tend to do
the right thing the outer part of every
planet is where the most fragile most
delicate most important diversities of
ecosystems are located so it is standard
for fully conscious galactic humans to
be on the inside of planets because
through the laws of vortex physics which
relate to how all this things we see out
there the Stars the planets etc were
created they're all hollow the Sun is
hollow so are all the planets so this
inside world this inner earth will be
the d reality home for Earth's humanity
when we complete the transition to being
fully conscious it is a place of
extraordinary beauty and a fitting
snapshot on how Gaia is to one day look
again so let's have a look a basis of it
when we first came here roughly nine
hundred thousand years ago was this huge
world this is where its largest
continent it's called is Miss known as
Lemuria the ancient name similar to  mu
it simply means the first mother in
lemorian and this huge place is where it
all began when I was in the Hawaiian
Islands I was able to contact people but
I just wasn't much of a climber so I
didn't get to go there are actually
people who know where some of the
ancient lemorian ruins are located on
Mount haleakala so let's just face it
it's real it's not made up this is
amazing tale but there's also an inner
earth part to this being fully conscious
beings even ones that are very very
ethereal as were the humans that lived
originally on the surface world of
memoria they knew and fully understood
that the basis ultimately of
being part of a worldwide stewardship of
this planet was to live inside so so as
we know and we'll be talking about the
history of why Agartha why isn't Lemuria
there and so agartha is the last living
remnant of lemorian as I said ,
years ago was colonized memoria was
colonized by the  major galactic
federation of light human star nations
the surface part of Lemuria the inner
part of memorials of course agartha was
sunk during an unprovoked attack by
landis nearly , years ago now
continue as I said all planets are
hollow orbs they're not solid this is an
example of what earth looks like on the
inside on the instinct I touch this
thing and does things very sensitive
mouse on and this is the area that looks
just like the outside as i said the
inside and the outside are just
continuations of one another the
difference right now is because of the
need to lower us down the d because of
the vibrations of d which allows us to
exist the d world is different it has
an expansion to it as a matter of fact
when we become fully conscious and the
whole planet reunites this planet will
actually be much bigger in diameter than
it is now it will expand this is a look
at the inside of our earth this is the
Central Sun roughly in  excuse me
 mile central core which floats
because this is atmosphere the
atmosphere of the outside of the planet
moves into the inside of the planet and
then moves outside of the planet it
means that there's a special around the
entrances there are special energies
which allow for the five the energy to
be converted to d it also acts like a
wall if the people do not want you to go
into inner they can stop you which is
what has happened if you
times with our military that has had
less than nice concepts of what they
want to do with your Gardens so remember
the inside has trees it has lakes it has
oceans at s continents it looks
basically like the outside except it's
much more beautiful because it's
retained its d reality and there's
little clouds around the Sun because
that's why people who saw at first in
the th century call it the smoky God
our mentors prime task is to prepare you
for what is to come this will include a
large number of hands-on sessions where
you can temporarily experience what is
to come further we intend to help this
process when you tour our many
motherships we have educational tools on
board that can aid in your experiences
of what you are to be as part of this
grand set of procedures we will
introduce you to your inner earth
cousins the agar then the time
approaches for the end to this great
secret that the dark has long hidden
from you all planets and stars are
