


2020年03月26日 05時54分02秒 | 相続

Dear Participant,

We regret to announce that, due to the worldwide situation related to COVID-19 and related factors, the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, scheduled to be held in Kyoto, Japan on 20-27 April 2020, will be postponed to an as yet undetermined later date. We expect that the General Assembly will formalize the postponement soon. UNODC and the Host Country Japan are in consultation on possible new dates and are working closely with the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which serves as preparatory body for the Congress. Additional information will be shared in due course.

Updated information, including the new dates of the Congress, various deadlines and other changes made eventually, will be announced in due course on our website: www.crimecongress.org.

Follow us also on Twitter for updates @CrimeCongressUN.

For all inquiries from Non-Governmental Organizations, please contact the Secretariat of the Congress through the Civil Society Team (cst-crimecongress@un.org). For all other inquiries, please contact the Secretariat of the Congress (unodc-congress@un.org).

With many thanks and kind regards,

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