

「202X年-ソラカラの黙示録」Vol.3- UAAIの及川さんって一体誰?"202X-The Apocalypse from the Sky" official YouTube manga

2020-06-21 00:00:10 | 日記
理想国家日本の条件 さんより転載です。
official sorakara
202X年-空からの黙示録はYouTube漫画です。"202X-The Apocalypse from the sky" Vol.3
Weekend Oikawa UFOs, aliens, apocalypse stories-"202X-Apocalypse from the Sky" official YouTube
"202X-Apocalypse from the Sky" is the official YouTube program. Please watch using the YouTube translation function.
This is a program where international politician YouTuber Yukihisa Oikawa examines UFOs, aliens, and apocalypse with alien "Amabie".
In this program, we will examine the truth of UFOs and aliens by verifying photographs and data, checking experiences, etc.
By the way, why did the coronavirus pandemic happen?
Is it a coincidence? or was it somebody's intention? We believe that aliens are involved behind the corona pandemic.
We will understand these in the latest books, news, and interviews.
This project is based on the idea of religion called Happy science, but it is not an official program.
The manga "202X-Apocalypse from the Sky" will be delivered on Friday night at 22:00.
Please enjoy this program.
And please subscribe to the channel.
"202X-Apocalypse from the sky" Vol.3
202X-Apocalypse from the sky is a YouTube manga.
This work is an original manga that has been released for free every week since June 5, 2020.
Why did the coronavirus pandemic happen? Is it a coincidence? Was it somebody's intention? What is the apocalypse behind the corona pandemic?
What is UFO? What is an alien? And what is the ongoing apocalypse? The great prophecies of Nostradamus should have gone wrong, but a new apocalypse may have begun.
We will read and understand the world's pandemic and abnormal weather that are happening now with manga.
In addition, we are collaborating with the popular YouTuber Mr. Yukihisa Oikawa, and we are also producing another program that will make the story world even more enjoyable.
Please enjoy this program.
"202X-Apocalypse from the Sky" will be delivered every Friday at 22:00.
Oikawa's other program will be delivered every Friday at 21:00 pm. The English version will be delivered one day later at 22:00.
Please subscribe to the channel.
「202X年-ソラカラの黙示録」Vol.3- UAAIの及川さんって一体誰?"202X-The Apocalypse from the Sky" official YouTube

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