

CONFIRMED!! Mummies from NAZCA are Pre-Hispanic and NOT HUMAN !! Open your mind, tie the ends.

2017-08-03 11:44:49 | GFLJ速報

this is universal mind and is nation
A few months ago he was hanging around the
News of the alleged fraud on
residues are found mysterious mummies
Munching department of Peru in an area
today still unknown and whose information
It has been kept secret by the
initial finders already made a
summarized in this channel on
evidence and submissions made by
the first diffusers of these residues
where do we include vixen who if
it is true we do not support looting
indiscriminate use of our resources
cultural heritage of the state being
yet you thank you for
keep in reserve instead of
finding and disseminating sensibly
and it would be as though he were saying
great significance for all mankind
because in these cases when such
Evidence fall directly on
Governments often hide
knowledge take him to other countries
under the guise of investigating better and
then disappear as happened
always last he heard of all
these remains was that Kravitz and with
some very serious researchers
Scientific court concluded that although
They were shaped beings
extraterrestrials factions
Typical of the race of gray
other races more like reptiles
even had some one Colt
He concluded that they were
asus armed and remains as skin
animals and was waiting for
results for carbon
determine its age is this
channel and for many interested in
spread this kind of issues that have been
confirmed its antiquity which could
skirting the pre Inca era in
that bloomed itself
culture as the Nazca and other
cultures in the southern coasts of the country
and some are not only
representations but are mummies
coexisted and actual land
They breathed together with men
sharing knowledge and
technology and why not
millennia and possibly these were
their gods and would be closed - minded
think that only were involved
in the coastal area of South America
we could open our minds to
speculate that meddled in all
cultures and not just American
worth noting that it handles a second
theory about non - human mummies
it is thought that could be the remains
what it is known as we are auroux
He is speaking of retired and mismatched
but records found in
ica famous stones on petroglyph
They found in the coastal area south
dating ancient country like
where representations are being
cabezones activus street with such graves
very large eye or the same
stones with representations of breath
and from erasing tormenting
people of that time and even
representations of alleged ships very
bright from where they descended is
very evident that there is a
auroux and that is where more weight charges
the theory that were races
different aliens who
accompanied humans from
This is where all the mythical
alleged legends are painted
They charge disappointment reality reality
always surpasses all fiction created and
recreated by limited human minds
understanding of the universe that
We are part and little can
open your mind does not believe anything he reasons
Here is the official interview
one of the journalists who have been
so following the case would be together
with other scientific researchers
international and in this channel
we will be following this impressive
another good argument that the
universe is filled with the tie beam
ends and connection here with other
around the globe
draw their conclusions
yourselves and judge and producer today
as are good night to be no
even I know a little bit like like like
road because what can not
mean what they say enfin again and
joyce tell me please because
let 's say that you have not told me what
you can tell because there is also a
but confidentiality agreement
people understand a bit of a
I could just find
a little knowledge revolution that
it has on the links in the
evolution of man and
indeed there would have been or say
aliens or whether it would be a
Figure of evolution and man
a missing link that would be
they would have found tell us a
some people must be very curious
briefly a few months ago Nazca
some mummies have found form
Humanoid Humanoid because he made
humans because it resembles
always we have a reference to
the governing does not have the same shape
we humans but they are not
They have less bone characteristics
similar and share many similarities
but they are different
It is as if these payrolls belong
to a different lineage we come
ok nonprimate a line parallel
as his great coexisted two types of
intelligent beings at some point
ok how to disappear or where they came from
at different where there is
imposed precisely which became
just what we know today as
something like the remains are there or
obviously they have months already
- safety assessment and have
that these mummies found
because they are real that effectively
made an organic body and not because there
know any culture or earlier or what
I who built this based on
ceramic or some material reviewed
and when I saw them immediately
outside it looks like clay
when we arrived at the x - ray we saw all
bone structure now had to
confirm that bone structure has
use that he was alive then
analyzed forensic
Anthropologists biologists people
I do not know this and that is dedicated
long is even people
official circuit of science
ok has been able to analyze and give their
testimony have been surprised
they did not know how to categorize this
because you dare tell your directly
it could be say a figure
it has nothing to do with
I am I know this history channel
a channel that 's not in GDP and
Cablemás and beautiful and people step by
I have friends there who love to walk or
this battle but we see things
you told me that both were in that
line because you discard the figure
estatut not ruled out I just
I can talk about what I know of what
I know what I know as a journalist
you share this view only
we can speak based on evidence
the facts the facts tell me that
the mummies are real which are two
species is not even a
are two distinct species two
sizes and how many girlfriends there are four
are four women from one species
small and one larger than the
only management dimensions or
also it has is not only other
totally different characteristics
but they themselves are like figuration
kinship but they have hands - free feet
hand is more appears every indication that
even they walked and breathed with
the ancient Peruvians no longer have the
adaptation of some of them but
You must be confirmed by the three
dedicated to objects laboratories are
old dogs that just have
found that in our country and that
I ask you do you can not
back they are similar and there is some
what relationship it is found
and what appears in this group could
explain many things that history
Traditional has said as they are
mythological beings when they see those three
fingers around some say they were the
Table crossing and negredo orchestras
Found has features
could explain into account
efe photographs or that I am a
interviewee who is getting lousy
recontra ministry has a theme
This confidentiality is
deepening with investigations
both of scientists from several countries
and when it will be able to present
there are scientists at least five
countries participating in this
I am as a witness journalist
This has me the speed with which
is being
I'm not doing it my own
investigations and samples
I could have taken biological
found by the biologist was
analyzing even found
Parasites that many beings
we in the intestines and it was a
replica could have up to
Parasites may have traces of the
food she ate all we could
see in the biological test but takes
It is incredible that our country with all
the amount archaeological heritage
we can not do tests
carbon -  for example until about
years will look like a jazz have
out already but they have had to take
small samples or clear in the
laboratory other countries already have
we must have results not
I share but they are very old or
then they are very old
I can not say when but
I would be in some way connected with
harsh and Inca culture provides in that
some time and today the two
majoritarian older values but
the truth that everything and tells me
It is also confirmed
scientifically that it is precisely
organic beings ie are not
no replica doll Perky year
no no they are or were living
They breathed and even they could have
shared the land with some
Blue pre - Inca cultures of the south
our country justly
They would link with kidney problems
clear information is that they are not
that old but can not draw
or whether they represented many things
they had in their loader environment
habits draws four years
Spain and draw a couple of bread or
but hand and it shows not only in
tacna in Arequipa in atacama
We have seen similar figures in Armenia
close to Iraq in australia in states
attached figures when no joyce
when to get to know this topic
When I say the secret is not lifted
confidentiality and finally what will
happen after that you can say
images to inform the
photography and results
Tests that have made calculations
before me before the end of the month should be
be doing public is based on a
press conference which will
all indications show all
tests everything that has been done and goes
to make a series of reports
documentaries to account for all
this week we can imagine
to make a contact to
have access to what information here
let's make it clear and above all
important is that the more they will
put in the hands of the state because it does not
we can finish us tests
we wanted because we want to
An incision is cut out but not
you can because it is patrimony of the country
ok but a warrior comes next
that Tomase disrepair because
state has or commands and once
has countrymen in a warehouse or the
some country offices in an agreement it
They will make really tontitos
Andean brought down as the theme of
Machu Picchu but so you can
precisely investigates all subjects and
to get to the bottom truth
clear why I am confident that the
authorities of our country will take
the seriousness it deserves because this is
a contribution from Peru to science
world is not only our heritage
It is something unique that has usually fallen
in the hands of some other governments
It has been silenced countries and has been
covered is the first time you are in
independent hands today a
ong very responsible that you are handling
heritage care also not
You can say what yet but ok
I know that they are doing with
approach to treatment we
I had to get dressed as doctor
gloves and a set of protocols for
maintain the heritage and protected by
What if I say it is a great contribution
for science and hopefully this the
true that we use in science
the country is . percent of GDP and
run first have to change that
issue a month and that the process
just to see the information and
well hopefully this can continue and green
actually that it's the last
which he did not last because of
true that I've played here
also as a journalist this lends
but for many interpretations
I was looking for fraud this the
weakness point that can
narrating and so far not found
right really going to do what
we must investigate and if so
we will come and explain if
or finally they found but
% have reflection fraud
meira appears also tell you we
always he gave many thanks
We do not see the day Monday Weekend
eight hours
