


2009-03-30 03:03:52 | アメリカ小学校事情


The Hollow Tree: A short story about a cat’s life

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Sunset felt the cool breeze ruffle his light orange pelt as he walked through the moist forest. He heard the tree’s let out a moan as the wind blew their leaves. His paws felt the wet sticky grass. Then he heard the sound of rain hitting the moist grounds. He looked up to relieve his day had gone bad to horrible. It had started to rain. It was a rather cold rain that fell quickly suddenly he heard a clap of thunder. A sudden bold of lightening hit a tall fir tree. Sunset dodged the fall just in time! The tree surprisingly looked like a purrfecct (perfect) place to camp. It seems as if it was calling to him. Camp here, camp here! By a stroke of luck it was a great hollow den with leaves at the bottom. Creeping inside the cat Sunset lay down and drifted of to sleep.

“Sunset wake up!” Morning birds. He got up and stretched nose to tail. He was as hungry as a bear so he skinned the ground. As he did he saw rustling in the bushes. It peeped its small head out of the bush. Nothing but a reed mouse but sunset was so hungry he felt he could eat a whole fox. He dashed over to it and jumped at it. Caught it thought Sunset. As he began to feast on the mouse he heard a low hiss “Why are you on our territory? Why?”

Sunset lifted his head eagerly and saw what had hissed at him. It was a cat not much bigger than him with golden eyes and mousey brown fur. Sunset began to meow something but all of sudden the cat meowed something like “If I let you stay in the tribe will you be my friend?” Sunset meows curiously “What is the tribe? And yes I will be your friend. But Why?”The cat mewed sadly “My only friend is Star. I’m Light.” “I am Sunset” he returned “I have never had a friend.” “Then follow me” meowed Light. Sunset followed the cat towards a small area near the tree where he camped. He could not believe he had not noticed the area full of cats before!

As he approached they all stopped and stared. He heard murmurs of Who is that? Or Why is he here? An angry meow hissed “Light you foolish cat. What have you done this time!” Before Light could say something another voice rose “Peace Night peace Light no quarrelling” meowed the voice. A cat from the crowed yelped “Light did not quarrel it was Night.” “Hush Star” the voice meowed again “Why have you brought this cat, Light?” “He has come to join the forest tribe!” meowed Light proudly. “His name is Sunset.” “Greeting Sunset I am Sky” Sky called “Welcome to the forest tribe. I am leader of it.” “Greeting Sky” Sunset meowed. “Thank you for welcoming me.”

The cat called “Welcome Sunset” “Welcome” some other tribe cats meow Sunset was happy to be a part of the forest tribe. And really happy to have friends family. Meeting Light changed his life. And that true. It was made for him. It was his birthplace.

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