読み流してくださいдо свидания!Но я всегда будет здесь.


2010-04-30 08:40:13 | white lies
Good morning.

I've never seen this video before.
Has anyone?
Daum tv팟 - White Lies - performing at the NME 2009 Big Gig - 동영상
It's on Korean site, the video itself was filmed early 2009
but just has been uploaded 29 April.
Maybe I missed it or something...
I think it's a very nice video with interview.

I hear Harry saying
"We definitely grew up with Franz Ferdinand"
Am I correct?
He also they are talking about The Cure...
Very nice interview.
And I want that Gibson guitar with signatures!
No, too late, couldn't have had any chance anyway...
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Unknown (YAL)
2010-05-01 10:05:28
It's nice to hear that!

I'm sorry about -sama, I always call everyone with it,
I'll try to leave that from next time :)
Recoverd (telyas)
2010-05-01 08:35:44
Thanks, I am recovered.

Please... no need for -sama (or -san)
Unknown (YAL)
2010-05-01 01:27:52
telyas-sama, thank you very much!
I'm relieved that it was correct :)

I'm very happy to hear them talking nice things about Franz Ferdinand because I'm a big fan of FF and actually this is the 1st time I hear them talking about FF.

BTW are you recovered from your cold?
I hope you are fine now, please take care!

Again, thank you very much :)
yes, you are correct (telyas)
2010-04-30 22:21:14
Yes, he does talk about growing up with Franz Ferdinand.
Especially the first album.

The Cure... - It seems the interview was given at a music festival where Cure were the main event.


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